The Recommended Positions

Ten minutes later, I park the car in the basement. Despite being so sleepy, this woman that soon I can call wife refuses to be cradled. So, I can just support her by walking beside her.

"Do you want to take a bath or let me wash you up ?" I give her options after make sure she is sitting on our bed, leaning on the head board.

"Bath," she says almost like in daze.

"Okay. I will prepare the water first," I say, don't argue her al though in my opinion she is better being washed up. Regarding the state of her sleepiness, I'm afraid she may fall to sleep in the tub. But I also know, bathing in a warm water at the end of the day is very relaxing, even more for a pregnant woman.

So I just go to the bathroom and prepare the tub for her. While I let the hot and cold water fill the tub in 60:40 composition, I put the lavender salt bath in it. The soothing aroma soon fills the bathroom.

I come back to our bed room only to have Jennifer already sleeps soundly. I chuckle. Despite awakening her, I shift her body so she is now in more comfortable sleep position. I then go to the bathroom, picking up a basinful of warm water from the tub and a clean hand towel before go back to the bed room. It is my preference that happens after all.

Carefully, I wipe the dampened towel onto her face. Fortunately, her daily-base makeup is never too heavy. So, even this is not her usual night ritual, it is effective enough to remove her make up, in my opinion.

After cleaning her face, I remove outer and under garment from her body. Seeing her sleeping peacefully while naked like this, a smile grows on my face. While admiring every nook and crane, I gently wipe the towel all over her body. Her body is so soft and smooth. I for the umpteen times feeling blessed. She really looks like Goddess or maybe angel sends from Heaven. The super sexy one, of course.

Finish cleaning her up, I put a night gown on to her to make sure she doesn't catch a cold. Then, I gently put a cream from a little ceramic pod with 'Night Cream' label on her face. Only after that, I rain myself with cold shower. Well, you guess it, my buddy can not help not to also admire her naked body. Twenty minutes later, after putting my comfortable boxer and shirt, I slid back to our bed.

It is still 9 PM. It is way earlier to my sleeping hour. The last few weeks, what I did at this time is meditating to reduce all the painful symptoms I was having. But now, they are all gone. Even more, I feel very very healthy and energized. Actually..

I glance my sight to Jennifer beside me. If only she is not tired, I would love to waste the time by making love to her. I miss making love to her to the fullest. This past month, we did it, but I had to admit, they were my worst performances. So, I wanted to redeem my self. Unfortunately, Jennifer is too tired today. It is understandable since she didn't sleep yesterday, waiting for me in worry. A great warm feeling once again rushes in my heart remembering what Jennifer had done for me.

I decide to take my laptop, read some news just to waste my time before bed. I end up reading some articles about pregnancy phases. I need to know what would Jennifer face so I can prepare my self to be her best companion. For instance, I need to start searching for the best pregnancy gym since next month, Jennifer and I must start to attend it to keep her flexibility and endurance. I need to engage to have walk in the morning. I also need to keep watch on her sodium intake to prevent her feet being swollen, not to mention the possibility of heartburn, insomnia, short of breaths, and hemorrhoids. Oh, boy.. a guilty feeling immediately posses me to imagine how she will endure that many things for our baby. Yet, I haven't heard a single complain coming from her mouth all this time.

I close my laptop and put it aside before turn the light on my side off. I then wiggle down to sleep position and shift my self to the left to be closer to Jennifer. Facing her, I round my right hand on her waist and pull her slightly, just enough to close the gap between us. I stare at her beautiful face, trying to pour all love in my heart out to her, hoping she can feel it. Feeling that is not enough, I kiss her forehead. I press my lips against her forehead for few seconds, embracing the sweet scent of the shampoo of her hair.

"Good night, Baby. I love you so much," I murmur after finally letting my lips off of her forehead. I then close my eyes, ready to sleep with a heart full of love over this woman.

I can feel she moves slightly then kiss my cheek. "Good night, Babe. I love you, too," she whispers.

I open my eyes. "You're awake," I say a little surprised.

Jennifer nods. She turns her body a bit so now we face each other then round her arm on my body while snuggle her head under my head. "I dreamed about something. I forgot what.. but something about you."

"Is it a bad one ?" I ask.

Jennifer shakes her head. "No. It's a good one. A heart warming one, I think. Then I felt a warm kiss on my temple," she says then smiles sweetly.

I tug some strains of hair to her ear. "Let's go back to sleep again then," I whisper then kiss her.

"Okay," I can hear a reluctant on her voice.

"What is it, Honey ?" I ask to her gently.

She doesn't answer but turns her head away from me. Uh-oh.. the hormonal is playing again.

I enclose my face to her and kiss her cheek repetitively. "Come on.. talk to me.." I coax her.

She faces me again, still with her cute pouting face. "You promised to make love to me tonight," she says a little embarrassed.

I can not hold my burst of laughter. She sulks even more. "It's okay if you don't want it," she says then about to turns her body completely away from me.

Before she completely turns away, I hold her shoulder and pull her back to face me. "Of course I want to make love to you," I say then kiss her lips. "I just thought since you are tired and sleepy, we better postpone it."

