
"Hi, Babe," I greet Jennifer as I pop my head in between door opening, with a silly wide grin of course.

"What are you doing here ?" She asks in surprised, pleasant surprised thankfully. She stands and approaches me while I enter her office."You are supposed to be on bed, resting," she scolds me but eventually gives me a kiss.

"I miss you," I tell her then kiss her again. "Can't we have a privacy somewhere ?" I ask her while nibbling her lips.

Her office's wall is made from a clear glass with no shield or anything to cover, while her errands work outside her office.

"No. There is no room to do secret stuff in here," she answers, putting her hands on my chest while her waist below glues against mine. "You pervert," she adds when she feels my bulge.

"You make me one," I whisper to her ear. She giggles.

"Well, you are in bad luck," she says after kissing me. "Lunch is only half hour to go, but.. the presiding judge invited me to discuss a case in his office" she explains. I click my tongue in disappointment.

"So I can't have you as lunch ?" I ask. She giggles again.

"Unfortunately, not. I even will be considered lucky if I have time to have lunch today," she kisses me. "Sorry," she says. I kiss her again.

"That's okay. At least I know that you are hungry enough to eat my sausage tonight," I say to her. She laughs.

"I can't wait to eat it," she whispers then bites her lower lip. I restrain my urge to do it right here right now.

"I better leave now," I utter to her after a big sigh.

"You can stay if you wanted to."

"If I stay any longer, I can't promise not to have you on that desk."

She laughs. "You really are a pervert," she says, gives me a quick kiss. "Okay, go then."

I finally walk out of her office. Now I know she won't be go out for lunch. The car should be back on the parking lot before her office hour ends. On my way out of the building, I call her favorite fried chicken restaurant to order her lunch.


"Hi, Thief. I just sent you a sketch of a face. Can you help me track that person ?" I ask Thief once she picks my phone.

"You already jump on another mission ?! You are supposed to have a total bed rest for at least two weeks!" Thief rebukes me instead. She grows up too fast. Now she often acts like my mother.

"It's not a job. That guy planted bomb under Jen's car," I explain to her.

"And I am resting !" I quickly add before she scolds me. "I've been laying on my couch the whole day. It was Bob and his men who caught him on act but then lost him. Not me!," I tell her, half lying. I am on my couch, but instead of resting I was doing some research on the trick that man used to disappear.

I hear Thief sighing. "So. would you do me a favor? Please.." I beg her.

"I need to attend my father's debate," she says.

"I see.." I murmur, thicken the disappointment in my voice.

"Look, I will remote your computer and put firewall and security then hack traffic department systems from your laptop so you can access every CCTV in town. I will also run a face recognition plug in on the system to help you search that man," Thief finally gives up.

"You really are the .."

"I know," she cuts me. "I just hope she really worth all your efforts."

"What do you mean ?"

"Come on. You're definitely in love to her."

"I'm n.."

"Nanana.. and don't say you are not! Even stupid people can see it, and you know I ain't one."

"You don't agree I'm with her ?" I can hear a bit of jealousy in her voice. Thief sighs.

"I just don't want you to get hurt. She is the exact person you should avoid due to your job.. and hers."

"Don't worry about me, okay. I just don't want her to be killed. I would do the same to everyone I know," I say after being silent for a few seconds.

"I'm going to remote your computer now. I need to prepare for the event less than an hour from now," Thief says before ends our call.


Since Thief only gives me access to traffic department systems, that is the only source where I can find the man's identity. Maybe he got tickets from speeding or something. It doesn't take a long time for the program tells me that the systems doesn't have his identity.

I sigh. Though I knew it only has small chance to give me good news, I still feel a little disappointed.

I glance at the other window in my laptop that are scanning CCTV's streams from all over the city. The program is not hacking the database, but the streamlines where the videos are transferred to the database. The program will give me alert when it recognizes the man so I don't need to stare at it all the time.

So, I open a search engine website and search anything about Ninja. From Bob's man's description of how the culprit disappeared, using smoke as camouflage. I'm guessing he is either a ninja or illusionist. My instinct tells me it is the earlier.

From the sketch, this man doesn't look like having a Japanese race in his blood. But nowadays is more global. Though uncommon, it is not impossible for a white man becomes ninja. I search for some ninjutsu communities in the country. Only two of them have websites, others only give the gym's addresses.

A click sound of the door being opened makes me immediately close the search engine window and open my game.

"I thought you were resting," Jennifer says to me half rebuking when she saw me busy with my laptop instead of sleeping.

"I get bored sleeping too long," I say to her, obviously lying since I haven't closed my eyes since the morning.

"Well, you should have a lot of rest," she responds before kissing me."Thank you for the fried chicken," she adds in between the kiss.

I grin in the kiss we make. "You need energy to catch up my performance. I don't want you to faint in the middle of our.. extreme exercise," I tease her.

"I will out-perform you this time," she utters in confident. I grab her waist, pull her body and roll my body in the same time so she is laying on the couch with me on top of her.

"Are you sure about that ?" I ask, kiss her nose.

"You recover very fast," she says in amused to see my fast move.

I silent her with my kiss. Soon enough, I manage to drop her bolero and shirt on the floor. I then remove my own t-shirt while she unhooks her bra.

My eyes beamed to see at her two beautiful mountains. But before I have a chance to drown my head to one of them, my laptop makes a sound.

I sigh, reluctantly pull my self away from her and open my laptop.

"What is that ?" she asks when she sees the searching application is showed on the monitor.

"I found a suspicious man on your office parking lot today." I decide to tell her the truth. Well, half of the truth.

"My killer ?" She asks.

"Maybe. I'm not sure. He was wandering around your car before.. my man drove him away."

"Your man ?"

I look her in the eyes. "I ask someone to look after you at the office. I hope you are not mad at me," I finally tell her about Bob and his men. She is in silent, just looking at me in the eyes without saying a word. "It's just to make sure you are not in any danger when I'm not around," I add. She is still in silent.

"Are you mad at me ?" I ask her.

"No. It's just.. I thought I had through the dangerous .."

"Hey.. you are not in danger, okay.. I have my men and my self to ensure you about that," I try to calm her down.

"But the killer is still around.." she whispers in fear.

"Well, not for long. One of my team has a way to track him. That's what the sound was telling me," I moves my sight to my laptop, zooming in one of pictures that was captured by the application.

The application takes series of pictures from the video streams that has the man. From the pictures I know that the man was paying on the cashier of a convenient store, or maybe a pharmacy based on how many medicines I can see on the background.

Other series show the man walks by in front of a store, crossing the street, turning left on a crossroad. A new series just arrived. It is pictures of the man stepping in an apartment building.

I click on the last series provided link to know where the position of CCTV that captured those pictures. It is on the other side of the city.

"I have to go," I say to Jennifer.and peck her lips.

"Alone ?" she asks.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine," I assure her. "Do you need Andy to accompany you ?"

She exhales heavily. "No. I'll be safe here, right ?"

"The safest place you can be," I tell her. She kisses me.

"Thank you. And please.. come back for me safely."