Whose is It ?

After that words skipped from her blossom lips, Jennifer places her intoxicated kiss to me. With the tense I have already held for sometimes, of course that abruptly act is responded with the same passionate kisses from me. Only after sometimes, when her kisses shift to my neck, my brain can work back, though still with a thick haze.

"Wait.. wait.. Baby.. wait.." I whisper to her while push her upper body slightly apart from me to make her stop kissing me. She doesn't respond a word. From her sight I can see clearly her mind is being blinded with her lust.

"Previously... on the phone... you said you need my favor.. Remember .. ?" I ask her, stil with panting breath. She gives me smile.. you can bet it is a seductive one.

"Of course I remember," she says and continues to kiss my neck again.

"Waiit.." I halt her again. "What is it then ?"

"This," she answers then kisses my lips. "I need you to make love to me. Will you do it ?" she asks with spoilt voice. I widens my eyes for a second before munching her lips as the answer.



We are both definitely in deep lust. I can't even remember how can we manage ourselves to get in to my old apartment and even to my bed room. In seconds I strip her naked and throw her slightly on to the bed that is still covered with fabric sheet. I climb on the bed and her in instance.

"Make love to me now, Baby.. Please.." she begs while stretching her arms to me, asking me to come close to her. I, definitely, do it, pressing my chest on to her and kiss her delicious lips again and again.

"Don't worry, Baby.. I will make you orgasm over and over again until dawn," I say to her with hoarse voice. My buddy starts to rebel, can't wait to enter her.

"No, Baby.. I don't need you to fuck me all night long. I just need one... amazing... unforgettable sex. Just once.." she says. almost trance-like. Her eyes are half closing, her face is red, burned by her desire while her mouth keeps hissing in between her words. On the other hand, her words bring my brain to work again. Only once ? Since when she only wanted one round with me ?

"One time ? Are you sure ?" I ask her after bitting her upper lip. If only she has a little of her logic now, she should definitely notice that my tone changes slightly colder now.

"Yes, Baby..." she answers in sigh. I squint my eyes. Okay, I will play her game. I kiss her lips again, invading her mouth with my tongue, brushing it to all over nooks and cranes inside her mouth again. She moans in pleasure. "Will you, Baby ?" she asks my confirmation when I let go to gasps some air.

"Sure," I whisper to her with a little smirk on my face. "With two conditions," I add.

She opens her eyes. "Conditions ?" she asks. I nod and nimble her lips to make her moans again. "What are they ?" she mutters.

"One.." I shift my kiss to the back of her ear. It is one of her sweet spot. She gets shiver once I lick it. "You have to hold your orgasm. You may not orgasm before I enter you,"

Her eyes are wide opened in protest to hear it. I kiss her lips to reduce her protest. "You only want it one time. Don't you pity me if you would have orgasm even before I get a chance to enter you ?" I tell her, deliberately give her my puppy look.

"Okay," she says in defeated. "Just don't be too long with your foreplay," she adds. I present some hickeys on her collar bone as gift. As she moans, her hands are groping my pant. I catch them right before they can brush my buddy and pull them above her head.

"No." I tell her. With one hand I hold her wrists while my other hand searching for her black stocking that I remember lies down on the bed somewhere.

"Why ?"

"Tonight.. let me do all the work," I whisper to her with adoring look that I know will smitten her. She nods.

I finally found her stocking. I shift her body closer to the nearest pole at the corner od my bed and tide her wrists with her stocking there. After that, I rain my kisses, licks, and hickeys all along her left arms length, up until above her armpit. I nimble her gentle skin there.

"Second.." I whisper right into that spot, letting my warm breath to be felt by her. It is her other sweet spot.

"Oh, Scott." she hisses my name in reaction.

"I need you to answer my questions first," I spill out my second condition.

"Questions ?"


"You mean.. more than one ?" she asks with a little fear in her eyes. I smile then nimble her sweet spot again. She gasps and closes her eyes, can not resist the pleasure her skin received from it. "Okay.. okay.." she finally agreeing.

I smile mischievously. before continue pouring kisses to her soft skin that is heating up. I caresses her breasts tenderly with my thumbs before finally my lips arrive on one of them. She hisses and mumbling that I am the best of all. Once again, her words prick a little, reminds me about the sex she had with other man yesterday.

