
I brought everyone back to the nura clan Headquarters as everyone welcomed us home, they saw the new additions, and welcomed them with open arms…

Nuregarasu made herself at home, while my other wife kejoro… got to know Nuregarasu, since she seemed to be my newest 'harem' member…. Well at any rate, i also gave her a ring, the ring had taken effect and instilled real feelings for myself in her…

As such she wont betray me or go to someone else, like karasu tengu…. As for that matter… im sorry karasu tengu, actually wait… he already has a wife!

Her name was Kitoine, and he had three children, the very same name that came from the show… it seems god already made plans for me and nuregarasu… silently, inwardly, i put in my hands in prayer… thankyou god!

It seems nuregarasu was simply manifested for me, and for me only, hence how easily she accepted the ring…

Well anyway…

As i was thinking such things….

I noticed my new additions making themselves at home, jin the inugami made himself at home inside my mansion while the rest of the inugami got to know everyone under me… they were surprised as it a mixture of weak and strong yokai, but the weak yokai outnumbered the strong yokai 10-1 and seemed to be the duty of the strong yokai to protect the weak ones…

As i wsa muling over this… as i sat in the hall, food was offered to me, on a small wooden table… along with some traditional sweets…

They were the expensive kind… along with wagashi, witch is basically a cake… it was good… as i was eating, i was interrupted by everyone else who were partying and drinking sake… by kubinashi, my close aid…

"Supreme commander, we have visitors wishing an audience with you… they are from the kanto great ape alliance… the leader is called Hihi."

About time!

"Bring in hihi, and have a portion of food set out for him. The rest of the yokai following him, can mingle in the party, but keep a close eye on them, i wont tolerate any disrespect to our clan."

Hearing this kubinashi's floating head nodded… and he went off to give out the orders…

Not long after, another table was placed down by a female inugami, following kejoro, and she began to place down the food on the table, along with a small porton of sweets…

It became known i have a sweet tooth, thankfully i wont become fat… hahaha with my yokai physicallogy i cant become fat! Have you ever seen a fat yokai?! One that isnt fat simply because they were born that way? NO!

Of course ill exercise daily, wait lets ask the system…

Fredred, can i become fat?

[ itill take a mountain of sweets for you become fat, but yes, it is indeed possible, if you dont take care of your body. ]

….. My dream… it just disappeared… kind of… i mean when i become old (older than i already am) i want to just laze around eating sweets all day, but i guess its not possible…


As i was thinking such nonsense, someone i recognized entered the room, he bowed lightly towards me, who was eating some fried fish with my chop sticks… inwardly crying about the loss of my dream… but then i turned towards him, and let loose my boundless charisma mixed with my fear…

He seemed to have become enamored with me, just as he looked at me…

These yokai… i think it must be to do with their traditions, but they are all entranced by fear…

"Hihi i presume? Please make yourself comfortable." i said this as i gestured lightly towards the seat and food prepared by my wife and yokai…

He nodded… and removed his noh mask.. Revealing an incredibly handsome face with dark burgundy red eyes… he was incredibly tall, but his appearance, was slender, he wore a hakama and kasoda…

He made himself comfortable… as he begun to eat as well… and a strange atmosphere could be felt in the room…

It was peaceful, however he seemed to know and want something��� as hihi leader of the kanto great ape alliance, made his way here… he also seemed to be eying me alot… measuring me…

At any rate… after we were finished with our meal, the room got serious….

"I came here to see the rising star, nurarihyon myself."

So he said… as he said this… i brought out a cup and demon sake in a white bottle with a flash, using the inventory of my system…

He seemed to be slightly surprised… and then i brought out another cup, bringing a total of 2 cups…

And i began to pour the sake into the cups…. And i gestured for him to take a cup, as i began to sip on the sake…

"I want to serve you, and bring the kanto great ape alliance under you, i can feel it, your going to become king of all yokai."

Well… hihi was indeed very forward, and he was more a silent individual in the series of nurarihyon no mago… but it seems once he makes up his mind, there was no way to change… but i think this is more to do with the influence of god… along with my natural charisma…. At any rate…

We exchanged cups, and he made a vow of service to me…

Pretty easy, eh?

In fact it was too easy… sigh…

It wasnt long till more territories was brought under in the coming months, as time passed i decided to take a break… and in that time, more and more yokai from all around came to swear fealty to the nura clan, i didnt even need to go anywhere….

The mountain that the nura clan HQ was on began to become a yokai metropolis… a city full of purely yokai, their wives, and their antiques…

Then once the break was over, i went on to continue the recruiting from all over japan, all the while, making sure, that my fellow yokai were not being mistreated by the humans… of course, i also made sure that whenever humans were nearby, the yokai would hide themselves…

I also didnt reveal ourselves to the angels and devils just yet or any other supernatural force…

I was gonna wait till i have all japan under me, every single yokai…

It didnt take me long till had all the yokai groups from the show under me…

Tono yokai, kyoto yokai, yukl-onna group, and finally the nekomatas… even Yasaka and her forces have joined with me… along with yamabuki, both of them were nine tailed foxes… and were both my fiances….

But then i noticed something… something that boiled my blood beyond compare…

My fellow yokai were going missing, the nekomatas, were currently being abducted by the devils along with some other yokai that were under my banner!

"Supreme commander, there are multiple missing reports of yokai… what are we going to do? We suspect it to be the devils… as we have had reports stating black wings, and humanoid figures…"

Without hesitation… "prepare the Night parade…. We are going to war, no yokai will be taken while i am king."

Kubinashi gulped… but immediately nodded none-the-less…