Bursting Killing Intent

With three wide steps I'm already beside Slim Joe. I forcefully take his hand that busy with the little girl and throw it away. I don't control my power. All I know that I hear a snap sound and a painful scream from Slim Joe's mouth. I slap my hand onto his face and he flies few meters and hits the floor.

I approach him, ready to finish his life. Suddenly, Jennifer's voice bursts in my ear. "Don't kill him !!"

"He must die, Jen !!" I say with an icy tone. I'm starting to punch his face several times.

"Scott!! Stop it!! He can not be dead !!" Jennifer screams.

"He deserves to die, Jen."

"No!! Die is not a punishment for him !"

I don't talk back to her, but keep punching his now bloody face.

"Stop it, Scott!! Please...!! You promise me not to kill anymore!! You promise me !!"

Jennifer's shrieking yield is finally able to stop my punch onto Slim Joe's face. Instead, I step on his crotch to crush his dick, then leave.


When I open my apartment's door, Jennifer is already standing in front of it.

"Did you kill him ?" she asks with a vivid worry in her face.

I stare at her coldly. I don't mean to. But I feel nothing but cold inside my body.

"Scott ?" Jennifer calls me when I didn't answer her question.

"No," I answer her, heartless.

"Thank God," she says in relieved. She hugs me, but I don't hug her back.

"Are you okay, Baby ?" She asks, noticing my weird behavior.

"I should kill him," I say with a cold tone.

"No, Baby.. You're doing the right thing.."

"I am not!! He deserves to die!!"

"Who are you to determine whom deserve or not deserve to die ?" Jennifer asks. She clearly doesn't agree with me.

"Who is he to think he could r*pe those girls ?!" I ask back.

"He will be punished!!"

"O yeah ?! And you think that will be enough ?! You think that will bring back those girls' virginity back ?!?!"

"Killing him also won't bring the virginities back !"

"At least it will stop him doing it again for sure !!"

"But it will keep his name clean!"

"Your guy couldn't even come on time to prevent him !! Much less putting him behind bar!!"

"We surely can if only you didn't interfere and ruin the evidence !!"

"Oh, now you blame on me ?!"

"The scenario is to let the cops came and witnessed it with their own.."

"So you just let him doing it to the girls so you can have solid proof ?!?!"

"Of course not !! We had a perfect timing!!"


"We did!! Until you and your emotional ruined it!!"

"If my act to prevent those girls being raped is called ruined the evidence. Well I'm glad I did !!" I yell at her not with a loud voice, but with a low and cold voice. It is so sharp that makes Jennifer speechless and only stares me. A bleak aura is seeping from my gaze toward Jennifer. It makes her giddy.

"I'm need to shower," I say to her then push her aside before walking into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, I just stand in front of the vanity. My whole body is trembling as I try hard to suppress the killing intent that churns inside me. This is maybe the first time to have a killing intent. With those dozens victims, I had not once a killing intent when I took their lives.

The killing intent is not bursting like hot fire, but like freezing my bones. I don't get angry, I just want to kill someone so bad. Even in a split second, I wanted to twist Jennifer's beautiful long neck back then. And that.. scares the hell out of me.

I raise my head to see my face in the mirror. I notice my eyes become two shades darker than usual. I blink my eyes for several times, hoping that I can get rid of that bleakness. It is to fail. In frustration, I shout and punch the mirror in front of me, "Aaaaargh!!"

"Baby... are you okay ?!" In instant, Jennifer crashes into our bathroom. I know she has been standing behind the door the whole time. I know she was scare seeing the bleakness in my eyes. that's was why she gave me a space to calm down.

I don't respond her question. I don't even taking my fist from the broken mirror.

"God, Baby.." Jennifer shouts when she finally sees my bleeding fist. I just watch her like an outsider as she takes my fist in hurry into her palms.

She is then carefully taking the glass flakes out from my fist. She doesn't care a bit about her tears that running down onto both of her cheeks. Those tears are ones that slowly dispel the bleakness out of me.

"I'm okay," I finally whisper to her.

She raises her head to see me. "You're bleeding.."

I smile softly as my other hand gently wiping tears from her face. "I'm fine. Just a little bleed."

She stares at me for the whole second then hugs my waist. She also notices that the bleakness is gone.

"I'm sorry I scared you," I whisper onto her hair.

Jennifer shakes her head. "No.. I'm sorry.. I wasn't there. I didn't know what you saw. It must be very terrible to make you lose your temper."

I answer her with silence, only rubbing her hair gently as she continue cleaning my fist from the glass flakes. When she finish, she raises up about to leave. Maybe to get bandage for my fist. But I hug her waist, asking her not to leave.

"I.. I was.. so wanting to kill him. So.. so.. bad. I've never.. ever .. had that urge before," I confess to her.

Jennifer kisses my head tenderly. "But you didn't," she whispers back and kisses my head again. "You conquered it. And I am so.. so.. proud of you, Babe.."

I kiss her belly. "I won't let you to have a monster as your father, Baby Girl," I whisper my promise to our daughter. I know I can not lose my self and be that monster again.

I let Jennifer mend my fist even though I know it will be fixed the next morning. We don't make love that night as Jennifer is busy organizing his team and preparing for this Slim Joe's case.

The cops who finally came into the penthouse five minutes after I left it, found O'Brien that moaned in pain in the living room while Slim Joe with his nearly unrecognizable face and crushed crotch lied on the floor of his bed room. On his finger was found the little girl's private part liquid. That alone should be enough as evidence against him. Even more with other evidences like the two naked girls that were clearly being drugged, the audio recording from the eavesdrop I put. The cops also found a residue of drug in the girls's drink also the witnessing of both girls. If that can not put Slim Joe behind bar, I don't know what can.