Andy Vaccaro's Real Identity

I tap my fingers on the iron bench I'm sitting on. I'm at the park Andy told us to meet before. He didn't need to tell me the name of the park. We both know which park he meant, evet the exact point we should meet. This is one of places we use to meet up to discuss about his tasks or receiving his money.

I glance at my watch again. It is now exactly thirty minutes after Andy ended his call. I slowly place my hand under my jacket, unlock my gun from its place. Something is about to happen any second now. I'm not stupid, I know this is a trap Andy laid on me.

I gather all of my focus one more time, but this time to recognize any misbehavior that might happen surround me. All my senses are in full alert. The park is very quite. It is 8:25 PM after all, so it is uncommon for people to go in a park in this time, at this kind of weather, windy and cold.

No one really comes, not a dog, nor even a rat. I frowns my eyebrows. This is weird. Even if Andy didn't meant to trap me, he should be coming now. In almost five years of our friendship I know Andy is very punctual. Never once he comes late in our appointment.

I glance at my watch. Five minutes. Without releasing my right hand from my gun, I grab my phone in my jacket's outer pocket with my left hand then dial Andy's numbers. It is answered by a voice mail. I dials couple more times with the same result. Something's not right.

I leave the park immediately. The appointment in the park is definitely not a trap. Andy was genuinely wanted to tell me something. But someone... someone forbid him to. I fasten my steps and finally turn them into running after realizing it. I then turn my speed into fighter jet and run toward Andy's apartment building.

I arrive in front of his apartment less than a minute of human time. Without ringing a bell, I kick his door open. I gasp to find Andy lies on his bed with his blood comes out from a wound on his wrist like a flowing river.


I sit on a stool beside Andy's bed in the hospital. I managed to call 911 while pressing his wound to stop the blood flow. The E.R doctor said it was my quick action that saved him. But I know it better I should realize it quicker. I blamed my self for thinking Andy trapped me.

The police concludes this incident as attempt of suicide. I said nothing to deny that even though I knew it was not. Even though there is a suicide note on Andy's study desk, claiming that he was the one who killed Daniel, thus he killed himself. I know that it's not true. I know someone did this to Andy.

It has been almost 24 hours since I found Andy. Andy still hasn't awaken al though he has passed the critical condition. Because of 'his claiming' on 'his suicidal note', he is now lying on bed with right hand cuffed on the bed frame. I am lucky enough to be allowed by the police to stay on his side, al though they first confiscated all the things they thought could help him escape on me. A police officer is guarding in front of Andy's room.

I sip my maybe sixth or seventh cup of coffee.I have barely left his side ever since, except for refilling my coffee on the machine right in front of the room or go to toilet in the corner of the aisle.

Despite my eagerness to find Jennifer, I can not leave Andy. Not only because I need to know what he wanted to tell me, but more importantly... he is my best friend, and I know he is in danger now. Sooner or later that someone who did this to Andy will find out that Andy is still alive and wants to repeat their act.

"Scott.." I hear a throaty whispery voice calls me. I turn down the newspaper that I was reading to confirm my hearing. Andy does awakes.

"Hey, Buddy,," I greet him back with a lot of relieve. "Welcome back," I add with a grin on my face.

Andy tries to raise his right hand. It is when he realizes he is cuffed. "What.. ?"

"They found your suicidal note, claiming that you poisoned Daniel."

Andy bulges his eyes."I didn't... I wouldn't... wouldn't..."

"Psst.. I know you didn't do it," I say while glancing at the glass door. The officer who is supposed to guard Andy is sleeping on the bench.

"I have to tell you something.." Andy whispers.

"Relax. You better rest first"

"No! I have to tell you now," Andy insists me. His hand grabs my lower arm tight while his body is off from his bed a bit.

"Okay... okay... but you need to be quiet to not awake the cop," I give in. I push his chest gently to lie him back on his bed again. "Tell me. I'm listening," I tell him.

Andy sighs. "I'm sorry. I've been using you this whole time," he says.

"What do you mean ?"

"I... I work... at the organization."

"What ?!?!" I high up my voice subconsciously.

Andy nods weakly. "Let me tell you from the start," he says as weak as his previous nod.

Andy does works at the organization. That is why he could make those fake IDs so similar to the real ones. The organization provides him the exact same machines as the real ones to produces those IDs. The organization also provides him all the technologies he needs to make camouflages: faux-skin finger covers, temporary botox face sculptures, you name it.

But, unlike I who wore silver mask when I went to formal meeting at the headquarter and even lived in North wing tower of it, Andy's level is way below mine that he has never placed his feet on the headquarter's floor. When I worked directly under Madam, the high seater,'s order, Andy had never even spoken to Madam.

Andy's job is to support low level executors. It is only natural that he has never knew gossip on the headquarter's level. So, four and half years ago, when I came to him for fake ID, he really didn't know who I was.

When he knew I was capable of killing people, he had an idea of 'outsourcing' some of failed missions to me. Soon enough, he was known as the Rebound guy. His level increased few times over the years.

Around early of this year, Andy heard a gossip that the high seater is looking back of her 'lost lamb'. After gathering information, he realized that the lost lamb might have been me.

"So... So... I contacted the headquarter to give the information about you," Andy says in whispery tone. "I... I really didn't mean harm, Scott... You got to believe me. I just... I just thought... since you are already in assassin world, if you really are the lost lamb, then... when they recruit you back... I may... I may go up with you."

I believe he tells the truth, and I understand his reasoning. Who wouldn't want a promotion. "So... you arranged the incident at the airport," I make a guess.

Andy nods to confirm. "Yes. But I heard nothing for the next couple of months months. And since you didn't talk about it to me, I couldn't ask you. So I thought, I was wrong. You were not tMadam's lost lamb. Until one day... this Eastern woman..."


