Shen Zhi Jian

Chapter 26

"Who said that!?" He looked around and saw no one.

"Down here, you idiot" The voice sounded again but this time it sounded annoyed.

He looked down and saw a... boy?

"Wha- a boy? What are you doing here?" He asked the unknown boy.

The unknown boy got mad. He jumped and smack Michael's head repeatedly.

"Orah Orah Orah!!" The unknown boy yelled while smashing his fist on Michael's head.

"Aah shit! What the fuck is your problem boy!?" He said while rubbing his bump on his head cause by the unknown boy.

"That's for calling me a boy! I'm over 50 thousand years old and you dare call me a mere boy!?" The unknown boy said in outrage.

"W-what? You over 50 thousand years old!? Are you joking with me right now!? You look like a kid who hasn't even gone to puberty yet" He said in shock.

"Hmph, I'm a Legendary Sword and you expect someone young? Are you an idiot?" The boy said in a deadpanned face.

"Wait... a Legendary Sword? Are you the Demonic Slayer?" He asked the boy.

The boy posed in a dramatic manner and said dramatically "I am the Legendary Sword Demonic Slayer, but I was once a humble sword having a humble Master but one day my Master was killed by his sworn brother, that day I felt anger rushing to my steely body, but I can only do nothing as I watched my Master being slaughtered by his brother, so I vowed to my fallen Master that I will avenge him no matter how many years passed and after 400 years of upgrading I finally killed the one who killed my first Master but after that I felt loss, so I decided to sleep so that a new Master destined for me will come and awake me, now here we are my new but weak Master"

The boy puffed his chest and looked at Michael but instead of seeing an awe expression, he saw him eating a cup full of popcorn.

"Oi, what are you doing?" The Boy asked him while having a tick mark on his forehead.

"I'm eating, what do you think I'm doing?" Michael said blankly.

"I know your eating but why are you eating while I was talking!?" The Boy yelled.

"Oh you should've said so earlier, the reason is, I got bored" He said while putting a bunch of popcorn up his mouth.


Michael looked at the other way while putting another bunch of popcorn inside his mouth.

The Boy almost reached the limit of his anger before calming down and sighed.

"Sigh, you win alright? Now please just tell me your name and I'll tell mine, so that we can sign the contract between us" The Boy just sighed and said it to him.

"Contract?" Michael asked confusingly.

"You don't what a contract with a legendary sword means? Puhahaha, even a Foundation Establishment Stage Cultivator knows what it is" The boy laughed at him.

"Just tell me the rules in the contract" Michael said annoyed.

"Alright Alright, there are 4 rules in the Contract, I'll tell you what it is

First - The Weapon can not betray the Master and that too goes the same for the Master.

Second - The Master can not sell or give away the Weapon or else he will die.

Third - If the Weapon were to be destroyed all you have to do is pour demon blood on the hilt of the Weapon and it will be as good as new.

Fourth - You can not kill any innocent creature with this blade.

And that is the rules, do you have any questions? Non? Okay let's go sign the contract" The boy explained.

"Alright let's sign the contract" Michael said.

"Alright you go first" The boy pointed at him.

"My name is Michael Wilson a Shadow Devil"

"My true name is Shen Zhi Jian but you can call me Shen"

"We vow to the heavens that we will never break the contract or the heavens shall smite the both of us" They both said at the same time.


A large lightning strike sounded outside the Dark Orb, confirming the contract was successfully signed.

"Finally that was finish, So what now little Shen?" Michael asked Shen.

"Don't call me that! Anyway aren't you doing a quest right now?" Shen said.

"Ah yes, I have to destroy the Demon Sect but I still have to pass this Valley to get to the Demon Sect" Michael said.

"So you better get going" Shen said while undoing the Dark Orb.

The light of the sun finally entered Michael's vision.

"Alright, Demon Sect prepare yourself for my rampage" He said with cruel look in his eyes.