Movement in the world Pt2. CP EX1 (2/7)


As a rule I have always written several dialogues in my chapters. Here I wanted to try to make very few dialogues and more history. Sorry for my slow publication.


In the past year, the CP EX1 had decided to take a break pending Asdrerd. Despite pausing, some members continued to work to catch the Color Criminal, while others had returned to their family or otherwise went somewhere to relax.

CP EX1 was mainly divided into two factions.

The first faction was charged with finding out information about the Color Criminal and passing that information on to the World Government and the second faction.

The first faction had 4 of the 7 official agents of the CP EX1. This first part of the organization also had many Marines that could be used at will.

Each of the four members had power or talent suited to the quest for the Color Criminal.

The four members were obviously: Lunaska, Rosa, Zark, and Loppy.

The second faction was in charge of capturing the Color Criminal. It was a group formed only by the remaining three officers of the CP EX1, experts in combat.

Currently, the first faction was on hiatus, although in the phone calls they always claimed to be looking for information on the criminal. This was possible thanks to Asdrerd, who passed on information such as gender, age, and other basic information of the Color Criminal.

While the second faction continued to create techniques that could counteract the known abilities of their main enemy.


Zark did not want to return to Tratara Island. He didn't dare to see Mr. Pocy.

In addition, Lunaska and Rosa had returned to their families. Not knowing where to go and what to do, he decided to follow Loppy.

In this year, he learned to know his partner better. They knew each other from childhood but Zark did not remember ever speaking to her since they were both experiments.

They were currently on Loppy's home island. It was an island like many others, only that they idolized cats.

Loppy told Zark that she had never known her real parents. However, she remembers that the cats took care of her. Of course, she had also received help from many other people on the island, but she had always lived in the cat temple, she considered it her home.

Zark and Loppy were wandering the island, like every day.

All the people greeted the two with much respect, this because Loppy was considered the girl chosen by the cats, she was a sort of princess for them.

Upon returning home, Loppy ran to the cats, and cats ran to Loppy.

Seeing the scene, Zark smiled. Spending a year together, Zark had developed feelings for the girl. Although he had never experienced anything like this, he was sure it was love. He loved the wild but gentle behavior of the girl; he loved to see her play with cats. In short, he found it pleasant to spend time with her. A different feeling from what he felt from Pocy. He found the time spent with Pocy pleasant, but he saw it more as a father figure.

He had only recently realized that he loves Loppy, but he didn't know how to reveal these feelings.

While he was thinking about all these things, a voice had awakened him.

"What's Nya on Zark?" Loppy had seen Zark stare at nothing for several minutes.

Although it was not easy to understand Loppy since she replaced a whole word with her "Nya" in each sentence, Zark could understand it perfectly, but he did not even understand how. He found her way of speaking adorable.

"Oh! No... Nothing. I was thinking about the past..." replied Zark.

Loppy came over and licked him on the cheek, which surprised Zark.

"Nya your spirits up! Do you remember the Nya you made to me when we were kids?"

'Promise? What promise?' Zark did not remember that very well the years spent in the laboratory.

"Even if Nya don't remember, I remember perfectly! You saved me and even though I was too young to understand your promise, now I can Nya it."

Loppy jumped and caressed Zark's head. Once she landed, she resumed the speech.

"Nya am willing to start a family with you and raise our puppies!"

"Nya Nya Nya Nya Nya Nya Nya Nya Nya Nya Nya!" Once Loppy's statement was heard, the cats began to meow.




In a square room, 20 children sat against the walls. The room was devoid of furniture. The only thing that could be noticed was a metal door.

All these children had a dead look; they did not understand why they had to undergo all this.

They were all young and the youngest was a girl with a small cat on her head. She was also the only one with a smile.

The only noise you could hear was the cat's and the girl's laughter. The little girl played with the cat, pampered him, and spent the whole day with him.

The children did not understand how she managed to have the strength to smile. They thought that she was privileged and never undergone the torture they had suffered.

Zark was with those children, and he did not understand how that little girl could smile.

They could only go out once a day, that is, only when the metal door would open. However, leaving this room meant taking part in the experiment, so they preferred to stay here. They would have been bored but at least they would not have felt that pain.

(Author Note: They could also go out to go to the bathroom)

Like every day, the door opened and just heard the noise of the door, all the children backed away. Some hid behind other children; others threw themselves on the ground to hide their faces, hoping that they could forget about them.

While some were doing their best not to be chosen, others were sitting quietly, knowing that they could not escape their fate.

Only one girl still had a smile and was not at all afraid. Every day the guard came in and brought out three children, or rather, two random children and the strange girl.

That day was no different; the guard chose the girl and then chose a seated boy and another boy who had thrown himself on the ground.

The three children followed the guard. Arriving in front of a door, the guard knocked and once he received the permission, he let the two children enter, and then he took the girl to another side. Seeing the scene, the children felt jealous of the girl treatment.

Once the door closed, the two children began to cry and scream, while cursing the luck of the little girl, who would not have suffered all this.

These children were injected with a liquid substance through a puncture. This substance unknown to children was the liquid part of the Devil Fruit.

Scientists wanted to try sharing the power of the fruit to as many subjects as possible. The fruit chosen for this research was a fruit based on art. He who financed the project was a lover of paintings and personally witnessed the experiments.

Whenever a child could not use the power of the fruit, a number was engraved on his back for each mistake. Once the six errors were reached, the child was forced to receive another dose of the substance. It was painful, but the most painful thing was to know that this thing would last a lifetime.

Once the experiments were over, they were taken to another room, where they were forced to paint. This for two main reasons:

1- To understand the base of the fruit.

2- To satisfy the public who came to see these children paint. Thinking it was a kind of school for artists.

The audience itself decreed the winner, giving a monetary value to the two paintings.

The painting he would win was auctioned off to the public.

Once the demonstration was over, the child who had drawn better could go back to the room; the loser had to be punished with whipping to make them understand that it was better to draw better.

When the second child returned from torture, he saw the girl returned with the cat. The girl had no whip marks and she was smiling.

The boy was increasingly jealous, imagining the treatment of the girl.

Before entering the room, the boy thought of a way to be able to remove that smile from the face of this annoying little girl.

Once the girl saw the child entering the room, she stroked the cat and shed a tear before entering the room. Feeling the girl's mood, the cat licked the girl face in affection.


1485 Words.

Next Chapter: Movement in the World Pt.3 Zark and Loppy