Come Along

"No, absolutely not," El outright voiced her disagreement. 

"I agree with you on this," Boss added. 

Almost everyone was against the idea, apart from the few who remained silent. Vyrena was surprised by the strong stance. She thought they would have been on board with the idea. 

"Vyrena, it's dangerous out there. Based on what had happened in the past I don't think it's wise or safe for you to go out there on your own," El argued her point of view. 

Vyrena was surprised by their strong opposition on the matter but she was not about to back down either. Something big was going on outside and she wanted to know what it was. After some thought, she suggested that instead of her going alone, someone could go with her instead. 

"I'll go," Ronni volunteered. 

Vyrena shook her head," No. I think you should stay in the tunnels. We don't know what is going on outside, and this might be the right time for us to speed up the work on the tunnel."