She shakes her head. "I'm not sleepy now," she says.

I can feel my eyes twinkle hearing her words. "You're saying.." I kiss her lips again. "You wanna make love now ?" I ask to make sure.

She nods. "Ahem.."


[Warning 18+ Material] You can skip this scene if you are underage or not comfortable. This scene won't affect much on the storyline. Recommended BGM: Brian Culbertson - Light Off ^_^

I press her lips with mine to express how much desire I have toward her. When she opens her lips, my tongue immediately invades in. It grazes her front teeth and palate before finding its mate. They dance for a while before once again collapse when I suck her breath away.

While our lips still busy with each other, my hands gently sneaking inside her night gown in search for her beautiful blossoms. I teasingly rub my calluses thumb on her nipple. She lets a yearning muffled moan from between our lips entangle.

Her moan is so sexy. It raises my body temperature in an instant. I let go of our kiss with only one thing in mind, to take her night gown off so I can have full access to her body. Eventually, she has the same idea toward me. So after her gown is off from her, she immediately takes my shirt off, too.

My lips claim her lips again. As my hands are now cupping with her blossoms, squeezing and flicking the peak of them, her hands also naughtily grazing the side of my body. I still manage to restrain my self when they reach the packs of my abs. But when one of them goes inside my boxer and tantalizing my shaft with few strokes, I let a long groan as my mind suddenly surges by pleasure that hazed my brain.

"Your hands are so naughty," I hisses in front of her lips, before lowering down my body to reach her blossoms.

The pregnancy does good on her blossom. They become fuller, and her nipples are slightly bigger and darker. I can't wait to taste them. I put my mouth onto one of them. My mouth can only fit third of quarter of it. I flick my tongue on her nipple. She moans loudly. I can feel her body starts to melt under my touch. But, Jennifer won't admit to lose easily. Her hand strokes my shaft faster. I groan even louder. I bite her nipple harder.

"Scotttt!" She screams for my name. I know what it means. It means she loves what I do. And I love hearing her screaming out my name during our sessions. So I bite her nipple again while pinching the other one. She calls my name once again, this time with more yearning.

Then she strikes back with stroking my shaft harder and pinching the skin of my ball. My buddy is throbbing hard. It even lets out a bit of pre-cum as the pleasure shock electrocutes from my penis right up to my brain.

"Let it go, Honey.. I don't want to cum before I satisfy you," I whisper to her with a hoarse voice, telling her to let go her strokes from my manhood.

Once she did, I immediately take my boxer down. I lay on her side with the left side of my body. I make her lies on her right side of her body. I kiss her lips once again while putting my hand on her private part, inserting my finger. She immediately responds with a muffled moan.

"No finger... penis, please... penis.. now.. please," she pleads in front of my ear before biting my earlobe. A shiver downs to my spine from it as it is one of my sensitive spot.

I put out my wet finger from her private. I don't have a plan to make her orgasm with my finger this time. Due to her pregnancy, I don't want to exhaust her by having too many orgasms. With my wet finger, I force her jaw up a little so I can kiss her again. While I do so, I insert my shaft into her private part.

She chokes a little due to the sudden intrusion. But the choke is continued with a loud moan. I pump into her. I hold on her left thigh that is on top of my right thigh as I do regular move. I deliberately don't pound my whole shaft inside her. I'm afraid I may endanger the womb. And this position is a recommended position during pregnancy. But, to be honest, I'm not too satisfied with this position. And I'm guessing, Jen is not, too.

However, I need to make this position works as this is the safest position during pregnancy. Thus, I make a circling movement with my hip a little and Jennifer just shouts out my name multiple times in a row, "Scott.. Scott.. Scott!!"

It feels good to me, too as I can feel her whole wall. My buddy grows bigger because of it. Since it feels good for both of us, I make it as an alternative movement once in a while randomly to keep the surprising element.

Jennifer takes my hand that is on her thigh and intertwined her fingers with mine. She then takes both of our hands to her lips and nibbles the back of my hand. Her breathing becomes shorter. While keep pumping into her, I am mesmerizing her beautiful lustful red face. Her pink flush face, her half open eyes, and her her slightly opened mouth that biting my hand while lets out a moan every now and then. I replace my hand with my lips. Letting her wildly sucks my mouth and bites my lips.

"I'm about to come, Babe... Babe.." she whimpers.

"Just let it go, Baby.. I'm here to catch you," I whisper back to her with an assurance. Few seconds later, she lets a long and loud moan. The muscle inside of her is contracting while her body is trembling inside my embrace.

I stop my pumping for a while to give her a chance climbing down. I just watch her orgasm face, closed eyes with a wide silly smile spreading from her ear to ear, with so much proud. I have watched that face dozens times, but never get bore of it. The highest heavenly pleasure feeling she can have is because of me. I kiss her lips once again.

"Do you still want more ?" I ask into her ear. She nods while evening her breath.

I turn her body gently. Now her back is facing me. While kissing the back of her ear, I put her right leg on my thigh. This is another recommended position. Once I thrust my shaft back into her from behind, stars appear on my sight. Oh, God.. this is so much better than the first one.