Eden’s Complex: Part 1

What was I thinking? I tried to calm myself down before he arrived shortly. I heard the doorbell ring. I wore the lingerie I bought from Victoria's secret, I opened the door slowly to see a man wearing a suit. He opened the door completely and stared at me "You Eden?", he took a cigarette out of his back pocket and smoked it. I nodded. He stared at me "You look younger than I expected". I was terrified for him to find out my age "It doesn't matter, I'll pay you anyway". He raised a brow "Fine then, Here look at this then sign this", he showed me how he tested negative of STDs, and he made me sign a disclosure agreement and a form of consent. He put the papers in his coat pocket, he hung up his suit jacket staring at me. I sat on the couch in the living room, I didn't expect him to be so handsome and intimidating. He still had his tie on, he approached me on the couch "Eden... what a pure and innocent name, seems to fit you almost perfectly". I grit my teeth, I've always hated my name, it wasn't my fault I was born to strict Christian parents, I'm far from perfect and I'm not innocent. When someone would ask my name and hear my response they'd always say "Oh, like the Garden.. the garden of Eden like the bible". Fuck that, I'm getting a damn name change. I stared at him, he scoffed "So you don't like your name, judging from your facial expression...well I'll make you like it". He put out his cigarette in a cup of water I had beside the couch on the table. He pressed his lips on my mouth, I felt a sense of fear and adrenaline because I didn't know how to kiss. I felt his tongue over mine. He pulled away and wiped his mouth "So, you don't know how to kiss either, I'll teach you". He grabbed my boob, I gasped feeling the warmth and sensation of his hand. He then leaned in for another kiss. I started to get the hang of it, I finally put more effort into it, kissing him back. He was surprised, I grabbed his tie, undoing it. He looked aroused. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder "Where's the bedroom", he asked. "Straight, then it's the right, 2nd room down".

He threw me onto my bed. He unbuttoned his shirt quickly, he didn't take his eyes off me, he took his pants off along with his underwear, I looked away. I was too shy to look. He climbed on the bed, he turned my head towards him he took off my lingerie completely before he kissed me one more time, he gave me hickeys all over before he kissed my breasts. I saw his reaction when he found out I was more sensitive than his other clients. I didn't hide my pleasure, I felt him put himself in me. He grunted, "You're so tight...damn". He watched me to see if I was in pain, he started off slow then went faster. "Uh...Eden.. you feel so good". He kept saying my name especially when he gave me my first orgasm. I panted as he got off of me, I just felt good since he fell asleep afterward, I fell asleep shortly after he did.

The sun shined through my window, I looked over to see if he was still there, he wasn't in bed with me but he was standing getting ready to leave "Don't forget your money", I stared at him with around $700 in my hand. He looked at me "You don't have to pay". He walked over to me and kissed me one last time "My bad... I don't know why I did that". Just like that he walked out of my room and left out of my front door. He was right, I started to like my name a lot more after he left. I wasn't the type to get lovesick but I felt sad and shallow when he left. I stood up from my bed, I walked over to the sofa. I smiled he left "plan B one step" on my couch. I felt something drip from my legs "sperm", I said out loud while thinking. There was a lot dripping from my legs. While picking up plan b from the couch I looked over on the coat rack to see his coat gone, but he left his tie. I picked it up and smelled it as his cologne attributed to much of his scent. When I sniffed it I thought "I really lost my virginity to a male prostitute".