What Did I just ...?

I open the door as slow as I can to avoid making a sound. When I enter my apartment, Jennifer is sitting on the couch, crossing her legs while her hands are spreading on the back of the couch.

"Why haven't you slept ?" I ask her.

"We need to talk," she says in serious tone.

"Okay, I feel like I was doing something bad and you caught me, while all I did was catching the man who wanted to kill you," I say to her carefully.

"Did you manage to catch him then ?" she asks. I stand across from her. Somehow my instinct tells me it is not safe to sit next to her.

"No. I mean, yes, I did. But then he killed him self," I tell her the truth.

She widens her eyes. "Killed him self ?" she repeats my words. Suspicion is clearly heard from her voice.

"Yes. I forced him to give me the name of the man who ordered him to kill you. But instead of giving me a name, he bit his tongue off and chocked to die by his own blood," I explain to her. She stays silent.

"Something's wrong ?" I braven my self to prick the balloon of anger she has.

"How could you find him ?" She starts interrogating me.

"I have a genius team member, okay. She managed to track him down," I answer.

"Don't lie to me !" she rebukes me then turns my laptop to face me. The monitor is filled with dozens of small windows, all are showing streamed video.

"I'm not lying to you. That is how she tracked him. She remotely used my laptop.."

"And hack the traffic database ?" she completes my explanation.

"Well, yes.."

She bulges her eyes."And you don't feel bad at all ?" she asks.

"Why should I ?" I ask her back.

"Because you were breaking the law !!" she yells at me. "Hacking is stealing.."

"Hey.. we didn't steal anything. We were just peeking the videos that flowed to the database. You can check to the traffic department, all those videos are still..."

"It is still against the law !!"

"I did it to protect you, okay ?!" I bark her back. "It's not that I used it for something horri.."

"It is still wrong !"

"So what do you want ? You want to turn me to the cop ?" I challenge her.

"Is this how you've done your projects ? By breaking the laws on its way ? I mean.. obviously you didn't feel guilty about it, not even a slight. It's like.. it is something that you usually do." Instead of answering my question, she questions my job.

I definitely can't argue since it is exactly what she said. "I can't tell you about my job," I avoid to answer.

"Why ? Because I was right, wasn't I ?"

"No," I lie, "Because they are secretive. My projects are based on trust. I can not talk about them to anyone outside my team. Not even you."

"Because they were breaking the laws.."

I sigh. "We're done talking. I'm sleeping on couch tonight," I forcefully end the conversation.

"You don't need to. I'm moving to a hotel," she declares and starts to stand up and goes to my room. I follow her.

"You may not !" I disallow her.

"Why not ?" She grabs a suitcase she just bought.

"You are still in danger !"

"You said it your self that the killer is death. Or, did you also lie about it ?"

"He was only an assassin. The man who wants you die is still out there. He can easily order another assassin to kill you," I explain to her. She stops filling her suitcase with her clothes.

I approach her and put my hands on her shoulders. "I'm sorry. I did broke the laws. But I only did it to protect you. There is no way we could find that man when we used legal methods," I begin to coax her. She swipes my hands. "Let me protect you" I tell her softly, "please.."

"Tell me, did you really not kill that man ?" she asks.

"I swear to you, I didn't kill him."

She sighs. "This is your place. I'm the one who is sleeping on the couch," she finally says, unwilling to be denied. Jennifer then goes to a wardrobe where I put my extra sheets and blankets and takes a blanket out of it.




My painful scream is echoed by Jennifer's scream.

"What are you doing there ?!?!" she asks in surprised to see me sleeping on the floor, right below the couch. I don't answer her immediately as my head is still aching.

"Are.. are you in pain ?" she asks with worry to see me wince in pain. I nod. "Was it the scorpion dream again ?" she asks again, which I answer with another nod.

She quickly goes down on the floor and wraps her arms around me. I rest my head on her chest and close my eyes. The pain is slowly disappearing. "I'm fine," I eventually whisper to her after some minutes have passed.

"Are you sure ?" she asks. I nod to confirm. "Thank goodness," she says in relieved.

"Why were you screaming back then ? Was it another nightmare ?" I ask her. She shakes her head.

