The Deathstalker [6]


That short moan of a female voice was followed with a short male groan. Soon as he finished putting his sperm out to the condom, Deathstalker rolled his body away from the female body beneath him.

"Good night," Deathstalker whispered to Viper who hadn't come back from her orgasm moment. He kissed her on the forehead then turned his body to have his back facing the woman.

"Good night," Viper replied to his back after she gathered back her sane.

She looked at the ceiling, sighing inwardly. She had been his girlfriend for five years now. He really kept his promised.

Deathstalker was so kind and gentle to her. Maybe, too gentle. Not only that. Even though he was kind to her, she could feel.. his lack of desire over her. The sex they made every once a month was like an obligation for him. She felt like they were like a twenty years married couple.

But, whom she should blame ? She was the one who made him took the responsibility. She knew he had never had any feeling toward her.

She turned her gaze to see his back. His breathing had been even, a sign that he had already asleep. Slowly, she touched his back with her finger, traveled it from the bottom of his neck down, making a path on a thin layer of sweat his back still had.

Thanks to that night, she knew whom he loved. She was slightly glad that he loved that woman. First of all, it was forbidden love. Their family would disapprove. Secondly, she had disappeared from their lives.Thus, as much as he loved that woman, she was not a threat to Viper.

Viper was about to close her eyes, decided to rest her mind, when her phone on the night stand was vibrating once. She took it to read the message.

"Urgent meeting. Main. Tom. 8 AM"


All the Royal Knights gathered on the oval table in the main meeting room of the headquarter. They had been members of the organization for six years and they had had meetings with Madam, the High Seater for this country. But today, they were all invited to meet with all High Seaters around the world. This could only be one thing. Something big had came up.

The grand french door was opened. Royal Knights immediately stood up as seven people wearing golden masks entered the room. They only sat back down to their seats after all the High Seaters sat on their places.

"Royal Knights.. It is a pleasure to finally meet you all," A man sat at the end of the table spoke to them. He had a soft voice with a thick Eastern accent. "We have heard about your accomplishments, and I, personally, admire you a lot."

"It is our honor, Lord," King replied, representing her team.

"Apologize for being impolite, but I suggest we get to the point immediately," A woman, yet another High Seaters, uttered her mind.

"Yes.. you are being impolite, Lady Augstine," the earlier man said, rebuking the woman that might only have his half age. "But you were right," he continued, turning his head back to the Royal Knights.

"If you haven't heard, these few months our organizations are having.. ripples, if I may say," the man started to speak their main topic of the meeting.

"They haven't heard it, Lord Wang," Madam spoke up, "since they didn't get any of it." She smiled ever so proudly to show her most appreciation to her subordinates' works.

"Yes.. of course.. Madam.. of course," Lord Wang said with small nods. Deathstalker's sharp eyes saw Lady Augstine smirked in ridicule a little, unclear to whom the smirk was for.

"There have been some attacks toward missions we've been conducted," Lord Wang continued his words toward the Royal Knights. "Our bombs were being defused, poisons were given antidote, hacking were being revealed, malees and snipes were being prevented, and even few of our plans were being exposed."

"That's bad," Bruno murmured.

"It is," Lord Wang said.

"What's weird is.. it has happened through out the word, except here," Lady Augstine added, glancing at Madam.

"You were saying, Lady Augstine ?" Madam replied. "I dare you to clarify your words."

"Oh, come on.. it was so obvious.." Lady Augstine said, but cut by a man that just raised his voice now,

"Enough. If Madam Joana had anything to do with this, she won't be kind enough to let her precious knights fix this for us. Isn't that right, Madama Joana ?"

"Yes. You are right, Lord Neckloghn. Despite the attack hasn't come to us yet, I took a great concern about it.."

"Please, Ladies and Gentlemen.. Don't let these young people confuse of our insignificant argument," :Lord Wang said to cut the argument between them. His words then back to Royal Knights.

"Despite they didn't or maybe haven't attack your missions, our investigation found that their base is actually in this country."

"This organization's leader is surely remarkable talented and smart... genius, maybe more like it."

Lady Agustine huffed to disagree, but Lord Wang ignored her. "Please, Madam," he asked Madam politely.

Madam reached a remote control next to her hand and turned on the big screen. Once the screen was on, it showed a picture of beautiful young lady that widened Deathstalker's eyes.


