Time To Go

After leaving the inn, they arrived back in Timbretune by midday. Aether landed right outside the gates. He let all of them off his back before he minimised his size and coiled around Vy's wrist as they entered the town. 

It had been a couple of days since Vy's arrest in the market. While some gave her passing glances, Vy was no longer too bothered by it. Knowing what she knew, nothing they could say would matter much to her. 

All she cared about right now, was to see her brother. 

Vy soon found herself running back to her house. The adrenaline was pumping in her veins, as she ran through the streets. Vy finally came to their house that sat alongside the stone pavement. 

She turned the handle on the door and entered the house. 

"Lycster, I'm …," before she could even finish her sentence, Vy could feel a force come on her.