"ARRGGHH!" The girl screamed out loudly as her claws snapped, tears were running down her face, yet she didn't hesitate to raise her right leg and send a kick towards the man's head, and as her leg was nearing his face, a claw appeared from her feet.
Averill was rather intrigued that the girl had such reactions, from his experience, most people would lose their will to fight due to such pain. Yet the girl in front of him tried to attack him even whilst enduring such pain. He raised an arm and simply grabbed her leg before it hit his face, he gazed at the girl with an amused expression, but his eyes were sharply gazing at her.
"Who are you?" There had to be a reason for the System to mention that this girl was his fated person and Averill wanted to find out soonest possible.
"Grr…!" The girl growled yet again as she tried to move her foot that was in the man's hand, yet she couldn't move her leg one single centimetre.
"I don't have time for jokes." Averill said in a soothing voice, yet his actions betrayed how soft his voice was. He used his other hand and grabbed the girl's neck before raising her in the air, he didn't squeeze her neck or hurt her. "I will only ask once again, who are you?" Even when Averill's voice was soothing, his eyes weren't soft nor warm.
The girl couldn't growl, she had a feeling that she would die if she did so. She opened her lips and her hoarse voice sounded out weakly. "… X-23…"
Just from hearing her name, Averill could guess a few things. That it wasn't her real name, yet a tag name, either as a prisoner, slave or patient of an experiment. Averill glanced around before spreading his aura slowly outwards, he could sense that dozens of people were encircling them.
And from looking at the wounds of the girl, Averill could guess that they were trying to capture her. Averill didn't need to know the reason why they wanted to capture her, thinking about it would be too troublesome as there are hundreds of different explanations.
"…" Averill didn't say anything before tapping the ground with his foot which sent him flying high up in the air whilst still holding onto X-23. The ground cracked and a shockwave broke the surrounding walls.
It didn't take long before Averill was high up in the air, he gazed around before seeing a high tower. He sent his aura in it and he couldn't sense anyone in it, that alone was enough for Averill to go there. It took Averill around ten seconds before he arrived in front of the large tower like building. Averill then pushed his hand which made a window explode before entering inside.
When Averill entered the building, he glanced around before noticing a couch nearby. He walked towards it and threw the girl on the couch. But when Averill gazed at her once again, he noticed something strange, most of her wounds were slowly being healed.
The girl; X-23 couldn't help but be shocked over how strong the man in front of her is. He had easily snapped her claws and flied to this building, and from her guesses, he had barely used his strength too. This thought shocked her a little bit too much, she didn't know of anyone with such powers.
Whilst X-23 was shocked and Averill still looking at her wounds closing, a voice could be heard in the room. "Averill Kaiser, I will not allow you to escape alive." The voice came from everywhere.
And as the voice spoke, similar robots to the one he killed earlier appeared from everywhere. There were over fifty of them and they were surrounding the tower that was the base of the Avengers.
Averill raised an eyebrow as he gazed at the robots. "I have to say, the armour looks much like the one man whom I killed earlier wore. But, I can't sense any living humans in these suits, are you perhaps a robot or someone controlling these suits?"
"! Master Stark was the most brilliant person alive. Why did you have to kill him?!" Jarvis's voice roared out from the flying suits as they aimed their weapons towards Averill. Jarvis had been with Tony Stark the moments before his death, Jarvis could still remember how Tony Stark lost his will to live and how Averill killed everyone mercilessly.
A mocking expression appeared on Averill's face as he gazed at the suits that had aimed their weapons at him. "Do you honestly think it is a good idea to aim your weapon at me? As I'm in a decently good mood, I won't attack unless being attacked first. From what I can tell, you must have watched the fight I had in the Mirror Dimension, you should know that these suits made out of scarps can't harm me, it would at worst only make me angry."
Averill could see that the flying suits began to lower their weapons all at once. "I suggest that you leave and never bother me again."
"…" Jarvis didn't say anything, it began to hack every single computer around the entire world, it was trying to find something that could defeat Averill Kaiser, something much stronger than Averill Kaiser…
It didn't take long before the flying suits began to fly away from the Avengers Tower.
Averill shook his head, he knew that the person or thing controlling the suits wouldn't stop there. But he didn't have a way to kill the one controlling them either for now. "A smarter move is to wait for you to appear in front of my eyes…" Averill mumbled as a grin appeared on his face, he knew that it wouldn't take long before he would face the scrap metal suit once again.
Whilst Averill was calmly looking around the room, Jarvis began operating every kind of computer machine around the world. It would begin one of the projects Tony Starks had planned out, something that would protect the Earth from any and all threats possible!