A Fragile Heart [2]

Once hearing my shout, the doctors are immediately run approaching Jennifer.

"We got code Blue here!"

"Get the husband out of here!"

A doctor approaches me and about to pulls me out. Instead, I knock him unconscious with a punch.

"Please, Mr. Bennet, you need to get out from here first," Dr. Paresh begs me and approaches me at once.

"Doctor, please... safe my wife," I beg toward him back.

"We will.. but you have to go now. Let us do our job," Dr. Paresh coaxes me like a child as he signaling a paramedic to lead me out of the room. This time, I just obey him.

Outside the room, I just stands lifelessly leaning on the wall. My mind is just... blank. I can't think of anything else other than my anxiety waiting for the news of Jennifer. Will she survive ? Will the doctors be able to safe her ? What if... what if... they can't.. ?

I shake my head for few times, trying to get rid of all the bad thoughts it has. No... No !! She must survive !! She must !!

Merely ten minutes later, which is like decades for me, Dr. Paresh comes out of the door, walking toward me while taking of mask from his face. I immediately approach him.


"She is stable now," noticing my worry face, Dr. Paresh cuts my words to give me the news.

At instant, I embrace him and whisper my grateful toward him.

Dr. Paresh pets my back a couple of times. Only after I distant my self from him, he continues his words, "But her heart's condition is not too good. I'm afraid we need to replace her valves, at the very minimum, or even the whole heart"

That information just weakens my knees until I drop to the floor.

"The procedures are actually quite low risk. The odd of surviving heart valve replacement is more than 97% while heart transplant is 85 to 90 %," Dr. Paresh informs in calm tone.

I raise my head to stare at Dr. Paresh who is struggling to be down on his knee. "So... when... when will you do it ?"

Dr. Paresh exhales heavily. "Madam hasn't allowed us to do it yet. She needs to talk to you first. Something about agreement."

I low down my head. I know exactly what she meant.


I have sat beside Jennifer for another twelve hours. Still holding her soft hand and the same blank gaze. But this time, my other hand is also busy holding a petit palm through a rubber glove. Yes, I decided to bring Sophie, with her transparent box included, to Jennifer's room. I want to make sure that Jennifer will be able to see her baby once she opens her eyes.

Al though both of my hands are busy, my mind is wondering elsewhere. To the conversation I had few hours ago with Mrs. Rauss to be exact.

"I'm sorry, my son. Not that I don't care about your wife, or to you," Mrs. Rauss said while gazing at me with a pity sight, "It's just..." she sighed.

I only stared back at her, didn't respond a thing.

"We have the agreement, right.."

I nodded.

"I agreed to safe your baby and took off the iron from her heart. My doctor even made further step which was trying to fix her valves."

I closed my eyes and nodded again.

Mrs. Rauss sighed again. "You know... we can make new agreement. Your wife can have her heart like brand new, you know that our technology is capable to make it happens. All you need to do is..."

"To join back to your organization," I continued her words lifelessly.

This time, Mrs. Raus was one who nodded.

I draw back from my reverie when I feel Jennifer's hang is moving. I immediately stand and as gentle as possible taking Sophie out of her box into my arms.

"Hi, Baby.." I whisper softly as her eyes are slowly opening.

Jennifer still in daze is staring at me who is carrying Sophie.

"She's our baby, Babe.." I tell her quickly with a smile.

"Baby ?"

"Yes.. She's Sophie, our baby... Do you wanna see her ?"

Jennifer weakly nods. I gently enclose Sophie in front of her so Jennifer can se her. The pain on Jennifer's face is gone at once when she saw our little one.

"Hey, Baby..." She whispers toward Sophie with a wide smile. Jennifer touches Sophie's cheeks with her finger, then she raises her head to look at me. "She's so beautiful," Jennifer says with teary eyes.

"You wanna carry her ?" I ask Jennifer.

"Can I ?" Jennifer asks in excitement.

"Of course... just be careful with your wound on your left chest," I say as I gently put Sophie on Jennifer's arms.

Jennifer naturally carries our baby. Sophie who is sleeping doesn't even being annoyed a bit. Jennifer squints a little when she puts Sophie onto her chest, but her smile doesn't fade.

Watching how much Jennifer's love is poured to Sophie, my smile automatically is rising. It feels like all my weary is being put down by gallons of water.

Couple of step sounds are coming from behind me.

"Hello, Mrs. Bennet," Dr. Paresh greets her with a cheerful tone while a nurse who came with him comes closer toward Jennifer.

"The baby needs to be feed," the nurse says.

"Why can't I breastfeed her ?" Jennifer asks with a frown.

The nurse looks at Dr. Paresh, hoping he can help her answering the question.

"You will, Ma'am. But not now," Dr. Paresh answers her. "Your body still needs to rest."

Dr. Paresh' soothing voice halts Jennifer's will to protest. Reluctantly, she gives Sophie to the nurse. Her eyes are following the nurse until she disappears behind the door. Only then Jennifer puts her head back on the pillow. She winces in pain and her hand automatically rubs her left chest.

"Where am I ?" the question is asked to me.

"Health facility," I answer in stammered.

Her eyebrows frown. "Health facility ? You mean hospital ?"

I sigh. "Not... not really a hospital"

Her frown goes deeper. "Why am I being put in health facility instead of hospital? and what health facility is this ?"

"Ma'am, you need to calm down," Dr. Paresh approaches her immediately while his hand is groping the front pocket of his gown. Soon, there is a syringe in his hand.

"I... I will tell you all," I say to Jennifer, still with stammer. "But, you need to let Doctor Paresh injects a sedative into you."

"Why ?" she asks, with slightly higher tone.

"You have a damage heart, Ma'am. You may not in panic or stress," Dr. Paresh answers her.

The answer seems to stunt Jennifer that makes her in silent.

"Baby... are you alright ?" I ask in worry.

"My heart is damaged ?" She asks, repeating Dr. Paresh' information.

"It is," I only able to produce a whisper to answer her.

A tear drops from her eyes. she quickly wipes it off. "So I guess your explanation will make me stress or panic, that's why I need being put in sedative mode ?" She asks again.

I forgot how smart and straight forward my wife is until I was planning on fooling her. Thus, all I can do is to nod to answer her.

She pierces my heart with her sharp gaze for a whole minute before sighing. "Okay."

Dr. Paresh then put the needle of syringe onto the catheter and pushes the liquid inside the syringe.

Around few minutes later, Jennifer has already put her head on pillow on her back. Her eyes are half close. The monitor beside her displaying her heart rate and blood pressure, both are below normal.

"She's ready," Dr. Paresh says to me.

I take the stool where I sat on before a little more closer to Jennifer, then sit on it. I gulp on my dry throat before saying, "Your heart is damaged because of me..."

Then I start to tell her everything: about the accident, about how she was kidnapped and brought here by Bruno to safe her, about how I finally able to find her, and... of course... about the agreement.

Jennifer stares at me with her sleepy eyes. Still, a tear drops form her eye again.

"I'm sorry," I whisper to her regretfully.

Jennifer just moves her hand a slight and looks away from me. "The agreement is fulfilled, right ?"

I nod.

"So, we can out of here ?" she asks again.

I glance at the monitor to see her heart rate. It slightly increases, but still in normal state. "Your heart needs to be fixed immediately," I say to her. "Mrs. Rauss offered me a new agreement..."

:No," she rejects even before I finished my words. "Let me out of here. Immediately."