Movement in the world Pt3. Zark and Loppy (3/7)


A little advice to those who want to start writing on this site. Use only what the site offers, so no external characters or colors, it's a mess to implement everything without errors.

Unfortunately, the site limits the personalization of its works.

Having said that I will go back to writing in a standard way, which also applies to the old chapters.

Enjoy the reading.

It will be a very heavy chapter. If you are eating I advise you not to read it. It won't even have much impact on history; the story will be understood anyway.

There is too much violence in this chapter, luckily it will be the last one with such dark tones for a while.


Time passed and many children died, others had gone mad and the guards had taken them away. Due to the few numbers, other children were imported.

The girl knew everyone hated her, but she continued to smile.

Zark, who was curious, tried to approach the girl and talked to her. The little girl was called Loppy and her cat was called Yello because of his yellow color, besides this, she said nothing else.

Loppy was a little girl with short red hair, and her eyes were purple.

Zark did not understand this girl. He began to think that perhaps she was the owner's daughter and for this reason, she was not tortured like them.

A few days ago, a group of children designed a plan to escape. The next day an old man came in and took all the group of those boys and Loppy with him. After several days, only Loppy returned, always with a smile on her face.

Everyone thought of the same thing. Loppy had heard their plan and reported it to someone at the facility. Lately Loppy could also come out the door.

The options were two:

1- She was the daughter of someone important in the structure.

2- He had agreed to ensure his safety in exchange for keeping the other imprisoned children under control.

The children decided to take revenge. When the girl left the room, they agreed to make her suffer.

"She's always smiling; the only way to make her suffer is to take away her fun!" Said the boy from the last chapter.

"You mean the cat?"

"Where do we hide it?"

"She's the only one who has been able to bring something from the outside, it's not fair!"

Several children said their opinion, while a boy older than the rest of the children came forward with a smile.

"You are too tender. The only way is to kill the cat!"

"Huh? Aren't you going too far?"

"Poor cat..."


Since no one wanted to agree with his plan, the boy told to turn the cat over to the guards. He would have thought of everything.

The next day Zark and the older boy were chosen.

A girl with long black hair managed to convince Loppy to let the kitten play with her. The cat tried to rebel, his instinct was screaming for danger.

As always, the two children were taken to the room where they were tested, while Loppy was taken somewhere else.

Zark admired this older guy. He had never heard him shout and always won all the painting competitions, even if no one had ever seen his paintings.

Also this time he remained undefeated. Once he received the permit, he was escorted by the guard to return to the cell. Once inside he smiled at the girl whit the black hairs and took the cat.

Then he went out with the little girl saying that being the oldest he would take care of the dirty work.

This while Zark underwent the classic torture.


Loppy was sitting on the ground looking towards an old man.

"Proceed!" The old man ordered to the three guards in the room.

Two guards had the task of keeping Loppy immobilized, while the last one tore her eye. Soon after, a strange doctor with a mask treated her. At the simple touch, the little girl stopped bleeding.

"Why don't you scream? Let me hear your screams!" The old man shouted.

Meanwhile, a scientist injected a strange liquid into her eye. Then pass it on to the doctor who would put it back.

As he was about to put the girl's eye, the door opened.

"Oooooooo my grandchildren!" The old man ran to the boy and girl who had volunteered to watch over the other children.

"Greetings Grandpa!" The two said.

Loppy heard the cat cry and turned, looking with one eye at the door.

The boy was holding the cat.

"Grandfather, did she cry or did she complain about the pain?"

"Unfortunately not ..."

Approaching Loppy, the girl smiled and said, "Do you care so much about the life of these beasts?"

Loppy smiled and looked at the girl in the face.

'Ahh! I want to see that smile disappear!' The girl thought in her mind.

Shortly thereafter, she did unthinkable things for a girl her age.

She went over to Loppy and forcefully took her second eye out. While doing this, she had a manic smile on her face.

