The Pedophile Must Die

It is now almost 11 PM the next night. I just laid Fat Jim on his own bed in one of room inside the five-rooms penthouse Slim Joe rented. Carol, my partner has long gone since I told her that I would take care of Fat Jim's necessity of the night.

I deliberately do it slowly as my ears keep on tuning over what happened in the living room. Unfortunately, nothing is happened so far. The door of Fat Jim's room is opened.

"Haven't you finished yet ?" O'Brien, one who opened it, asks me.

"Just.. just one more thing," I answer him. Quickly put on extra large diaper over Fat Jim's butt. "Done," I say again with a wide smile while petting the dog's butt.

"Good. You can go home now. Tomorrow you need to be here at 6 AM," O'Brien says.

"O.. Okay," I say.

Under O'Brien's inspection, I have no choice but leaving the penthouse immediately. Fortunately, I put eavesdrop behind the cup board last night, so I can still observe even when I was outside.

To avoid any suspicion from any Slim Joe's party, I go straight to my motorcycle and ride it to leave the hotel. I ride my motorcycle to circle the block and stop at a small alley behind the hotel. There, I end the engine of my motorcycle and just wait silently.

Five minutes later, the penthouse's bell door rings. Not long, someone, perhaps O'Brien opens it.

"Hello, Girls.." I hear O'Brien's voice greets ones outside the doors. "You must be the lucky fans that get a chance of meet and greet personally with Slim Joe," he continues.

"Yes.." a teenage girl's voice confirms with full excitement. "Well, actually it is only me. But, my sister insist to meet him, too. May she ?"

"Sure, you can," O'Brien says ever so sweetly. "How old are you girls ?"

"I'm 15 and she is 13," the girl's answer makes me halt my movement.

"Jen.. where is the cop you promised ?" I whisper to Jennifer that is on the other line.

"They are moving," Jennifer says.

"They are only 15 and 13, Jen. they better hurry.."

"Don't worry, Babe. They'll be there on time."

"Come on in," Meanwhile I hear O'Brien tells the girls to come in. "Slim Joe will be here any minute."

I hear some noises that indicate the girls' movement. They are whispering and giggling in excitement.

"Go on, .. sit on that couch and make yourselves comfortable," O'Brien says again before I hear heavy steps across the room. I'm guessing they are O'Brien's.

"I can't believe we're about to meet him, Sis.." a cute voice of a little girl shrieks.

"Me, too.." the older girl replies, then they both scream in joy. "Okay.. okay.. we need to calm down," the older says again. "Your phone is ready, right ? You have it fully charged ?"

"Yes.. yess!!" the little girl confirms excitedly.

"Hello, Girls..." Slim Joe's voice is suddenly heard.


"O My God !!!"

Super hight pitch of screams in instant fulfills my ear, almost cracking my ear drum. I hear Slim Joe's loud laughter three seconds after some steps approach him. I'm guessing both girls were running to hug him.

"Okay.. okay.. would you mine if I clean my self first before we start our meet and greet ?" Slim Joe asks the girls after their screams are subsided. "It will only be a quick shower, maybe five minutes ? Meanwhile .. Tony.. ?" Slim Joe calls O'Brien.

"Yes, Boss ?" O'Brien replies from certain distance.

"Would you prepare these lovely ladies some beverage or condiments ?"

"I'm working on it, Boss," O'Brien says.

"Great. Thank you. Just wait for me a little more minutes, okay, gorgeous ladies ? Ooh.. you are so cute.. what's your name ?"

"I'm Rosie," the little girl answers.

"Wow.. beautiful as the flower.." I feel nausea just to imagine how the expression Slim Joe had when he said it. "And you are ?"

"Jasmine," the older answers.


"Here are your drinks, Girls.." O'Brien's voice comes from a far.

"There.. enjoy your drinks first. I will be back before you know it," Slim Joe says.

"Okay.." the girls says almost in the same time.

As I heard a pair of steps go out of the living room, I still hear the girls's muffled shriek uttering their excitements to see their idols. Soon, they calm down and their shrieking voices are replaced by sounds of slurping and gulping.

"This fruity soda is really good," Rosie, the little one, utters and slurps her drinks again.

"Hey.. don't slurp it that hard! It is embarrassing," Jasmine rebukes her little sister, but she her self keeps on slurping her drinks.

After that, there is barely no sound there. Only some small noises of the two girls' little movements.

I furrow my eyebrows. I know for sure that slim Joe will get these girls on his bed, but so far, nothing is suspicious. Except..

"Hey, Rosie, don't sleep now!" Jasmine suddenly whispers.

"Am so sleepy, Sis," the little girl murmurs.

"Are you out of your mind ? We're about to meet Slim .. hey!!"

"She really is sleepy," Jasmine then mumbles to herself.

"The drink.." Jennifer says to me.

"I know.. he drunk them.." I whisper back. "Where are the cops, Babe ?"

"They'll be there less than five minutes. Beside.. we can not burst in now, we don't have enough evidence," Jennifer says. I don't say anything else.

"Why is it suddenly getting warmer here ?" I hear Jasmine mumbles to her self again.

A minute later I'm starting to hear weird sounds. A sigh, or more likely to be moan, and friction sound, like someone rubs fabric harshly. Half a minute later. the moan is getting louder and sound of buttons being ripped loose are heard. Then I hear silent steps come

"It's working," O'Brien's voice.

"It always works." Slim Joe rebukes him

"But it is too much for the little one. She just passes out," O Brien says.

"That doesn't matter. I like the silent one," Slim Joe's words make me want to puke.

"Jen.. the cops! We have enough evidence now," I say to Jennifer, almost forget to low down my voice.

"The hotel management is halting them.."

"What ?!?"

"They won't allow anyone to bother their guests easily.."

At the same moment I hear Slim Joe is saying, "I'll take the little one first. You can have fun with the older one. Then we switch."

"I'm coming in," I say to Jennifer,

"No, Scott!! You will ruin the evidence!!"

Jennifer's sharp warning halts my movement. We planned this together. She said we need solid evidence to prove Slim Joe's crime. Thus, I planted the eavesdrop.

I hear noises of a person lifts and carries a thing. "Jen..." I hisses in full of contempt.

Not long, O'Brien's voice is heard. "Let's have fun, Baby.." It is so lustful and followed by the sound of a zipper being opened and a few strokes.

"I must go in.." I say decisively, ignoring Jen's warning, "No, Scott!!"

Jen's words suddenly stops as I turn my speed into fighter jet mode. I run toward a door not far from where I hide. It is the backdoor of the hotel's kitchen. I go inside it. It is almost empty as the kitchen is closed. Only a person freezes while is about to pick out a trash bag.

I run toward the emergency exit and climb up the stair to the 40th level as fast as I can. While I run, I can hear Jen's super slow voice forbids me. But at this moment, I totally ignore her. I must... MUST prevent the girls to be the next victims.

Once I reach 40th level, I run to the end of the corridor and just kick the penthouse's door. When the door is opened a sickening view penetrates my eyes. O'Brien with his pants off and erected d*ck is already on top of Jasmine.

I kick that bastard on his stomach. He flies onto one of bookshelf at the end of the room. I approach him that is now on the floor. I kick him again in the stomach to make sure he won't be able to get up.

After that, I rush my self to the main bed room, where Slim Joe sleeps. What I see there is crushing my heart. The little girl is already naked. Slim Joe is sitting beside the little girl. With his lustful gaze onto the girl's face, his finger is already penetrating the girl's private part. I am too late.

My heart is boiling up to see it. But somehow, my mind suddenly is cold. I only has one thing in my mind. To kill Slim Joe.