"Hoe many men do you have sex with after me ?" I ask her out of jealousy, still I lick and nimble her breast, making her moaning and stretching her back like asking me to suck it deeper.

"Four.. no.. Three.." she answers almost instantly. I am stunned for a second. She raises her head to look at me. "What's wrong ? Are you mad, Babe ?" she asks.

"No." I deny her, but then I bite her nipple. She screams in pain.

"You are angry !" she says in protest.

"You don't like it ?" I ask before sucking her nipple hard then flicking my tongue to cause her lies her head flat and moans so loud.

"A bit less hard, maybe ?" she request with a mew voice that instantly makes my buddy rebels harder.

"Like this ??" I ask then move to her other nipple, bite it a little less hard this time, and then grinding my teeth playfully onto her nipple.

"Oh God.. Scott.. Yes. Oh.." She screams in pure pleasure, pushing her breast deeper to my mouth so I can almost munch all of it. I play with her breast a little more longer before suck it hard. When I let it out of my mouth, it is almost plum purple.

Once again, I trail my kisses to her south, targeting on her next sweet spot, her naval. To be honest, all sounds she has produced gathered with her scent drive me insane. If it is only to follow my desire, I already pound her mercilessly at this moment. But, I really need to ask her these few important questions. I know when she is no longer blinded with lust, she would never answer me.

"My next question, Baby.." I tell her while kissing her naval.

"Uh huh.." she hisses.

"Are you pregnant, Baby ?" I finally ask the question I really want to know. Suck her naval to make her moan.

"Baby.." I call her when she doesn't answer. I have expected she won't answer it that easy. I trace my index finger from her naval to her opening cave ever so slightly that makes her shiver.

"Why don't you answer me, Babe ?" I ask her again. She, instead of answering, is biting her lower lip. I rub my finger onto her opening. She hisses.

"Baby.. you are torturing me.." she says in between her moans.

"Answer me, Baby.." I pursue her. When she is still stubborn, I slide down, opening her thighs wider with my hands.

"Baby.. what are you.. Aaaah!!" she screams when my tongue enters her vagina, thrusting it as deep as I can before licking and flicking it all over its surface.

"Baby... baby... I'm about to come.." she pleads.

"Don't you dare to come, Baby. You know you won't have the best from me if you do," I forbid her while keep on busy eating her down. My tongue is teasing her clit with vigorous flicks "Just answer.."

"Yes !! Yes, I am expecting !!" She shouts her answer in between anger and frustration.

My heart skips a beat to hear her answer. My suspicion is right ! "You are ?" I ask to make sure.

"Yes! Now please.. fuck me !!" she yells in frustration.

I smile. Quickly, I withdraw my tongue from her vagina and release my buddy that immediately spring and pointing into her face. Her gaze is so intense to my buddy, displaying how much she wants it. It even makes me jealous to know that she wants my buddy more than she wants me.

I decide to tease her a little bit. With my knees, I move forward until her breasts are right below me. Then I lower my body a little so my shaft is rubbing the skin in between her breasts, gliding it back and forth. She tries to catch it with her mouth, but of course I don't let her.

"Don't play around!!" she shouts again in anger. I laugh when her eyes becoming more sullen.

"I will payback to you !!" she threads me. I laugh again.

This time I move back my knees then gently pressing my chest against her breasts. Knowing that she is pregnant, I deliberately support my body with both of my lower arms, to make sure I don't put my weight to her. I kiss her lips again which is responded wildly.

"I love you, Baby," I tell her with all my heart.

"If you do.. please stop torturing me and fuck me right now," she demands me. I place my shaft right in front of her opening. Oh, God.. I close my eyes to restrain my self.

"Just one last question, Baby," I murmur to her. "After that I promise I will take you to cloud nine.." I rub my buddy against her opening. Both of us are moaning.

"Ask.. quick.." she says, closing her eyes to hold her last string.

"Who's the father, Baby ?" I ask. Her eyes are opened instantly. Surprised are seen inside them. "Whose is it ?" I ask her again.

Just like before, she doesn't answer immediately. I rub my long harden penis faster onto her opening. This time the torture is for both of us. I groan in desperation while she is moaning but still stubbornly doesn't want to answer.