"I was just surprised to find you slept on the floor," she answers. "I haven't had nightmare since you were missing. I guess my worry toward you erased the trauma."

"I'm sorry I made you worry," I whisper to her.

"It's okay. Why were you sleeping on the floor ?" she then asks.

"You don't want to sleep on my bed. I don't mind sleeping on the floor, as long as you're beside me," I tell her.

"You ..." She loses her words. I kiss her neck. "You're a charmer. You know that ?" she rebukes me but letting my lips placing kiss all over her neck and ears.

"Were you really in pain or was it just your trick ?" she asks. I kiss her lips then smirk.

"What do you think ?" I answer her with a question then continues my kisses.



"I want another round," she whispers to my ear seductively.

"Your wish is my command, My Queen," I whisper back to her. I expect a passionate kiss from her, instead she just gives me a quick kiss then goes to south.

The protest I'm about to utter is vanished when I feel her kiss on the head of my buddy. I sigh pleasantly as she takes the whole shaft into her mouth. Her tongue is twirling around it then sucks it. I moan as I feel it immediately erects and grows inside her mouth.

The desire is building fast. I need to tunnel it. I grab her waist and put it on top of my head. Then I start licking her opening cave. It is still wet from her previous orgasm. I open her labia with my two fingers before inserting my stiffen tongue in.

I thrust my tongue inside her, deliberately avoid her nut so she can hold longer. She pauses her activity to moan but then she continues with extra deligence.

I grab her butt to help me push my tongue deeper to her cave. "Babe.. babe," she whimpers to beg me. It makes me flick my tongue faster. She can no longer playing with my shaft as she is busy gasping for air. Her body is trembling and eventually releases a clear liquid all over my face.

She turns her body to face me. "I wanna ride you," she says after kissed me.

"Put a condom first," I tell her. She obeys me. Grabbing a condom from the coffee table, tear its seal then rolls it on my shaft.

She guide my throbbing buddy inside her wet vagina then sits on me. We both gasp when her muscles sucks my buddy in instant.

She moves her hip backward and forward slowly. Her eyes are shut and she bites her lower lip. "It's so good," she murmurs, rubbing her body sensually.

"Jump on me," I order her as my hip moves to thrust her. She does it and screams in pleasure. She does it repeatedly, in rhythm with my hip.

I grab her breasts, squeeze her nipples in exasperation. She moans. Her eyes is still closing as she jumps faster.

I raise my upper body, meet her in sitting position. She rounds her legs on my waist.

"Oh.. yes.. baby.. yes.. yes.. yess!!" She screams as my hip thrusts in her faster and deeper. She then bites my shoulder, can only receive my movement. "I'm coming.. God, I'm coming!!" Not long, she bites me harder before makes another come.

Her muscles' movement makes me go crazy. Without waiting for her to catch a breath, I lay her on the floor and keep thrusting her furiously.

"You're a beast, babe.. Yes.. that's the spot.. Aach.. That's good, Babe.. Faster.. faster..Oh, God.. Yes.. God.. yess!!"

I lift her right leg, put it on my shoulder so I can thrust her deeper. She screams random words that I don't understand as my animal instinct takes over me.

I hear my own voice screaming and groaning, my eyes are blur. I just keep on penetrate her, even at the deepest, I still want to make it deeper. I feel a great wave is building inside me. "Jen!! Jen!!!" I shout out her name.

"Scott!! I'm coming, Scott!!" she shouts back at me. Both of our eyes are now closed. My hip just fastens its movement.

The wave is coming from my core, huge and fast. I feel like drowning. I open my mouth gasping for air while Jennifer shouting out my and God's name in one sentence.

While catching my breath, my hip is still jolting in reflect, emptying my sperm load. Her muscles is also still contracting. I open my eyes, blurry looking at her beautiful face. Her eyes is stil closed with a frown on top of them. I kiss her open lips tenderly. "I love you," I murmur to her.

I'm stunned hearing the words I just said. What did I just .. ? I roll away from her and close my eyes can not bare my shameful act. I can hear her shifting her body toward me.

"I love you, too," she whispers to my ear and kiss my cheek. Then she places her head on the nook of my shoulder.
