
Vyrena did not waste any time as she flew across the length of the City, towards the Jungle. When she approached the wall of the Jungle, she did not notice anything out of the ordinary at first. But as she flew around, she came upon what looked like the aftermath of an all-out battle. 

There were corpses and carcasses strewn everywhere. Humans, drakes, spider beasts, all bloodied and wounded. She could sense there were still life forms in the Jungle itself. She wondered if any of them were those who had chosen to remain behind from their escape attempt. 

The wall, as she had known, had already repaired itself, as if there had never been any damage done to it at all. Vyrena quickened her flight towards the giant tree in the center of the Jungle. Instead of being perched on a branch as she had done previously, Vyrena landed at the base of the tree.