"Answer me, Babe.." I plead. She tightens her lips. I fastens my rubbing to her. We both moan simultaneously

"Come on, Baby.."

"It's... aaah... not... aaah... im... important to you.." she stubbornly says. I just keep rubbing my penis to her. Oh God, I think ... I have never thought I can reach my climax by doing this, but I believe now I could.

"Is it me, Babe.. ?" I ask. My body is in total sweat now and my breath is rapid. I can feel not only that my buddy is getting bigger and harder, but also throbbing. "Babe.. ?"

"Yes !! Yes !! It's you !!" I can not believe my ear when hearing it. It is.. my baby ? I am the father ?? " I'm three months pregnant so it must... Aaaaaaaahhh !!"

Jennifer screams in a very high pitch when I all the sudden thrust my self into her. It is in the same time with my loud groan. I pull it half way so I can slam it again deeper, responded with her scream, "God !!" I my self have some little stars in my sight. Still, I slam my self again to her without holding back.

Her muscles start contracting. She is very close to her climax. She has been amazing to endure her orgasm this long, so I don't want to disappoint her. I pull my shaft to almost all the way, then burry it deep to her. With that, she comes, With a loud scream, she arcs her body Her muscles are clenching my shaft that makes me of course loosing my mind as always.

I rise up on my knees, lift her waist up from the bed and support it by grabbing her love handles. When I slam my self into her again, her liquid just spread out and some is reaching my face.

I wipe it with my hand and lick it. "Geesh.. you are so delicious, Babe.." I say then pump into her again. I deliberately slow it down, to give her a chance to even her breath. Some times I alternate by circling my shaft inside her, exploring her area and teasing her lust to rise again.

"Ouch !!" That is my painful scream when her muscles suddenly clenched my buddy so tight until it hurts. I bulge my eyes to her, and she just smirks.

"What ? You don't want anymore ?" I ask, inwardly praying she will deny it.

"It's my turn now," she says. Her eyes are filled with vengeance. She clenches my buddy tighter.

"Ouch.. Baby.. baby.. please be careful.. you can damage your favorite toy.." I coax her. She just laughs.

"I can get another toy," she says. It hurts, though not my penis.

"You know that you won't get a better toy than mine," I say to her.

"Untie me," she orders me, ignoring my words.

"I can't.. move.. it's too tight," I say to her, She loosens her muscles a little so I can reach her tied hands and release them. Once her hands are released, she tightens her clench again. I squint in pain.

"How could you know I am pregnant ?" she asks I try to kiss her, but she refuses it.

"I'm a good observer, remember ? I saw the cute mounds of fat on your belly that wasn't there last time I saw you naked. And you were so damn horny. I heard that pregnant woman is more horny than usual," I answer her truthfully. She stares at me deep and long. Her muscles are still clenching at me, so I'm afraid a little movement can break my buddy.

"How many times you had sex after we separate ?" She asks me the same question. I grin widely.

"None... Ouuchh !!" She clenches me tighter and even pulls one of my balls.

"One.. one.." I revise my answer but she still doesn't loosen her torture to me.

"I'm telling you the truth !!" I convince her with a shout since it is so painful. "I only did it one time. I even faked my orgasm at that time.

She knows I'm not lying when she sees my eyes. "Really ?"

I nod to ensure her. "I'm not as bad as you thought I am, Baby.." I whisper to her then kiss her. This time she doesn't refuse,

"Why ?" she asks still in stunned. Maybe because she is stunned, her clench is loosen.

"Because.." I answer while start moving again inside her. She gasps to feel my movement. I give her a breath taking kiss before continue my answer, "Because.. I can not have sex without you in my mind now.."

She moans again when I bite her ear and pump my self faster into her. "Oh, Baby... aaah... to be honest... those... aaah... those three men... aaah... God.... aah... they.... they are not... aah... even .. in the same... aaaaah yess... in the same league... aaah... with you,,,:"

I munch her lips rough and non stop slamming back and fort into her vagina. I promise you, Baby.. after tonight there is no other man in the world can satisfy you like I do.



I left few clues about Jennifer being pregnant in previous chapters. Can you collect them ?? What are they ? Leave them in a comment ^_~