Here I Come

I press my lips hard to forbid my tears to fall from the corner of my eyes. An old woman just finished giving her eulogy of her dearest son, Andy Vaccaro. After Andy's mother place a white rose in the coffin, others, starting from the front row, are one by one getting out from their benches, walking toward the coffin and give their last respect to Andy Vaccaro. The late Andy Vaccaro.

Andy died that night. The doctors said it was heart attack, but I knew it better. It was Lily's touch that killed him. I don't know how exactly it worked, and even if I do know, would they believe me ? So I just shut my mouth and let the hospital announced his cause of death as heart attack.

I stand in front of the coffin now. I can see clearly Andy's handsome face. He lies there, peacefully asleep.

"I'm sorry, Man.." I whisper with choked voice. I place white rose on my hand on top of his chest and quickly just left the church.


The chirping birds are the only sound heard in the area. Well, at least until a buzzing sound is heard. The chirps immediately stop as the birds fly away in fear of the disturbing buzz sound.

"Nope, still too noisy," I murmur to my self before lower the drone I just flown. This is the quietest drone could be bought in the market. Still its voice is loud enough to disturb the serenity atmosphere of this quiet hill. I need it to be altered.

[Bob, can you help me find a mechanic to make a drone soundless ?] I message Bob.

[Jesus, Boss! It's been a long time since you contacted me. I thought you have forgotten me]

I sigh reading Bob's reply. [Well, can you help me ?] I urge my need.

[Sure, Boss. Let me prepare him for you first] Bob answers me.

[Don't hurt him!] I reply him quickly, remembering how Bob's method to persuade someone working for him. But then I sigh and continue, [Badly]

{Sure, Boss] I can imagine a wide grin is all over Bob's face.


Three days later, at the same place.

The birds are chirping happily while my drone is flying toward them. I smile in satisfaction. Bob's mechanic is really skillful.

I focus my eyes on the mini screen in the middle of a joystick on my hands. The birds are still on their places. I push a button in the middle. It is one of two extra buttons being modified by the mechanic. The mechanic was not just reducing the sound of drone, but also equipped it with the most important thing for me.

The button I just pushed shows a target mark on the screen as well as unlock the plastic gun's safety. I drive my drone to fly toward one of the bird. The bird is on the target mark. I push the other extra button. A bullet flies toward the bird, hit its wing. The bird shrieks in shock and pain before falling off from the tree.

"Shit !" I curse my self. I land my drone before walking toward where the bird fell. The bird is still there, chirping but this time in pain.

I take the bird in my hand. The bullet wounds its wing. It chirps to me. I can swear that its eyes drop a tear. I sigh before take it into my pocket and walk toward my tent. My first aid kit is in my tent.

While treating the bird I wounded, I let my mind makes plan. My drone is ready, but I am not. Al though I am good at snipping, peeking a target out of screen then shooting it from a wiggly drone needs more practice. I need to be precise. If I fail, there will be no second chance.

Since I still haven't gotten my extra power back, I need to move with the skill I have best, snipping. At first I was eager to go straight to the headquarter. After all, Lily lives there and I know for sure that Jennifer is also there. But, on second thought, barging to the headquarter without knowing their strength is a suicide.

It is the headquarter of a powerful organization that can produce mutants after all. I can imagine its security will be far more complicated and advance than the Pentagon. In my condition right now, I doubt I can event enter its gate in alive.

So, I take a detour. My plan is to ambush The Rauss house. I have confirmed that even though he is a General now, Mr. Rauss still lives in the same house, my childhood house. The security is increased, but merely by doubled the personals who guard it.

My toughest hindrance will be my master. He has the most sensitive senses that will acknowledge any danger from far. Thus I need to paralyze him from a far, much far than his sense can reach. We're talking about a couple of miles, to a very least. That's why I need to practice. I need to practice a lot.


After almost non-stop practicing for a week, I finally ready to execute my plan. I am very confidence about my snipping skill from a drone. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about sniping from two miles away.

