An Attempt To Find A Heart Donor [2]


An ear deafening scream is immediately heard once I turned my speed back to human mode.

"Thief, calm down !" I hiss to calm Thief down as she keeps punching and kicking my body. "Thief, stop it ! It's me, Score," I hiss again.

"You !!" Finally realizing that it was me, Thief stops her punches and kicks. Instead she wanders her sight around, "What.. ?? Where.. Where am I ?? What are you ..."

"Thief, I need your help.." I say to her while releasing my hold from her, knowing that she has calmed down.

Thief just stares at me with so much anger for several seconds.

"Thief, please..."

To my surprise, Thief suddenly moves, trying to run away. I, of course easily catch her back. I don't even need to change my speed mode for that. I push her back to the wall of the river damn and lock her movement with my arm and legs. I brought her to a river bank. The river splits the city, about 50 kilometers from where P school of design is.

"Please, Thief.. I don't want you to get hurt," I say to her again since she is still struggling to get away from my lock.

"What do you want from me ?!" She barks at me. A cold vapor sips out from her mask that covers her nose and mouth. "How dare you still approach me, after your betrayal ?!!"

"Thief... I really need..."

"After you tried to kill my father, now what... ?!?! You want to kidnap me ?!?!?"

"No! I don't want to kidnap.."

"What's your organization wants from my father, huh ?!"

"It has nothing to do with the organization.."

"Do they want to impeach..."

"It's not about the organiza..."

"They want to lead this count..."


I finally able to keep her in silence.

"Jen is dying..." I repeat my sentence, this time with less more energy. I feel so tired all of a sudden.

"Didn't they promise to safe her ?" Thief says, after almost a whole minute in silence. "That is why you were agree to work with them again and betray your friend, right ?"

I just nod and close my eyes since I could taste how bitter her voice was when she mentioned about my betrayal of our friendship.

"So what ? Your organization betrayed you back ?!" She asks again, this time in mockery.

I shake my head lifelessly. "They... they kept their promise." I exhales heavily before continue my words, "The agreement is they saved Jen and my baby. They did. But, Jen's heart is damaged because of the accident. Now... now she needs a new heart."

"Why didn't you ask your organization to help you ?"

"They offered a new agreement. I joined them back as a return of her fully new healthy heart."

"Let me guess... Jen didn't agree."

I nod again, meekly.

"Her condition is devastating. She can not be sad, angry, worry... worse she can not even be happy. You know how Jen is so expressive. That condition brings her down mentally."

I sighs heavily before continuing, "She is in a heart recipients list already. But, the legal heart donor is rare. I asked Bob to find it in black market, but his power is limited."

"So... you asked ME a favor ?" She takes a guess, deliberately emphasizing the word me, as if it was so wrong.

"Yes. Please... you are my only hope," I answer. I grope my winter coat inner pocket to take out a piece of paper that is folded in four.

I put the paper to Thief's hand. "This is the heart specification that would match her. I am willingly to pay any price for it. The offer I gave to Bob is 50 millions, but... but... I'm willing to pay more, if necessary. Jen has billions of inheritance, so I'm sure that's enough. Even if that is not enough..."

"And you think I care ?" Thief cuts my words.

I can only stare at her blankly as my answer.

"How on earth do you even dare to think I would help you ?" She asks again with a smirk all over her face.

"Please, Thief... I would do anything..."

"Like what... ? Going to jail ?"

I stare again to her eyes deeply. Of course, I have thought this reaction from Thief. And of course, I realized, the probability that she would put me to jail is why greater than she would help me. I betrayed our friendship. I even attempted to kill her father. More over, Thief knows everything I did in the past four years, and I believe she could easily bring up the evidences even if she has never kept them before. So, yes... this is a fool move. But I'm desperate.

"Yes," I say to her in defeated.

"Yes ?"

"Put me to jail. Or even... kill me. Just promise me: Help Jen to have her new heart."

Thief laughs mockingly. At the same time, noisy sounds of helicopter blades turning followed by the sudden winds blowing and some men are shouting over us.

"Finally, they come," Thief murmurs to herself then moves her gaze back at me. "You have like two minutes to run away before they come down and capture you. I guess that is not a problem regarding with your ability, right ?" She informs me unchantantly.

Ignoring all the noises over us that getting louder and busier, I release Thief from my lock and step a couple of steps back.

"One minute," Thief warns me when I am still standing at my place.