"I request not to be involved in this mission," Deathstalker spoke his mind to the rest of his team when they were back at their living room at the East wing of the castle.

"You can't do that, Man.. This is a direct order.." Gila said but cut by Deerstalker.

"Why can't I ? You refused a mission once yourself."

"It's his belief, Death. It's different," Black defensed Gila.

"It is also my belief," Deathstalker replied.

"What belief ?" Gila asked with a scold.

Deathstalker clenched his fist tight and closed his eyes. He could feel Viper's hand was about to reach his fist to calm him down. He deliberately moved his hand to avoid it.

"Look. It's complicated, okay," Deathstalker heard Viper's voice.

"What is complicated ?" Black asked in confusion.

"That woman.. the leader.. She .. she .."

"She is my sister," Deathstalker finished Viper's words. He kept his tone calm and cool.

"Your sister ?" Bruno asked in disbelief.

"Foster sister, not blood.." Viper corrected him quickly. Deathstalker didn't know the reason behind it, but he didn't like how she said it.

"Blood or not blood, she is my sister," Deathstalker asserted. "I've known her since my young age. We grew up together."

"That makes it even important for you to be in this mission, man," Bruno said. "You know her. You know her weak.."

"I won't harm her," Deathstalker again cut. Once again, he closed his eyes. He still remembered his promise to protect his beloved sister. He couldn't protect her now. That fact brought a slut in his heart. "I won't," he decisively said.

"That's okay, then," King suddenly interrupted the atmosphere that was about turning mellow. "You shouldn't be mind handling other mission, right ?"

Deathstalker turned his head to the curly young woman. "Of course," he said with full of gratitude to King.


"Damn, that woman !!" Fire cursed as he slammed his desk in anger.

King shifted her head to the young man and asked him with a furrow, "What's wrong ?"

"I've tried to hack a server that I was certain to be their main server.. " Fire huffed instead finishing his sentence.

"And then ?" King asked him to continue.

"It was a fake information! She has been fooled me like an idiot for few days," Fire said, once again slammed his desk to release his anger.

Deathstalker who was sitting on the dining table unconsciously curled his lips up a little hearing his team mate's frustration.

"What do you smirk about ?!" Fire who saw his smirk challenged him.

Deathstalker looked at him then shrugged. "Nothing," he said calmly then continued his study of another mission.

The front door was opened and at once showed the daze face of Gila that was being supported by Black Widow that had resentful face.

"What's wrong with him ?" King immediately approached them in worry. Fire also helped Black to sit Gila on the couch.

"That bitch !" Black said in anger. "We were about to attack that bitch when she was in her house last night. While I went bending her guards' minds, Gila went in to her house. But.. but.. instead of hurting her.. he.. he.."

"What did she do to him ?"

"She made him attacked me !!" Black shouted in anger. "I had to put him in a daze like this, if not he would definitely snapped my neck."

Deathstalker sighed. "I heard my mom said that she was the best mind bender she had ever met," he said.

"How good is she ?" King asked him.

Deathstalker shrugged. "I honestly never saw her in act, at least not what I realized. Who knows if she ever bent my mind or not."

Black turned her sight to Deathstalker. Her gaze was between shock and panic. "She.. she could bend you ?"

Deathstalker shrugged again. "I don't know. As I can remember, I have never done anything out of my consciousness, but I really don't know how the mind bending work. Can you bend someone under their consciousness ? I mean, like they did something because their own will but actually it was bended"

"I.. I can't. But.. it was not impossible to do," Black said. In jittery she whispered, "Can she do that ?"

For the third time Deathstalker shrugged. "Like I said. I don't know. But I heard my mom once said Mila is the best mind bender she had ever met. And she actually wanted Mila to join us," he explained, "That's before she recruited you, Black."

"You have to help us, Death," King said to him.

"No," Deathstalker denied her at once. "I don't want to interfere in any of your attempt destroying her." He then entered his bed room, leaving his team mates alone.


Deathstalker was awakened from his sleep due to a persistent ringing of his phone. It was still 6 A.M. Still with heavy eyes, he released himself from Viper's arm that surrounded his waist and cleaved the blanket that covered his body. He then got up to take his phone that was in his jeans pocket.

With a frown he received the caller. His mother.

"Morning, Mom.. Madam..?"

"Quint.." It's his master's voice instead. "Your mother..." His voice was trembling hard, " She had a terrible accident !!"