getting the gyuki clan and a new harem member

I arrived at the steps of mount nejireme, with kubinashi, jin and the following inugami yokai…

The mountain was layered in mist, giving it a mysterious and foreboding air…

But no one was afraid in my group, even the children inugami, they had their chests puffed out, and a large smile on their face, as looked towards me…

It was also i had this point that i summoned onibi's blue flame erupted from my body, and congealed into onibi's it began to light up the stair way in a beautiful blue light mixing with the mist…

"Oooh~" so they responded to the onibi's and then i began to walk up the mountains stairs, no human was in sight, and it didnt matter.

As we ascended the mountain… more and more figures appeared in the surrounding forest…

Giant yokai, small yokai, mid sized yokai… all with different sized bodies.. Or even insect yokai with terrifying bodies…

Two handsome yong yokai appeared in front of us, as we surrounded by the other yokai…

All of them showing showing their fists or their teeth…

"What are your intentions here?"

Gozumaru spoke up… with his claws out… his aura seemed to be begging me to make a move… a light smile appeared on my face, as i let loose my fear, my boundless charisma exuded from my body… along with a subtle threatening pressure…

It made everyone in the surroundings sweat…

It even made gozumaru and mezumaru step back a little…

As my red pierced towards them… "im here to recruit the gyuki clan into my hyakki yakou, my night parade of demons…"

A black swirl in the sky signified the move and strength that i released… with my fear… it was like a storm…. And it was incredibly dense…

Gozumaru was just about to speak, when suddenly a new figure appeared…

It was gyuki, with his muscular body, and black hair tied up in a pony tail, showing his handsome features, but it did cover the right side of his face with a fringe…

"And how do you plan to recruit us?"

Gyuki seemed to be quite intrigued… as he slowly muled over my appearance… his eyes shined as he looked at me…

"Gyuki, i presume? To answer your question, the old fashioned way, a duel between you and me."

With each step gyuki came closer as he descended the stairs….


His steps echoed through out the surrounding forest, and all the yokai in the surroundings, just watched on as this occurred…

Nura slowly grasped the hilt of his zanpkakuto… and even higher pressure pressed down on everyone present…

Gyuki raised his sword, in his hand, and his own pressure exuded out from his body using senjutsu….

He jumped in the air and brought down his sword in a display of force… and we crossed blades…. An explosion of energy creating a vortex surrounded us….

Gyuki was much stronger compared to his counter part… however… he wasnt strong enough…

Energy clashed creating friction in the air, creating sparks…

As and lightning as life energy and reiatsu clashed in a battle of dominance…

The grating of metal could be heard, as they pressed against each others blades…

Everyone had already backed away and given them a great amount of space…

Spider webbed cracks spread across the steps…

And then they created a series of clashes in a matter of moments, feeling each other out…. As more and more pressure began to build up slowly…

Gyuki seemed to slower, and slower, while nura got faster, and finally, in one swift strike… gyuki was disarmed as his sword flew into a nearby tree, piercing through it, along with a couple of other trees until it stopped roughly 500 meters away…

Nuras eyes blazed a redish hue, as his sclera turned black… and his sword was pointed towards gyuki… who seemed to have admitted defeat…

"I like you, gyuki, just from the way you hold yourself, you are calm, strong, intelligent… join my night parade of 100 demons… watch me rise as i become king of all yokai."

Gyuki who heard this, couldnt help but shake, as my charisma, my fear mixed together, and he grasped my extended hand…

All the yokai gulped down their saliva, as they saw such a fierce and intense fight and pressure…

It was incredibly short as well.. But it showed the prowess their new leader has in combat…

This was how i became the leader of the gyuki clan… now it was time to recruit the other scattered yokai… around the other areas of the map… and it wont take long to do so… however it was at this moment, that i found something of interest…


She slowly stepped down the steps, and appeared in front of me… it was as if time stopped…

"Whats your name, my dear?" i said this as i grasped her hand lightly, and kissed it…

She blushed ever so slightly… "nuregarasu…. Nurarihyon…. Ive heard alot about you…."

I looked at her closely, patches of cute feathers were at the sides of cheeks, and extended down her neck, while she had her hair tied up in a partial pony tail… with pure black hair and pupiless black eyes, that showed almost no emotion…

"All good things, i suspect…" i said this as a light chuckle escaped me… and i couldn't hold myself back, as i held her waist…

Her incredibly calm expression turned into a slight flustered on, though her expression changed incredibly minutely i could see it… and without asking for permission, i couldnt hold myself back… as i locked lips with her… she didnt reject it, in fact she welcomed it…

Then after we were finished, i whispered in her ear… "your mine…"