"Please, help her," I whisper my final plead to her.

"Put your hands where I can see them !!!" Someone barks at me from five meters behind me.

I slowly put both my arms up in the air just like his order. Thirty seconds later, someones roughly pulls my arms down and go behind my back from behind.

"Miss, are you okay ?" Another man asks in worry while approaching Thief.

"What kept you so long ?!?!" Thief barks at the man with sulking voice. "Didn't I set the emergency signal five minutes ago ?! Is it that hard to just follow the GPS ?!?! Idiots !!"

"Y... Yes, Miss... We are!" The man is agreeing her curse in stammered.

Someone behind me kicks me behind my knees to make me kneel. "What do you want us to do with him, Miss ? According to the law, he should be charged and put to jain for a lifetime for attempting to kidnap family member of the president."

Thief gazes at me deeply with a cold sight. Her sight is even colder than this mid-winter weather that is below 32 degree Fahrenheit. Cold vapors sipping through the mask of every person in this place.

"Beat him to dead," Thief orders without moving her lips. She then puts on the warm blanket offered to her by another bodyguard.

"Miss ?" The man behind me asks in confused.

Thief who is about to leave stops her move and turns her head toward him. "Are you deaf ? You heard me, beat him to death !"

"Y... Yes, Miss !"


I walk slowly and shuffling on the pathway of my house. With gritted teeth, I bear all the pain that appears in every move I made. Still, I feel so lucky.

Once Thief left, her four bodyguards did beaten me up. This time, they are smarter. They hit me right on my head first, so I was knocked out for several minutes. I only woke up to have tremendous pain as I felt one of my rib was broken at the cause of a kick. A minute later, I just realized that I was being cuffed, both my hands and legs, and those cuffs being chained at some pole. With that restrain, I couldn't defense my self, even less getting away. So, I could just receive all the beatings up until I lost conscious.

I don't know what stop them from beating me to dead, but two hours later, I woke up to have my body floating in the middle of the river. With a lot of struggle, I swam to the river bank. Fortunately, the river streamed calmly that night.

I was also lucky that they didn't take my backpack. They just left it there at the river bank. When I finally arrived at the river bank, my phone rang. With so much trouble, since my fingers were freezing, I opened my backpack zip to take my phone.

"Yes, Baby... " I say tenderly, hiding all the pain and cold that attack my body.

"Where were you ? I called you for hours and you didn't answered," Jennifer complains in worry.

"I'm sorry, Baby. I... I was busy to move my things to my new safe place," I answer her, lying through my teeth.

"Are you okay ? You sounded in pain," Jennifer asks.

"Of course I'm fine, Baby. I'm just tired, that's all," Again, I lie.

"I miss you."

"I miss you, too."

"And Sophie misses you, too."

"She did ?" I chuckle. "Is she asleep already?"


"Put the phone on her ear, please," I request to Jen. A minute later, after I heard some movements Jennifer made, I whisper to Sophie through the phone, "Hi, Sweetie. Have you being nice to Mommy ? Daddy will come home immediately, okay. You take care of Mommy for me, okay ? I love you so much, Sweet Heart."

"When will you come home ?" This is Jennifer who speaks.

"I will be at your side when you open your eyes in the morning," I promise her.

For the sake of keeping that promise, I forced my body to go to the airport and caught the last flight to town M. Fortunately, I made it.

I am about to open the front door when a thought halts me. What if Jennifer suddenly awoke and saw my wounds while I am sleeping ? I am sure my wounds will be cured once I go to sleep, but I have no idea when exactly that happens. All I know is that when I awoke, mu wounds always cure.

With that thought, I cancel my plan to enter my house. Instead, I drag my leg to go to the back of my house. There is a small forest there. I decide to sleep there for few hours before go back to my house in the morning.

On my way, I pass my bedroom's window. The scene halts my movement for few seconds. Jennifer is soundly asleep with a little smile on her lips. Her back is facing Peter Thompson who is sitting on the edge of the bed. His hand gently rubs Jennifer's hair then moves down to her soft cheeks. His lips ar moving, making a soundless whisper, "I always love you, Jen."

@@@@@AUTHOR'S NOTE@@@@@

Quite long chapter this time hehe. To be honest, these two chapters were on the spot idea, I didn't plan them ahead like most of the chapters. But, I am quite satisfied with the result. I hope you, too. If you do, please vote with power stone. Thank you ^^