"C-Carol what are you doing?" The old man approached trying to stop his granddaughter. Loppy was the perfect cavy, he could not lose her this way. He had never opposed torture and the agreement because he also loved to see the kids screaming and losing their hopes, but he had never done anything that could endanger Loppy's life.

Since the first test, Loppy has shown an ability to absorb the liquid of the fruit over 95%, a surprising result. Since her body was able to hold most of the fruit, they tried to insert the rest of the liquid into the eyes, which has so far yielded very few results.

Although it was not the first time he detached her left eye, he was afraid that the girl could die from the pain, since the pain derived from two eyes on one occasion was excessive.

When the old man approached, he stopped moving.

'That look...' Once he saw Carol look, he thought for a moment of his son, the father of his two grandchildren.

"Doctor, hurry!" The old man yelled at the doctor.

Before the doctor could approach, Carol licked the freshly torn eye.

"Ah! It's really the best!"

Seeing the scene, his brother wet his pants with fear.

Carol saw her brother fall to the ground and wet his pants.

"Larry, you're too tender, I'll tell Dad!"

The old man was afraid. He had tortured many people in his life, he had seen tens of thousands of people die in the most painful ways possible, but he had never experienced this feeling.

Carol then watched the blood spill from Loppy's eye socket for a few minutes, waiting to hear the screams of pain.

Nothing! Loppy could not see anything and felt tremendous pain, but she smiled.

This is because they had promised her that as long as she smiled, they would never harm the cats locked up in the cage. They were the cats of her native island. They were her family. The thought of losing them or seeing them suffer was much more painful than this insignificant physique pain.

Carol told the doctor to stop the bleeding. She had other plans, and Loppy needed alive! Carol wanted to see Loppy scream. She couldn't let her die!

After a few minutes after the doctor had inserted the first eye, under Carol's order, Loppy regained her sight.

Loppy saw her other eye shattered on the ground, but continued to smile.

Carol took a knife and cut Loppy's ear away.

Shortly after seeing her still smiling, Carol took Yello and started laughing.

"Do you love these beasts so much? Okay, let's see what you think of this!" After saying this, Carol had immobilized Yello on a table and tore his eyes.

Seeing and hearing the poor cat scream, Loppy pours a tear of blood from his one eye.

"These were not the agreements. *Sniff Sniff * "

Hearing Loppy cry and complain, Carol laughed.

"You're complaining! Rightttttttttttttttt?"

"Don't worry, from today you will live with them!"

She injected the liquid into the cat's eyes and then inserted them into Loppy's cavities.

Then she tore up all the cats in the cages and built a giant hat with their skins. Then with the help of the doctor, she made it sew from Loppy's missing ear.

Now he looked like a normal giant hat, nobody would find out about this.

"Remember we know where you were born. You won't have to say anything to the other kids!"

Loppy had already seen that they would not respect the agreements. However, what else could she do? She still had hope.

By now, he had his spirit destroyed. He saw all the cats die, the only one alive was Yello, even if in a pitiful state.

She didn't believe she could suffer more than that.

For this reason, she decided to sacrifice herself for all the other children. She didn't want others to suffer like her, just because she could absorb the liquid from the fruit.

With a new agreement, she took Yello in her arms and returned to the closed room.

Nobody noticed that Zark saw everything from the laboratory door, left open by the two children.

Zark had returned to the room shortly after hearing Loppy talk about the new deal.

Once inside she smiled as usual. Everyone was wondering about the new hat Loppy had on his head. They were jealous of yet another gift she had received instead of torture.

Zark came over and hugged her. Then he whispered something to her, "I can't understand your pain, but I can promise you one thing! We will create a litter of kittens together! "

Zark intended to save all the cats kept in captivity and create a kingdom where cats could live happily. After witnessing the scene, he felt ashamed that he doubted Loppy. She had suffered much more torture than they did, yet she kept smiling. He wasn't sure why, but he wanted to see her real smile. Now he understood why he found this little girl's smile annoying, because it was false.


1721 Words.

Next chapter: Movement in the World Pt4. Rosa and Lunaska vacation.