Me? I don't care

Whilst Averill was walking alongside with the agent; Black Widow, he thought of other things. A small parts of him wanted to know his own identity and memories, but another part of him was saying; there is no need to remember unnecessary stuff and he only needed to focus on the future.

As the two of them were walking fast, they got out of the forest within half an hour. A black car was already waiting for them with no driver around, no human was around either, the place had already been relocated far away.

Averill gazed at Black Widow going to the front seat to drive, and then he also opened the car door and sat in it. He didn't bother buckling his seatbelt, because he knew he couldn't be injured that easily.

"As I'm in a good mood, I will answer a few questions before we eat." Averill spoke with his usual weird smile on his face, even if he felt something was missing, he didn't bother too much about it yet. He will have enough time in the near future to find out everything.

Natasha immediately went into her mode of finding out more information. "We at S.H.I.E.L.D have very little information about aliens, can you tell me a little a bit about yourself?" Her first question was something she had thought of for a bit, if they could know which part of the universe he was born in, they could ask Thor more about it.

"…" Averill didn't answer at once, he gave the female agent a glance before speaking. "As far as I know, I'm from earth." A mocking expression appeared on his face when he saw the brief moment the female agent became shocked before it turned normal again. Averill continued speaking without bothering about hiding small stuff. "I'm from earth, but not from this earth."

This confused female agent even more, and Averill noticed that too. "Do you need me to spoon-feed you?" Averill's brow raised slightly. "Think of it as such, I'm from an alternative universe."

Natasha understood it at once when the man said this. She nor anyone in S.H.I.E.L.D had thought of an alternative universe would exist, they had enough trouble from this universe which made their minds occupied of the aliens. "How did you manage to arrive in our alternative universe then? Are all humans in your world as strong as you are?" Natasha asked two questions at once, she hurriedly spoke once again before the man could answer. "Never mind my questions. I have another question, what is your name?"

For a small moment, Averill's smile turned scary before it turned to his usual weird one. "If you want to know my real name, then I can't tell you that as I can't remember it." Averill was even more amused when he saw the small twitch on the female agent's face. "After coming here, I thought of a name for myself. You may call me; Averill Kaiser." When Averill said his name, a similar power to the portal earlier gushed out of him like a volcano. His power wanted to make everything submit, because they were beneath him.

Natasha was only a human, even if she was stronger than most people and a great spy, she could barely keep her calm against the suppression from Averill's body. She had never felt something like this before, this kind of power was something unknown to her, and she was now sure that Averill was much stronger than anything they had faced until now.

It was a miracle that Natasha didn't crash the car as she drove forward. She kept quiet for now after hearing Averill speaking his name, she wanted to at least stop the car and be in the restaurant before asking any more questions.

Averill didn't mind it and just kept smiling. It took them twenty minutes before they arrived in front of the restaurant. Averill opened the door and stepped outside of the car and then entered the restaurant. He noticed quite easily that the restaurant was empty and only a few workers were there, but he knew that the workers here were agents coming from the same place as Black Widow; shield. But he didn't care at all, their strengths were far worse than Black Widow, and Black Widow was not a threat to him.

After having searched the room a little bit, Averill went and sat down at the table near the window. Moments later, Black Widow sat on the opposite side of him.

Averill then turned towards one of the workers and said. "Just pick a few dishes, I don't care what they are as long as it taste decently and can fill my stomach." After having said that, Averill turned towards Black Widow. "You have asked me a few questions, let me ask you a question; what is your name? I don't care for calling people with their 'nicknames' as Black Widow." To Averill, nicknames were useless, a name was personal, a nickname is just too childish.

Natasha went silent for a brief moment before replying. "My name is Natasha Romanoff. Let us do it this way then, we ask a question each, alright? It should be my turn then; will you be a threat to humankind?" Natasha asked this question without trying to hide her motive, because she could notice it, that talking in a roundabout method in front of this Averill person was useless, and it would most likely irritate him which is something she didn't want to do.

"Me? A threat to humankind? Ahahaha…" Averill couldn't help but to laugh loudly whilst his smile turned into of a smirk. "Let me tell you this right away, I don't care about others, I only care about myself. If I want something, I will take it, if someone bothers me, I will kill that person. I won't care what happens to this world as long as none of you bother me." Averill had concluded with the System that he could easily travel to other worlds if he wishes for it, therefore this world wasn't any of importance to him.