3 forms

when we got on the train I went to the back where I usually sit and waited a while later there was a knock on the door

"may I help you" I asked

"have you seen a toad neville's lost one" she replied

"what's its name" I asked

"trevor" she replied

"(accio Trevor the toad)" I said and it landed in my hand I handed it to her and she left

the rest of the trip was uneventful so was the carriage ride I however waited at the entrance for Harry and I saw malfoy I knew it was him by his hair

"malfoy leave potter alone" I told him

"and who may you be" he asked

"I am Thomas Jonathan Jerrison" I said he gulped before walking away all the most ancient and noble families know of me that year also passed uneventful for me so was my fifth year it was also uneventful besides my OWLs which I had 7 O+ which meant I got the highest grades possible however I did practice a lot and decided to become an animagus

I told both professor McGonagall and Dumbledore and we were standing in his office I point my wand at my heart (Amato Animo Animato Animagus) I replied and felt excruciating pain for a millisecond causing me to drop my wand and start transforming I quickly realized this was not big enough so I ran to the hall which was when the transformation was complete I stood as a noble Dragon but it didn't stop there as I started changing again this time I was a phoenix but I still wasn't done and lastly I stood as a thunderbird before transforming back to normal

"how is that even possible I have three form I mean yes my family crest has a dragon a phoenix and my wands core is a thunderbird tail feather but three" I said shocked

"I will be registering when I'm an adult if that's alright with the two of you" they nodded and then I felt really tired and passed out when I woke up I saw both the professor's staring at me when I woke up they told me that I passed out because the spell took to much out of me to make me an animagus and I should now be fine and classes will start tomorrow I nodded they left

my classes were as usual boring so I went through them with a breeze one day I found harry and Hermione using a time turned so I figured I'd make wolfsbane option and then I'd watch as I had a very good feeling about it I started going to the whomping willow then I saw Harry and hermione enter but I felt waiting was wise so I did and then I see snape and I waited a bit for him before entering myself and I heard the conversation with snape watched him get knocked out before going in and handing him my wolfsbane potion

"just a hunch" I told him he drank

"I would suggest staying here" I told him he nodded come on Mr Pettigrew lets get my cousin free

"so your Thomas" Sirius asked I nodded and we followed pettigrew out and gave him to the dementors and explained that the culprit is Pettigrew Sirius is innocent and that Pettigrew was an unregistered animagus hiding as a rat but as he transformed and got away fortunately I just told them to pull memories of everyone here we did so and after reviewing the evidence Sirius was free

"as said in great uncle's will number 12 and I kreacher are yours" he nodded thanked me to which I nodded and only said family before heading to my common room and going to bed the rest of my year was uneventful as we were heading towards jerome

"Tom can I stay with the weasleys this summer" Harry asked

"I don't see why not but Don't get in trouble" I told him he nodded and went with the weasleys as I went with jerome back to black castle for the final summer