An Attempt to Find a Heart Donor [3]

I finally open my eyes when a gentle kiss is put on my bare chess.

"Morning, Baby," Jennifer whispers while giving me her best smile. "You sleep like a baby," she adds.

"I did, didn't I ?" I rhetorically asks while muffling her lips with mine for a couple of seconds. To be honest, I was already wide awake since maybe thirty minutes ago when Jennifer tightened her hold on my waist. I deliberately kept my eyes closed so I could enjoy the peacefulness and yet warmth feeling her embrace gave.

I went back to my house around 4 AM. Like I expected, when I awoke with a horrible headache, all my wounds are healed. My arrival at my house 'forced' Peter that was sleeping on the couch to wake up then left. I didn't confront him about what he did last night, I don't think that's necessary. I don't care how much he tried, I know for sure he could never win Jennifer's love. So, I just uttered my gratitude to him before he left, then went to clean my self and laid my body beside Jennifer and embraced her.

"So.. have you managed your stuff ?" Jennifer asks after releasing her lips from mine.

"Ahem," I then tighten my embrace toward her. "My apartment is ready to be sold. So is my car."

"Why do you need all that money ?"

"Hmm.. I don't," I kiss her on forehead to cover my lie. I have a huge doubt that Jennifer will agree to have a heart donor from blackmarket.

"So, why do you sell your assets ?"

"I just think since we are staying here now, I won't need them again. In that case, I better just sell them and invest them in a more profitable assets, right ?"

Jennifer shrugs. "I don't know much about investment."

"Yet," I kiss her eye, " You are..." then her nose. "Richer than me.." then her lips.

Jennifer giggles but then replies my kiss passionately.

Her kiss rises my body temperature immediately. I'm so indulged by the kiss we make that I literally forget about her condition. Soon, my lips are already moving to her neck while my hand is sneaking under her night gown. When I pinch her nipple, Jennifer moans sensually. Her moan of course arouses me. So, I sick and bite her neck to leave a little love mark there before my lips leaving them to travel onto her delicious breast.

"Eeeeeee !!!"

The loud cry of Sophie, fortunately, disrupts our romantic session. Both Jennifer and I are staring at each other for couple of seconds before giggling. I then move out of the bed to take Sophie and put her onto bed in between me and Jennifer.

"Hi, Baby.. are you hungry ?" Jennifer asks toward Sophie while moving her little body onto her arms, in front of her chest. The moment Sophie's mouth found Jennifer's nipple, she sucks it greedily. While I... can only watch her enviously.

"I'm hungry, too..." I sulk in act to tease Jennifer.

Jennifer giggles and pinches my nose. "Thank you," She whispers onto my ear with full of gratitude.

I peck her lips quickly before I go off from the bed. "I better prepare you a breakfast," I say before leaving the bed room.


Three days later.

While brewing coffee and toasting some breads, I make a call to Bob.

"Any good news ?" I ask once he picks up my call.

"Not yet, Boss."

I sigh. "Not even a proposition ? I mean, you mentioned that it is still negotiable, right ?"

"I did, Boss," Bob confirms me.

I sigh again. "Okay... just tell me right away when you got any proposition." I say to him heavily.

"Of course, Boss."

With that, I end our call. I sigh again for the third time. I guess, I'm being too optimistic that Thief would help me. Or maybe, I miss-read her act that night.

That night, I was so sure that she would help me. I could see it in her eyes. I could also see it in the way that she secretly put the paper that has the heart donor specification written on it in her winter jacket's pocket before her bodyguard came to her. If she didn't want to help me, why would she keep that paper, right ? That's why, I deliberately didn't run away and just took all the beatings her bodyguards gave to me.

Ding sound of toaster brings me back from my reverie. With one last sigh, I pull my body from leaning on the island to take the toasts. While poring coffee to a cup, I call Jennifer up, "Baby, breakfast's ready !"

Soon, Jennifer is coming into the kitchen.

"What are you making me ?" She asks. when she looks at me, she asks another question, "Why is your face so murky ?"

I force a smile on my face. "Nothing... I just miss you," I tell her. Jennifer makes a giggle that vanishes my murk in an instant. I take her in my embrace and kiss her forehead. "I love you so much, you know that ?"

Jennifer nods a couple of times. Still in my embrace she takes the bacons from fry pan and put it on the toasts that already on plates while I add lettuce and tomato slices with one hand. Less than two minutes later, we already have our breakfast. Still standing in front of the island and with Jennifer is still in my embrace.

Suddenly our front door is opened with a loud thud, followed by an excited call, "Jen !! Scott !!"

"We're here !" I reply.

Couple of seconds later, Peter already appears in front of the kitchen door frame. "We got it !" he says it so excited, almost exclaiming while his face that is still covered with mask is red tomato.

"The heart ?" I ask to confirm.

Peter nods a few times. "Yes !! We found a perfect heart donor for Jen !" He says to add his confirmation.

Jennifer shriek in joy and hug me. After that she runs to hug Peter.. At that moment, my phone that is on the island makes a short vibrate. A chat notification appears on the display.

"Prepare 50 millions in crypto."

I take my phone and reply it in instant. "Thank you. I owe you my life."

"I didn't do it for you. From now on, never contact me again !"