"Yes... Ms. Andrew asked me about Jennifer. She came with other woman.."


"No! Charlotte Parkinson is one who can wipe memories, right ? This is one is not Ms. Parkinson. She was very persuasive, but in annoying way.."

I frown my temple. They have new member ?

"Anyway.. Ms. Andrew asked about how you met Jennifer. At first I didn't want to tell her, but this other woman is so annoying and underestimated me, so I subconsciously tell her what she wanted. I told her about how you were protecting Jennifer from assassin. Then she left, and I heard nothing about her until you said that Radwansky got help from someone. I was suspicious that someone was Ms. Andrew."

I nod to agree. It makes sense. Lily knew where I lived at that time. The news about Jennifer's apartment being blown up is all over the city. All she got to do is searching for the assassin or even abut the culprit. Those were an easy job for Fred,

"Then... about four... no... maybe three months ago, Madam called me.."

"What did she want from you ?"

"She wanted me to persuade you to join back the organization. She said, it didn't matter if you didn't remember the old you, as long as you came back to the organization. She promised me a big promotion... a position inside the headquarter !!"

"But then, I decided to quit being assassin ?" I make a guess.

"Yes!! I was really upset at you !! You failed my career even before I had a chance to try it!" Andy hisses with a bit of anger. He then sighs.

"A week ago, Ms. Andrew came to see me again, this time with Ms. Parkinson. She forced me to tell her anyone who knew Jennifer and helped her got rid Jennifer. I refused. But then.. But it was then..." Andy covers his face and sobs. "It was then... Daniel entered my apartment. Miss... Ms. Andrew put off her glove and just... just touched him. He became.. became purple all the sudden and dropped on the floor." Andy sobs louder.

"She... she promised to bring him alive if I helped her. So I did... I really did!!"

"But she broke her promise..." I murmur to my self.

Andy nods several times. "She said... she said my task hasn't fulfilled. She said.. I haven't gotten my job done properly. I told her it was the best I could do, but... but she said it wasn't enough! Thus... thus she couldn't help Daniel yet. But... But Daniel... He.. couldn't make it any longer. At first he was still breathing, but... but... that day... I... I found him cold and not breathing. He's dead!!"

Andy whines mournfully to express his lost of his beloved lover.

After ten minutes, he continues, "When... When... I threatened Ms. Andrew that I would tell you all... she... she..."

"She slitted your wrist," I finish the statement for him. He breaks down in cry again. Lily would slit his wrist no matter he threatened him or not. I believe Lily poisoned Daniel was not a part of the plan. I believe, she didn't mean to let Daniel died. But because he is, she needs Andy to be her scapegoat.

"I'm sorry, Scott... I'm sorry. I've never had a mean to harm you nor Jennifer."

"I know... I know...," I say to him, panting his back to calm him down.

Andy is crying in silent for more than an hour until he runs out of energy and falls asleep.


I awake when my face touches the cold iron of window frame. I stretch my stiff body for sitting too long on the stool before glancing at my watch. 11:23 PM. It is the next day after Andy told his secret to me. After Andy's awoke, the police forbade me to accompany him in his room. Actually, the police would like to take Andy to prison the moment they knew he was awoke, but the doctor forbade them. The doctor said, Andy still needs to be observed for another 48 hours. Thus the police finally let him rest in the hospital.

I skip a loud yawn before decide to go to the toilet to wash my face. The cop who guards Andy just got back from refilling his coffee.

Since I'm in the toilet already, I go to pee even though I have no urge. Then I wash my hands and my face. I gather the flowing water with both of my hands and bring it to my face for the last time. I then wipe my wet face with my hands from my jaw up until my hair, end it with a loud exhale.

A thought about Jennifer slips into my mind, and it makes me worry in instance. But my hands and legs are tight. Of course, I can hardened my heart and just leave Andy alone to find her. But even if I did, I still have no clue where does Lily lives.

Lily definitely doesn't live at The Andrew's. We were moving to headquarter once we were member of Royal Knight. Thief informed me yesterday that her bodyguards still catch a suspicious behaviors around her dormitory. There are people searching for her. So I assume, now Lily knows that she found the wrong target and now searching for the real one.

I close my eyes tight and murmur some words, "Please take care of her." Many people believe it is a prayer, but I don't think it is. I mean... even if I am saying a prayer... to whom ? Even less believing, I don't even know God. I wish I do, though.

I sigh then slowly turn the faucet off. Still in my worry thought about Jennifer, my ears hear a click from the toilet's door.

"Shit !!" I immediately understand what it is. Someone locks the door from outside .

I quickly go to the door. Without even trying to move the handle, I pull the handle hard until it is dislodged from the door. I then open the handless door and run to Andy's room. while turn my speed into fighter jet.

In that less than 10 meters journey, I pass a nurse who stand like a statue in the middle of the aisle, and the cop just starring at Andy's room blankly. I turn my head to the same direction, seeing Lily is just pulling her left index finger off from Andy's chest.

"No !!" I shout in desperation, barging in the room.

"You !!" I grab Lily's shoulder and slam her to the wall. Blood is coming out of her mouth, but I careless about it. Instead, I choke her throat with so much power until she gapping for air in instant.

"You... you.. better... help... him..." she whispers, barely produces a sound.

"After killing you !" I say, harden my choke to her throat.

All of a sudden, someone appears behind me and pull my hand from Lily. Bruno !

Bruno hides Lily in his embrace.

"Bruno !! Don't you dare..."

"She's waiting for you," Bruno says before disappearing from my sight, once again, with Lily.

@@@@@ AUTHOR'S NOTE@@@@@

Long chapter this time. Did you expect about Andy being a part of the organization ? If so, at which chapter ? Please let me know in the comment :*