It is not about my skill, but about the equipment. I could not find a riffle I could afford, both in money and connection, to snipe further than a mile. My best result with the best weapon I could have is at one and a half miles. But I know, it is not far enough. Thus, I take my risk.

I choose a place two miles away from Mr. Rauss' house. It is the peak of a small hill at the back of a small forest I used to pass by when I was in school. That is the only place I can execute my plan, flying the drone and snipping my master.

The residences here are sparse. Each house distances by a vast yard. Especially General Rauss' house that its right and left neighbors deliberately being emptied for security reason. That security reason is actually my fortunate because it gives me less obstacles.

7 AM.

Three cars, build a motorcade, are leaving the house. So now, the house should only have eight men to guard it. Nine, with my master.

I take the joystick, starting to fly the drone. I drive it to the back of the house first where there are three men guarding. I see them standing near the backyard fence with their backs facing my drone.

I shoot the first man on his neck. His body drops on the floor. The two men are too far from him that they don't hear it.

I fly my drone to the second and third men. They guard the same area, so this time I must shoot them consecutively. I push the button again and the stun bullet pierce the second man's neck. the third man only have time to turn his head toward my drone before he drops his unconscious body on the ground as well.

I fly the drone throw the side of the house. A black dog comes out of its house and barks on my drone. I see a guard shows up from around of the corner, so I just shoot him. What I don't expect is that there is another guard behind him.

Seeing his mate drops on the ground all of a sudden, the guard immediately pointing his long gun and shoot toward my drone. I swiftly avoid the bullet then shoots him. The stun bullets hits his arms. I shoot again. This time, it hits his neck

The gun shot should warn other guards, of course. I decide to hide my drone on a tree while spectating their movements. The three guards immediately comes to the spot where I hit the last guard. Their long guns are already on their hands.

Carefully and tactically, just like what they had bee trained, they spread themselves to investigate surround them with their gun pointing toward their direction. One guard is walking toward my drone. My drone shoots him before flies out from its hiding place

The other two, obviously heard the scream from their mate, immediately turn their bodies toward me. They must expect to see a man. Thus they are shocked to see one who has attacked them is a drone.

I use that moment to shoot one of them. The last guard shoot me, but once again I dodge its bullet before cripple him down.

Almost at the same time my drone crippled the last guard down, I feel I lose control of it. I can see from my screen that my drone's height is decreased drastically within seconds. It is hit. My drone falls to the ground.

Few seconds later, I can see a tall slender body appears in front of my 'dead' drone. My master. With deep frowns, he picks the drone from the ground.

I don't know what he does to my drone after that because I immediately run toward my heavy long gun that has been prepared before. I quickly point it toward where my master stand and watch him from the surveillance lens.

My master is still inspecting the drone, but he stands with his back facing me. I need to shoot him from the front. The back has bones and not many organs. Al though I don't mean to kill him, I need to paralyze him. So I wait.

My heart beats so fast even after I regulate my breathe. "Come on... come on... Calm down," I instruct my self. The fast beating heart makes our finger unsteady. That is bad for snipping. I learnt this from the best snipper in the country, my dad.

My master drops my drone back to the ground. He then stands still with both of his arms slightly stretch beside his body. He is sensing the danger. Even though I am far away from him, I subconsciously hold my breath as if he could hear it.

After some minutes, I can see my master relax himself. Both of his arms come down. He then turns his body. Finally.

I take a deep inhale, then slowly exhale. At the end of my breathe, I move my finger to pull the trigger. A bullet flies from my gun toward him.

A couple seconds later, I can see my bullet hit his stomach. My master opens his mouth in pain while his body jolts back. He then puts his right hand on top of bloody spot on the shirt he is wearing before drops to the ground.

@@@@@AUTHOR'S NOTE@@@@@

I always have trouble writing this kind of scene. But it is a lot of fun at the same moment ^_^ I hope you enjoy reading it as well ^_^