Parting Ways

Three days were all they had to pack and get their affairs in order. 

Though Vy had wished they had more time, Lycster and her work with what they were given. Uncertain of when they would be back, they said their farewells to Caster and Carole before heading on their journey. 

"Be safe out there," Carole said to Vy as she gave her a hug.

"We will try," Vy replied with a grin. 

When they arrived at the keystone portal, the Blackfire siblings quickly noticed a lone figure who seemed to be waiting for them. As they got nearer, Vy soon realised who it was. Her maroon coloured hair gave her identity away. 

"Miss Zylphy, you're the associate that we're meeting?" Vy asked. 

Zylphy gave her a smile and nodded, "Indeed, it is I. I hope you're well-rested and packed, Miss Blackfire."

"We are as well packed as we can be!" Lycster said with glee.