to the gyuki clan

It wasnt hard to find the tengu yokai…

I found a group of tengu, and one of them i even recognized from the show… .KARASU TENGU!

He appeared in front of me…

He had an expression of awe on his face… as i slowly walked up to him… "who are you?"

Was what he asked…

Of course i answered…

"The one who will become the king of all yokai… Nurarihyon."

Karasu tengu gulped… but he held his monks staff, clenching it…

"If you defeat me, ill follow you." he seemed to have made a decision on the spot… and he also seemed to be enthralled by my natural 'fear'

A natural and charming smile slowly formed upon my lips…

"Then shall we begin, tengu?"

The crow shivered in anticipation…

"The names karasu tengu…"

I received all the memories and powers of byakuya kuchiki, so i could perform the same feats and powers he could… though my body was not that of a soul reaper, and reiatsu was the equivalent of byakuyas…

Instantly, karasu tengu lurched towards me, while enhancing his body with senjutsu, and wind fear… creating a tornado… that rushed towards me…

Fear mixed into the tornado as it rushed towards me… but i simply brought up my sword, a smile playing upon my lips… as we crossed weapons… my power pressuring the surrounding winds to twist and churn, as spider webbed cracks formed at my feet, and debris began to levitate in the air only to disintegrate… this was simply the pressure of my reiatsu, and it pressured karasu tengu as a sweat drop formed on his face…

"As expected of someone that desires to be king of all yokai." karasu tengu whispered… but inwardly he was incredibly impressed, this person wasnt just charismatic, and his fear enthralling but he had power to back his claim… and his power was also incredibly mysterious… it wasnt just like any regular yokai.

However the pressure didnt end there… Nura began to tap into his practically endless reserve of life energy that had fused with his soul… and then…

An utterly colossal pressure emanated from nurse body…


Like a hammer of energy, cracks in the earth became more pronounced with each release of his energy… of both his charka, natural life energy, and finally his reiatsu at full force!

With each hammer of energy from his body simply releasing the pressure held inside his body…

Decimated the surroundings draping over it, as if they were at every bottom of the ocean inside a gravity well…

Karasu tengu known as the strongest tengu in this part of japan… but now like a frog at the bottom of a well… he looked like he was a small insect before this being in front of him… and his glowing red eyes pierced into his very being… barely able to contend with the pressure on his body, he fell to his knees… his body collapsed under the pressure, and he was barely able to maintain consciousness…

'What is this?!' he couldnt help but shout in his mind….

Just like a puppet with its strings cut, he fell to the ground, almost life less, his body barely if at all breathing…

Then slowly, the pressure disappeared, as if it was never there…

However, karasu tengu had experienced both awe, and incredibly fear that day… and he didnt dare to move… until he recovered roughly 15 minutes later…

He kneeled before nura, and shivered in anticipation and he wasnt sure why…. Or what for, but he felt like he just found someone worthy… someone worthy to place his own banner under…

As such… he shivered in anticipation… in delight, awe, and a mixture of fear…

"Follow me on my back karasu tengu, we have much work to do in the surrounding regions…"

Hearing this order, he fell a step behind Nura, with his head slightly lowered…

"Yes… supreme commander." a slight sweat drop formed on his face for a moment… and for some reason… he felt at home, following this man… as if it was meant to be…

As scuh, a small smile formed on his crow face…

It didnt take long with karasu tengus presence, to gather the rest of the tengu and its surrounding territories this part of japan to come under me… in fact they seemed to be more then happy to follow me…

Someone strong enough to lead them, and protect them… so we returned to the large mountain that peered into the sky… ontop of it was the nura clan mansion…

Houses were currently being built to accommodate them, while, Nura also made karasu tengu and his two assault leaders, aotabo and kurotabo be in charge of them… they were given the great duty of keeping the nura clan safe…


This wasnt all of what he wanted…

After his forces increased to about 5,000 from all the tengus… he had already made a name for himself…

And his territory was great….

More and more yokai begun to seek out the nura clan, so it wasnt just tengus… many weak yokai that had no place to go to, seeked us out, and number continued to swell….

At any rate…

Yokai were somewhat simple, they often followed the most charismatic, yokai, or the strongest yokai, or they formed groups, but was really insular, not really mixing together, unless they were of a large group.

This being said…

He had kubinashi follow him as a close aid, and they began to go towards the west… it was time to get gyuki and his mountain under my control… this would put the entire western region of my own mountain under me…

Humans were rather primitive in this time… and a war was currently on going, this gave birth to many kinds of yokai, and many opportunities…


As we were making our way through towards the gyuki clan territory…

A group of humans were currently surrounding a homeless old man, and were currently harassing him…

"Hey old man, move it, before i beat you."

"Yeah, your a waste of space!"

