Ninja Assassin

I approach an apartment building where the CCTV captured that man for the last time. It is not an expensive apartment where they hire security. Instead, it has a door that can only be opened with the resident's keys.

So I wait near the door for a resident to come in or out. Lucky me, less than five minutes, there is someone who is about to come out of the building.

I take my phone and pretend to make a call. When that person is coming out, I smile to him a little while my other hand holding on the door that is now open. Once the man is out of the building, I enter it.

I walk to the most end unit where it is near the elevator, and knock the door. The door is opened and an old lady comes out.

"Yes ?" she asks.

"Good evening, Ma'am. I'm Thomas Wang, a D.E.A," I greet her, showing her my DEA ID, which of course is fake.

"D.E.A ?"

"Yes, Ma'am. We are searching for this man," I show her the sketch face of the man, "he is a fugitive of a drug case. We believe he is hiding in this building for months since he ran away from the prison."

The old lady's eyes are widened while her hand covers her mouth. "I saw him few times when he was about to take the elevator. He seems to be a nice man."

"Usually fugitives are," I say to her calmly.

"Well, I don't know what floors he lives, but he always uses the right elevator, so he must be on the odd floor. The left one is for the even floors," the lady informs me.

"Thank you for your information, Ma'am," I tell her, hiding my disappointment. This is a 30 floors building. With her information, I still need to check 15 floors.

"Or.. why don't you ask Mr. Wembley ? He is the manager of this building. He lives next door," the woman adds.

"Thank you for your help, Ma'am," I thank her again with more spirit.

"Good luck, officer. I wish you don't get hurt," she says then bless me with a cross sign. What a sweet woman.

I meet Mr. Wembley and tell him the same story as to the old lady. I randomly say that the man's name is Travis Judge. Mr. Wembley recognizes his face, but says that is not the name that the man's ID on, instead his name is Albert Dwight. I say to him, that it must be a fake ID.

Mr. Wembley believes me. He then gives me the man's unit number. I tell him to be quiet since I want to catch him secretively so it won't scare other residents. He agrees with me.

According to Mr. Wembley, the man's unit is 1507. Within minutes I'm already in front of his unit. With gun on my hand, I'm still deciding should I knock on his door or just kick in. I finally choose the latter.

Once I kick it hard, the door is opened with a loud voice. I immediately enter, pointing the gun at the man who is about to run. "Don't move !" I shout to him. He immediately stops and raises his hands.

On the coffee table there are bandage, medicines, tong, knife, fibrin glue, and a bullet among them. That must be Bob's bullet. So he is wounded. No wonder he went to the pharmacy a while ago.

"Who.. who are you ?" He asks, wincing in pain. Albert Dwight, or whoever he is, wearing an black long sleeves and black jeans, He either dyed his hair black or eyebrows blond. They don't match

"I'm the one with gun. So It's should be me who has the right to ask questions," I bark at him. He goes silent immediately. I approach him, still pointing my gun to his head.

"Actually, I only have one question: who orders you to kill Jennifer McCourtney ?" I ask him directly. He smirks.

"Who said that I do it because someone ordered me to ?" he asks back.

"Because we are the same. We only kill for money," I answer him. He widens his eyes for a second.

A step sound is heard. The door is still half open. I put my gun down and hold his arm then pushes him on the couch before I kiss him.

"Are you okay, Alb..," A lady's head pops in the door opening. "Oh, sorry.. I didn't mean to interrupt.. just go ahead.. continue," she says awkwardly after seeing me kissing him. She then quickly pulls her head off and even close the door for us.

"Shit ! You just ruined my reputation," he says to me in upset. I"m surprise he still cares about his reputation when he should know he is about to die. "I like Gina.." he is still grunting.

"Stand up," I ignore him, standing my self up. I then take my gun only to realize it is not where it was. He has a big grin on his face while pointing the gun back at me and slowly standing up. I raise my hands in the air.

"So, you are also an assassin." I nod. "So, you must already knew that I can't give you the answer of your question," he continues, then shrugs. "Well, you can have the answer, but then you will have to die."

"So tell me who gave you order," I tell him. "I can't die without knowing it."

He laughs. "I won't take the risk," he says. Right when his lips are closed, he pulls the trigger with a big smile.

I close my eyes, preparing my self to be hit and even die, because there is no way I can dodge the bullet this close. But very soon I realizes that the bullet haven't got to me. I open my eyes and see the bullet is flying away toward me but slowly. It is slow enough for me to shift my body to dodge it.

Before he realizes what happened, I quickly snatch my gun from him. He widens his eyes, then trying to grab my gun back but I already pointing it at him again.

"How.. ?" He asks in disbelief. I smirk, pretend that what just happened is nothing amazing.

"The name," I order him. A phone on the table rings.

That distraction only makes me glance at it. But the glance is enough for the man to quickly grab his pocket and throws something on the floor that makes smoke bursts out of it. The smoke is blocking my view but I still can see his movement.

He runs out of the room almost like a world-record sprinter. I chase him. He turns his head to back and surprised appears into his eyes when he sees me.

He throws something at me. I manage to dodge it. The thing stuck on the wall an inch beside my ear. It's a star blade.

I quicken my steps, trying to catch him. He throws something at me again. This time not one, but a set of star blades. I try to dodge, but they are too many to handle. One of them hits my left arm while the other nearly cuts my neck.

Ignoring the pain, I keep on running. He enters the emergency exit which I follow immediately. When I through the door, all I hear is a total silent. No step sound.

I carefully place my step, fully alert. My eyes see a drop of blood on the floor. It has an almost perfect circle shape. So I quickly point up my gun to the ceiling.

"Come down! It's over !" I bark to the black ceiling. No response. I shoot my gun to the ceiling.

Suddenly a blood red shade appear, followed by the man's shade. He loses his camouflage ability. A second later, he falls from the ceiling, whining in pain. I shot his wound, the one he just managed to get the bullet out.

"I need the name," I repeat my request. He is now half-laying on the floor. His back leans on the wall. He pushes his disarray hair to the back, showing me his sad smile.

"He will find another assassin. If it is not me, there will always be someones else," He says.

"That's why I need the name," I insist. He chuckles.

"You're good. Really good," he praises me. "But you know what they said.. love is always a downfall of a man."

"The name !"

"You really love her, don't you ? Well, take care of your woman," he continues.


[WARNING 18+ MATERIAL] Bloody Suicide

Before I completely digest his words, he groans in pain then a lot of blood coming out of his mouth.

I quickly reach his mouth, trying to open it, but he forces to keep it close. I can hear he gulps few time. Then he starts to have difficulty of breathing. Still he doesn't want to open his mouth.

"Shit !!" I scold. This man is trying to suicide by bitting his tongue off. I force to open his mouth. I need to open it to prevent him to be choked by his own blood, which that is exactly what is in his mind.

"Open your mouth, Damn it !!" I bark at him. I manage to insert a finger into his mouth. But he is still stubbornly tightens his lips and mouth muscles.

As his strength is weaker, his eyes are slowly rolling back. When I finally manage to open his mouth, he already is not breathing.