What's the Meaning of Love?

" I'm tired. I can't continue this anymore."

A woman was seen leaning on the rails of a cramped balcony.

The silhouette looked down at her feet. Tears dropping down as fast as the surrounding rain.

A can of beer was held in her left hand. She wasn't a drinker, this was only the fifth time she ever drank alcohol.

The cold wind blew some of the droplet towards her, splashing her wet. She shuttered from the sudden coolness.

Cold, she uttered.

The sky was already dark. She had just finished her office job. Yet in a few hours, her part time job would start. Her second work of the day.

She was exhausted, because of this hectic schedule, she barely had any time for sleep or to eat. That explains why her body was so weak and skinny.

She took a big gulp of the drink, the liquid has already started to have an effect on her.

Blood rushed up to her face, the anger she hid started to come out.

Looking at her left ring finger, she frowned.

"You..You b*stard!" She yelled, and violently slid off her engagement ring, throwing it out like some sort of ball. "Dang it! It's only three sips yet I'm already dizzy!"

The piece of metal hit the rail of her neighbour and in the dumpster, three stories down.

She didn't feel bad throwing it, she felt a little satisfied. That piece of junk wasn't worth anything, only a couple bills. It wasn't even made out of gold! It only reflected its original owner, her ex-fiance, the one who gave it to her. Stupid, jerk, trash, imbilcile, cheap, useless!

"He promised he wouldn't leave me. He promised he would treat me well! And...And…"

He never promised her anything. He never once said he loved her. He lied. HE LIED!

She was the one who led the relationship. She was the one who did all the work. She was the one who planned everything. She was the one who proposed. She was the one who sacrificed everything for him.

She bought an expensive couple ring for them. Turns out, he was already married.

Heh. He even got the nerves to keep the two rings and give her a curved metal in return.

"How shameless. I wonder how his 'wife' will react when she finds out he cheated on her and gave her a stolen ring. Haha.."

People might label her as a 'secret lover', but it wasn't her fault! It was his! He wasn't loyal to his wife. He was the who who chased after her. He was the one who leached on her. Her big ego couldn't take this title, she refused to be a 'mistress'!

And... She fell for his schemes. She felt enraged. And at this moment, that two-timer was probably enjoying himself on his honeymoon.

She scrunched up the empty can. How could he!

*Knock knock*

The lady frowned, who would come here at this hour? She went in and walked over to the door.

"Yi-yi, I'm coming in!" A high pitch voice yelled.

After hearing the voice, the woman sneered. She didn't bother opening her door.

Without hearing a response, the stranger barged in. What's the point of opening a door if the person in question already had a key in hand? This person made a duplicate behind her back.

"Yi-Yi!" A lady came in, she wore high heels paired with a strapless dress that costed half her monthly rent. Since the dress was so tight, you could notice a small bump on her belly.

As soon she stepped in, a squeaking sound was heard, following a crack sound. The high heels pierced through the fragile wooden floor, making a small hole in the floor.

Well, this sure is troublesome. She wanted to strangle this person in front of her.

"Er.. Well not my problem!" The stranger declared. "We are family, right Jingyi?" She put down her umbrella.

How shameless. This person, who she hasn't met for three month, suddenly barges in her house, breaks her floor and has the nerve to call her 'family'. Ha! This person was no other than her sister, Kim Ji-Hwa.

And, why would she choose this very 'special' day to visit her?

"Did you have your pay yet?" Ji-hwa asked.

Simple, it was her pay day. Her sister was only interested in her money.

"Ah, here." Ji-hwa handed her a bag and a single white rose. "Mother asked me to give these to you. She also apologized for not being able to visit you. Moreover, she lives in a different city….Since I'm performing here, you'll be able to visit me!"

How funny. A bag filled with opened snacks and a white rose. Though white roses could mean purity, or be in a bridal bouquet, it was typically bought for a funeral. 'If I die, where would her money bag go?'

"So..Did you get your pay yet? I really, really, really need money right now."

"..." Seeing the silent response, Ji-hwa got annoyed. "You! You, good for nothing! All you do is laze around, work in a small office and you spend money on alcohol?! You're really worthless! Why do you even exist?!"

Worthless, trash, useless, stupid, ugly, she heard it all. Hearing these insults over and over again, she became numb by these petty words. Today.. She clicked.

"So WHAT?!" " Is it my fault that I'm not talented?! Is it my fault that I'm not special at all?! Is it my fault that I was born?! MONEY! That's all you care about! So what if I earn money ordinally?! At least I have enough. I don't need to ask somebody else to give me more!" She said in one breath. She had enough. Is being average a bad thing?!

Jingyi pushed her out of the door. "I'm never going to give you a single cent from now on! I'll see how you'll survive without me!"

Before closing the door, she suggested, "By the way, you should leave Micheal. He's just toying with you, Jannette. Don't become like me."


*SLAM* Jingyi locked the door and barricaded the door using a table.

Jannette banged at the door. "...Ha! You must be jealous of me! You must think that Micheal and I will end up like your failed relationship? Well, I'm already pregnant with his child, you think he'll leave me, huh! Dream on!"

She turned and left. Unfortunately, her umbrella was still inside the apartment. She walked under the heavy rain, regretting her choice of not bringing a coat.

Inside, Jingyi looked at the door. "I warned you, Jannette...Big sis…"

Walking towards her small bed, she slumped down on the mattress, her heavy eyes shut. "I won't mind if my fated one isn't a guy. As long that they're loyal…"

"Is there even a single person like that? I think I'm hoping for too much."