Fair Trade

Maribelle was the first to notice the grin forming on Vyrena's face. 

"Did you think of something?" she asked. 

"This is the perfect time for us to escape," Vyrena could barely contain the excitement of her realization. 

The rest were taken aback. Escape was something they had hoped for a really long time. But now that Vyrena had presented the option before them so soon, they hesitated. Maribell was looking to the side when she noticed the bandages that covered Vyrena's arms were coming off. 

She had expected to see her light fair skin peeking through. But when she realized all she could see was ash grey, Maribelle felt as if there was a pit in her stomach. The young girl reached out and pulled on the bandage. 

Everything unfurled at once, revealing Vyrena's ash grey arms. By the time she noticed, it was too late. El and Mara both had their eyes widened in shock and horror. 

"Vyrena! What happened to your arm?!" El gasped as she pointed.