"We should just beat him, so he doenst hang around here anymore."

But this old man wasnt what he seemed… i knew it, and i felt this was a yokai! A very old one…

As for what kind of yokai, im not entirely sure…

This when things escalated, as the old man just looked at them, as if he was pitying them… with his gaze, witch made them even angrier…

"Old man your asking for a beating!"

This was when they begun to bring up their heels, and started to bring it down on the old man…

Who simply brought his hands up to defend himself… seemingly too weak to do anything else…

Disgusted by the humans… i ruthlessly gazed at them, and then i grabbed the hilt of senbonzakura, and with one swift movement, i slashed in a large arc, swiftly killing all them of them, bisecting them…

The old man, looked at this sight and didnt seemed to be affected… but as the blood sprayed, i moved to the side, so as to avoid getting the blood on my body…

Kubinashi, became somewhat surprised at this sight, but in this era, it was kill or be killed…

And he knew it was a fellow yokai being beaten down, so he silently approved of the action, even if it was incredibly ruthless.

A few of men that were bisected, began to move around for a bit with the upper half of their body, and then they looked at me… with surprise on their faces… but then they died with their organs leaking out of their body, scattering across the ground along with their blood….

The old man, became covered in blood, and he slowly stood up… a little feeble-looking… but he looked at me with slight surprise, as if he just noticed me… and then i noticed it, he was a dog yokai…

At least, he revealed himself to me…

He stepped over the bodies, and made his way to me, but kubinashi stepped up to stop him…

He silently stood there in front of kubinashi, then he glanced at the dead humans….

And then he bowed… to me.. "Thankyou."

I stepped up towards him, holding onto the shoulder of kubinashi who seemed to be surprised…

He really seemed like he war near his end days, but this time as he stopped bowing, he stood up straight and looked at me, with certainty in his eyes….

Then he clapped his hands…

And then a bunch of other dog yokai appeared with their tongues out… in other words this was a group of inugami!

Was this a test?

A large group of dog yokai, inugami began to gather around kubinashi, they all had uncertain looks on their faces… but one thing was for sure… the old man was not just any old man….

"For showing what you are willing to do to protect your fellow yokai, we would like to follow you. All we ask is that you show us that same kindness you did just now, and do so in the future."

All of them looked to be in rags, covered in dirt… their eyes blazed as they heard his words… and they began to size us up…

I reached into my sleeve and pulled out a purse… and then handed it out to kubinashi…

He seemed to know what i wanted….

Clothes and food… for our new additions…

They also saw the purse, no greed or anything was found in their eyes, they were pure, and so was their seemingly sincere and loyal appearance…

"Was this a test?"

I asked, as kubinashi went off to buy some clothes and food…

The old man smiled at this, his aura seemed to be slowly changing, as he already knew that i had accepted them in, and already was showing them great kindness…

A slight tear was in their eyes as they saw this… a few of them followed kubinashi and offered to help him bring the food and clothes…

Others began to line up behind the old man…

While old man introduced himself… "i am the guardian, or pack leader as you would like to think, of this group my name is Jin." as he proclaimed his name, his aura of pride as a dog yokai exploded from his body…

This was his pride as a yokai, but also one could feel boundless kindness and a heavy responsibility…

"Follow me on my back, ill protect you all to the best of my ability. You no longer need to bear the burden, old man."

Tears began to fall as they shivered at these words, words that full of sincerity! A savior!

It wasnt long till kubinashi returned with a couple of helpers, they a carriage, and it was full of food and clothes…

All of them, gratefully took a kimono and got changed, while they soon dug into the food…

The small group of theirs had turned into roughly 500 inugami…. Dog yokai…

All of them were clothed, and fed, while it was simple food they were more then grateful, as they were finished, they all thanked me one by one, or in groups…

Jin watched all of this… and he smiled as he seemingly and finally found a home for his people…

Kubinashi, returned and gave the purse back to nura, and it mysteriously disappeared in his sleeve…

"Those that do not wish to fight, will be escorted back to my mountain, but those that wish to serve, come with me."

He said this, as his voice drifted around… no one even the children wished to abandon their new kind leader… even if the time was short, they were dog yokai, their loyalty fierce, and tenacious… jin became serious as he heard this… 'so hes no just out for a stroll? No wait… i heard about this man…'

Realization dawned on everyones faces… 'this is one aspiring for greatness, to bring the entire tumultuous horde under him! Nurarihyon!'

Word had already spread, so, it was known that he had already brought the scattered tengu under him, but now he aims… for… the mighty gyuki clan! The mountain could be seen far off in the distance, and it was seemingly where they were heading…

Their blood boiled in excitement, as they realised who and what they were roped into…

"We will follow you!"

They all said this at the same time