Pillow Talk

[Just to remind you, there is no closing + signs yet. So.. the beginning of this chapter is still forbidden for underages. Scroll down until you found the + signs again.

In this position, even though I don't go deep into her, it feels fuller inside her. My shaft can touch the wall of her tunnel only with regular movement. In addition, it is easier for me to cares her from behind. Just like what I'm doing now. My lips are busy sucking her breath away and my right hand can freely stimulate her by playing with her breast.

"God.. Scott.." Jennifer hisses repetitively. Al though she can not utter much more words, but that and her face expression are more than enough to motivate me working harder.

Sweats are starting to fall from my jaw as I pump continuously inside her. Her body is covered with sweat. The sweat enhances her unique scent that only driving me lose my mind.

"You like it, Baby ?" I ask to make sure I give her a satisfying moment. I try hard to keep my sanity intact. I don't want to go wild and end up hurting our daughter. That's the last thing I want to happen. So, I deliberately hold back both my speed and power, but still to keep it fast and good enough to satisfy her.

"Ahem.. Ahem.." Jen can only reply that as an assurance with her half closed eyes and half opened mouth. There is a slight of sweat on top of her lips that makes them even look luscious.

Once again, I munch her lips in hunger and squeeze her breast out of excitement. Then I have the urge to taster her breast again. So I shift down and bend over her a little to be able to munch her plumping breast with my mouth. My now idle hand like having its own thought, slide down in front of her private part and start rubbing her clit.


Those treatments are too much for Jennifer that make her orgasm all of the sudden without a warning.

I halt my move to give her a chance to climb down once again. When she opens her eyes, she has my wide smile in front of her.

"That's amazing, Baby," she whispers after claiming a kiss from me, "But I'm tired now," she adds with apologetic tone.

I kiss her lovingly. "That's okay, Baby. Let me finish it, okay ?" She nods meekly as an answer.

I kiss her again. "In case I can not hold back, punch me if you feel any discomfort, okay, Baby ?" I whisper to her ear. She nods again.

I then starts to pump a lot faster, but not deeper. Soon, Jennifer moans and sighs in synchronous with every thrust I make. I bite her shoulder as I feel my wave is coming. I thrust into her deeper, though not all in.

Jennifer's hand grabs my hair. The graze is actually arouses me more and makes me pump faster. She pulls my hair harder. The pinch feeling makes me slow down for a second. But the next second, I increase the speed again. She pulls my hair again, but this time I am already too engross with the pleasure. She pulls my hair, harder this time. The pinch pain caused by the grab just like sending an electricity signal to my core.

"Aaaaaaaaaaach!!" I make a long groan as I double the speed.

Somehow, my selfish mind doesn't want to have the orgasm alone. So, my finger once again is rubbing her clitoris, while I pump faster than the last time. My wave is really near.

A minute later, loud screams are produces from both mine and Jennifer's throats. Our bodies are trembling while I can feel my warm sperms burst out inside Jennifer, meeting her squirt. I hug her body tightly as both of our bodies are trembling hard. I know I make the same silly face as her, but I careless. This overwhelming feeling is what I missed for the past month. I'm glad I can feel it again with the woman I love.


Even after the jolting and contraction are over, I still don't let my embrace go. We silently enjoy the after glow together. Having her in my embrace like this, I don't mind to have the time freeze. Only after more than ten minutes, I finally make a slightly move to kiss the side of her head..

"That was amazing, Baby.. Thank you," I whisper to Jennifer lovingly.

Jennifer turns her whole body to face me. She then kisses my lips softly before placing her head on the nook between my neck and shoulder. "It was.. Thank you, Baby," she kiss my lips back, "I love you."

"I love you, too," I reply to her, kissing her forehead then let my head stays there. I round my arm onto her waist. without saying any words, my other hand just playing on her hair while I enjoy her warm breath brushing the skin of my neck. The silence we create is so peaceful.

"Let's have a wedding next month," Jennifer suddenly utters her mind.

"Are you sure ? I mean .. I was thinking maybe it is best if we did it after you gave birth."

Jennifer shakes her head. "No. I have no parent, so I don't need to have a huge wedding."

"But you will be five months .." What I wanted to say is, she will have bigger belly next month. Thus, she might feel more insecure about her appearance, not that I mind it at all. I even think that she is being more and more beautiful each day.

"It's okay. I don't mind looking fat because of our daughter," she says then kisses my shoulder. "I want her to be legitimated child of ours when she is born."

"Oh, Baby.. I love you so much," I feel so touch hearing her reason.

"But I want to have a Catholic wedding," she continues while traveling her finger on my chest. "Al though I'm not a good Catholic, I was raised in Catholic. So.."

"I don't mind that," I quickly agree to her.

"We must take a marriage preparation class every weekend for about a month," Jennifer informs me.

"I'm unemployed. I have all the time you need," I say.

She takes my hand that is on her waist and intertwined our fingers. "Marriage in Catholic is can not be divorced. All we can do is taking an annulment. and that is very hard to be done," she says again. This time there is a worry in her tone.

I chuckle and kiss her nose. "I am planning to marry you for the rest of my life, Baby. Unless, you have different plan about it. Even if so.. I don't think I am going to marry another woman."

"What if Mila lives ?" Jennifers suddenly asks me what I think to be an absurd question.

"What about it ?" I ask in wonder.

"She is your first love. From your story to me, you seemed to be very fond of her.."

I laugh and kiss her lips. "First of all, she is dead. Second, she was my past. You said you didn't care about my past ?"

"I don't. But .."

"Neither do I." I kiss her again. "I loved her in the past. But I have no feeling for her what so ever."

"And Lily ?"

I laugh again. "According to the memory I have, I had never had a feeling for her back then, even more now."

"But she is still your fiancee.."

"She is Quint Rauss' fiancee. Quint Rauss has been pronounced dead. And I don't have a single strain of interest to be him again," I say without any hesitation.

I tighten my embrace to her. "You are the only person I want to get married with. Believe me."

"I do," Jennifer says then looks up to demand my kiss. I kiss her gently. After that, she puts her head back on the nook of my shoulder. I rub my hand on her back in circle movement.

"Babe.." this time it is me who calls.

"Hmm.. ?"

"I've never asked you this.. but why did you choose me to give your virginity ? I mean.. you have many male friends in office while me back then was barely a stranger to you."

Jennifer doesn't answer me instantly. "Don't laugh at me," she instead gives me a warning first.

"I won't," I promise her.

"Hmm.. Since my mom passed away, I often had had dreams. Sometime, I dreamed about my wedding, other times about I brought a guy home. And in every dream, my Dad looked unhappy and disapproved of those men. Then.. the night after you helped me with Beladrick's case, I dreamed again. I brought you to a church. Inside the church was my dad. He saw us walked into the church and smiling happily."

"So your father liked me.." I utter in teasing manner. But I actually feel happy inside.

"I guess, so. He always had a weird taste.."

"Heeeey..." I protest that makes Jennifer giggles.

Then she continues. "That's how I knew you're the one."

I kiss her hair. "You may not be my first, but you are going to be my last, Babe."

"I know," she mutters then kisses my chest again.