Lior’s Complex: Part 4

Lior's POV


I held him, he slept soundly on my chest but his heart was still beating out of his chest. I couldn't bring myself to go home, let alone leave him there. I didn't want to think about him killing Jack. I made sure my parents didn't worry and I tossed my phone onto the nightstand. I fiddled with my hair then I combed Caden's hair with my fingers. I thought about what he said to me and I felt conflicted. Caden turned his head and grunted as he slept. I pulled my hand away from his dirty blond hair. I couldn't sleep, I felt like I needed to watch him the whole night. But, I fell asleep in a matter of minutes.


I was awoken by someone rummaging through the drawers "Shit…Shit…Where the fuck is it?!", I heard Caden yell. I sat up slowly and grabbed my phone , he came into the bedroom frantic, with sweat-soaked hair on his forehead. He had tears in his eyes "Did you take my Smack?", he said calmly.

I took my time to respond, he then grew impatient "Did you take my fucking smack?!", Caden yelled.

Smack was slang for heroin, and I didn't comprehend that until after he repeated his phrase. I calmly shook my head no. He was fidgeting, he then looked at me "Could I borrow some money for clothes?"

I stared him in his eyes "No."

I then continued "I will come with you and buy you some clothes."

"Liam would of done it for me", Caden spoke as if he were annoyed .

I shot him a glare "Okay, then, go see Liam in prison then."

I tried to walk past him as he stood between the door frame. "Don't go", he combed his hair and smiled. I never knew his addiction was that bad, he switched up emotions left and right. I glared at him once again "Go to Rehab."

He grabbed my arm and pushed me to the point where I tripped backwards catching myself on the bed. I looked up, watching him grab my arms, pinning them down. I felt his body against mine, "Get the f**k off me! Get the f**k off me!", I yelled, trying to hold my tears of anger back. Caden gave me a look of lust. He kissed my lips softly then spoke softly "That's one thing Liam could never do, reject my affection", he smirked before he passed out on my chest. I felt the strength of his body fall onto me. I took a deep breath and put my two fingers onto his neck to feel for his pulse. His pulse was racing, and he felt hot. I grabbed my phone and called 9-1-1, I then thought about him getting in trouble so

I canceled it as my phone flashed 3-2-1. I grabbed his keys and carried him across the house and gently placed him in the back seat. I drove his raggedy 2001 Honda Civic to the hospital. I carried him inside and talked to the staff "I think he overdosed on Heroin."

They took him immediately considering he was unconscious, I waited in the ER once again. This time I sat for two hours, before they called me to see him I heard my phone ding. I stared at it for a bit, the text had read "Penelope: "Hey… Can you come over? I have to talk to you in person."

I sighed and responded with "Ok.. Will be there in 20 mins."

A nurse had called me back to see Caden, I smiled seeing him chatting it up with a female nurse about the Real Housewives of… Somewhere. I rolled my eyes, thanked the nurse and gave them my billing information. The nurse handed me some pills and smiled "Buprenorphine, have him place two pills under his tongue every day whenever you think he's going back into withdrawal."

I hugged the nurse "Thank you so much."

She smiled "It's all prescribed by the doctor."

Caden seemed to be back to his normal self, but just a bit drowsy. Caden smiled at me after the nurse left the room "You're always so happy for me when I'm not happy for myself, and you took it upon your self to help me then to leave me there, thank you. I know I must of said some fucked up shit."

I tried not to smile knowing medication might not fix everything. I then heard my phone buzz, I read a text from Penelope: "On your way?", I responded with "Yeah, do you mind if I bring a friend?"

She took a few seconds Penelope: "I guess not but I would like our chat In person to be as private as possible."

I turned my screen off and looked at Callen "Do you mind if we visit an old friend of mine, she said she had something important to tell me."

Callen nodded "Sure, I don't care."

After a minute of silence Callen spoke "Lior?", he asked.

"Yeah", I replied.

"Would you like to go out with me?", Caden gave me direct eye contact.

I looked at him with a look of seriousness "Only if you go to Rehab, this medication doesn't change everything . If… If you can prove to me that you can function without heroin for at least a month, I won't just go on a date with you."

I thought about that sentence and slowly but surely I realized I loved him more than the average guy.

He smiled "It's a deal, I didn't think you were gay."

I changed the subject "Let's head over to her place, we can't stay here all day."

Caden smiled once again "Okay."

We thanked the nurse one more time before heading to the parking lot. I sat in the driver's seat as he sat in the passenger's seat before I started his car I looked at him "Once you get out of rehab I'll buy you a new car."

He smiled at me and his hand over mine "Before you start the car, can I kiss you?"

I gently smacked his hand and started the car, I put my foot on the break then leaned over kissing his lips briefly before reversing the car. He looked away folding his lips trying not to smile. I didn't hide my smile, I drove with a smile ear to ear on my face. It took at least ten minutes on a bumpy road before we got to Penelope's house. Caden being silent the whole time finally asked me a question "Why are there so many bodyguards in front of her house… what the fuck?"

I glanced over at him "She's the wealthy daughter of a senator and actress."

He looked at me and started to laugh "So you fucked this girl? That's what I'm getting from the way you described her, and the way you didn't have to use gps at all to get here."

I waved at the body guards as they opened the gate, they glared at Caden "He's with me", I spoke.

They nodded and let me park in front of her villa. I looked at him as we sat in the car "Look, I don't want you to think I like her. I don't have any romantic feelings towards her, whatsoever, which is why we broke up, any amount of convincing she does won't make me stay with her, I swear-

Caden unbuckled his seat belt and kissed me, I didn't notice we kissed for three minutes, with each kiss intensifying. I pulled away as I heard my phone ring. I then ignored Penelope's call and opened the car door, Caden followed next to me. Penelope's body guards directed me towards the back where I saw Penelope holding her knees up to her chest by the pool reflecting off the evening sun. I saw her ocean teal eyes glance at Caden as her wavy brunette hair touched her knees.

"Hey", she spoke.

"Hey, what's going on?", I asked.

Caden kept his distance. She wore a one piece bathing suit and asked me to sit next to her. I nodded. Penelope looked at me "I thought you were a good boyfriend, but you always seemed to be emotionally distanced."

I looked her in the eyes "It's okay you broke up with me, I'm not upset. I told you if you ever needed to talk you could call me."

I smiled "Is that all you called me for?"

She avoided eye contact "No. It's more serious than that, my father still wants us to wed because…I'm pregnant."