Meeting an Agent

Change of POV.

I have been working with S.H.I.E.L.D for a long time and I have done many different missions too. I have assassinated people, I have tortured people, I have been undercover in the worst places and many other missions. But for some reason, I feel tense for the first time.

I was called by the Director; Fury, not too long ago, he told me that an anomaly appeared in the Green Mountain National Forest in Vermont. It was a similar anomaly to when the Asgardian God; Thor arrived, but different, way more powerful.

"What kind of anomaly can be much stronger than the arrival of the Asgardian God?" I mumbled to myself in a low tone that no one could hear. I was alone in the helicopter beside the pilot, my mission this time is to scout and see if I am able to find out important information. 'I am not called the greatest spy for nothing'.

"Miss, I have found an unfamiliar male nearby where the anomaly was recorded."

I could hear the pilot clearly. "Will you be able to land nearby?" I asked the pilot, but the only reply I got was a clear "No."

"Go as low as you are able to, I will jump down." This was something I was used to, jumping of helicopters if the surrounding didn't allow the helicopter to land. When I noticed that the helicopter was low enough, I opened the door and jumped off lightly.

The drop was around 3 meters high, which isn't too hard for me to land smoothly. I then stood up and gazed at the man who was standing in the forest.

And for some reason, my thoughts stopped. The man in front of her was seemingly 20 years old only, he was wearing a black outfit similar looking to a military costume and he had a black cape behind him which was slightly flapping due to the gusts of wind. His long hair was black, his skin was white and his eyes were redder than rubies. Yet the thing that consumed her was his smile, his weird smile. "Hi, are you able to understand me?" I asked in a soft voice as I gazed at him, even if I am surprised, I will find out information about you.

3rd POV

Averill gazed at the woman in front of him, she was wearing black clothes and her hair was bright red. He continued smiling, he had noticed earlier that she was slightly baffled when she first gazed at him, but he didn't have a single reaction when looking at her, almost nothing could surprise him.

When he noticed that she was about to speak again, Averill began talking. "Yes, I am able to understand you clearly. I can only presume that you are here to find me, why?" When Averill asked this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"I am Agent Black Widow from S.H.I.E.L.D, we are a group that protects Humanity from itself and other external threats like aliens." Natasha Romanoff replied in a clear voice, she answered him honestly mainly because she felt a threatening sensation when he narrowed his eyes.

"Oh…" Averill was beginning to become amused by this, he could already guess what kind of methods the group; Shield would use and what they actually do. Averill knew one thing, no group was righteous enough to help others without them winning something. "So, Shield thinks that I'm an alien due to me appearing here?" Averill didn't know why, but he was amused and happy.

Natasha replied in a low voice. "What else can you be?" Before she spoke to the man once again. "Are you willing to come with us to our Headquarters? We will ask you a few questions, we don't want to release a possible threat to where civilians might be."

Averill was on the point of wanting to laugh, but he held it in for now. "I refuse. If you want to ask me questions, do it whilst eating in a restaurant or something." When Averill said this, he noticed that she was reaching to a gun. "If you think that you can defeat me with a gun, please try doing that, but I will warn you only once. Fire at me once, and I will rip you apart." His eyes coldly glinted as he gazed at the female Agent in front of him. He knew that Shield would try to restrict him the moment he entered the Headquarters.

But sadly none of their tricks would work, why? Because he was strong. Averill could still remember what the System told him.

[Host, you have received inhumane strength that only a few in the universe could handle. And your potential to learn new things is very high. You do not have to worry, only a few things in this world can seriously injure you.]

Averill didn't how the System would rank his strength in the universe, but he trusted the System for now. He wasn't afraid of facing anyone with or without his strength anyways.

Natasha's body froze when she gazed at his eyes. Her warning alarm was ringing seriously, and her body was drenched in cold-sweat. She knew one thing for sure, that the man in front of her, was much stronger than anything they have faced, so strong that he didn't even need to care about anything as he walked forward.

"I accept, we can talk over a dinner." Natasha did her best to answer him casually, she tried her best in hiding away her fear, but she knew that he could sense her fear.

"If you would follow me, I will lead the way to the nearest good restaurant." As Natasha was speaking, someone booked a VIP room for the two of them. Natasha didn't know if the man in front of her knew that she was carrying a microphone or not, but she at least knew, that he wouldn't rage and kill people for no reason. Because in Natasha's eyes, the man in front of her was someone that shouldn't be provoked, and he wouldn't act unless provoked either.