Lucifer Morningstar

Chapter 27

??? POV

"ROAR!!' A loud roar resounded in the valley which woke up the two siblings.

"Big Brother I'm scared" Ying Ying said while trembling in terror.

"Don't be scared Ying Ying, I promise we'll make it out of here" Even though he said that, he was sure that this would be their grave if he doesn't do something.

"Mm, Ying Ying's not scared anymore" She said confidently.

"Atta girl" He encourage her.

"Now let's go back to sleep, maybe tommorow someone will help us get out of here" He said hoping that it would happen.

Just as Ying Ying was about to reply her eyes widened in terror as she looked behind her brother.

"Hmm, Ying Ying what's wrong?" He asked her in concern.

She trembled as she pointed behind him.

He saw his sister pointing behind so he turned around and saw the most disgusting monster he has ever seen.

It looked humanoid at first until you see faces protruding all over it's body, it also has a bulge stomach and it's jaws is stretch down to it's feet.

"B-Big B-Brother w-what is that?" She asked him while the terror is building up inside her.

"I remember this monster's appearance in the description I red in a book back in the Sects library"

"It's name is Face Stealer. Just as the name suggest it steals the face of their prey, and somehow the face it stole appears on it's body and making it stronger" He explained gravely.

"But brother this thing has around 23 faces, how strong is it gonna be?" Ying Ying said.

"What!? This is bad, if a Face Stealer have around 20 or more face in it's body, it's strength could be compared to a Soul Wandering Stage Cultivator." He panicked.

"Big Brother" Ying Ying said worriedly.

"I know, this thing can kill us in a single breath" He said in alarm.

"Hi hi hi hi" The Face Stealer started to laughed creepily.

"Kyah!" Ying Ying screamed in fright.

"Calm down Ying Ying!" He tried to calm her down but to no avail.

"Big Brother I'm scared!" She said as the terror building inside her earlier bursted.

"What do I do!?" He tried to think of ways of how to survive this situation. As he was about to lose his mind thinking how to survive a voice sounded behind the monster.

"What the fuck is this creepy shit"

After he heard that voice the Face Stealer in front of them was sliced to a hundred pieces.

"Who ever made that creepy piece of shit must have been creep too" The voice sounded again.

He looked at the place where the Face Stealer was standing blankly before reacting.

"Eh, what just happened? Am I dreaming? Can someone pinch me?"

"Okay here you go" The voice sounded but this time it was behind him.

He suddenly felt a pain coming from his shoulders. He looked and saw a hand pinching him with it's fingers. Wait... someone is pinching him?

"Aah! Oi what the hell are you doing!?" He yelled.

"You told me to pinch you, so I pinched you" The voice reasoned.

"Um who are you?"


'What's the problem with this guy, he said to me to pinch him now his complaining, what a weird dude' Michael thought.

"Um, who are you?" He heard a cute voice behind him. He turned around and saw the cutest thing he has ever seen in his whole life. Pink marshmallow like skin, shiny Jade like eyes, small lips and nose, and a small stature.

But she has that kind of presence that makes his skin crawl, a presence akin to an obsessed person. He will ignore it for now.

"Before I say my name tell me yours" He bluntly said to them.

"Sorry about that, my name is Huang Li and this is my sister, Ying Ying" He introduced themselves.

'Oh yeah I need a fake name so that my enemies won't recognize me, and I'm still wearing my hoodie so this is perfect" Michael thought.

"My name is Lucifer Morningstar, nice to meet you" He gracefully lied about his name.