Lior’s Complex: Part 5

Caden started to walk away. I could barley think at the moment. I stood up and pranced back and forth in the same spot. "Are you sure it's mine?", I asked. I tried my best not to tear up. She looked up at me as she teared up as well "I don't know."

"I used a condom. I know I used a condom… what about the plan b I gave you", I spoke frantically.

Tears started to fall down Penelope's face "I forgot to take it… it's all my fault. I- I just- My mom saw the pregnancy test and she wouldn't let me get an abortion."

I wiped my tears as they flowed "It's okay, whether or not the baby is mine.. I'll try to be there for your pregnancy. Just call me when you need anything. When the kid is born we can do a DNA test and see where to go from there…"

Penelope finally looked me in my eyes. She stood up and hugged me, she sobbed uncontrollably.

I hugged her back and caressed her hair as I knew that simple gesture always calmed her down. I didn't want to ruin the moment but I gently moved away and stared into her eyes "Though, I cannot marry you."

She nodded "I understand, but I don't know if my father will make a big fuss out of things but thank you Lior, it's getting dark you should go home."

I smiled "Yeah. I will."

I grabbed the keys from my short pocket looking around for Caden. I spotted him in the car, I let out a sigh of relief. I opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat "Do you want to drive me home, or did you want me to drive."

He crossed his arms and looked out the window "It doesn't matter."

"Are you mad?", I asked him.

"Only because you aren't explaining things to me but yeah", he continued to avoid eye contact.

I sat in the drivers seat and started the car "I know you're mad at me but my parents should be furious."

Caden sighed "Yeah, I would like to meet your parents before I go to rehab."

I glanced over at him"When are you going?"

He looked away from me "Later today if you don't mind."

I slammed on the breaks as I almost hit a car in shock of him saying that "Sorry… sorry I didn't mean to… but why not tomorrow?"

He chuckled a bit "You wanted me to go in the first place, I just want to get it over with so I know I can have you all to myself."

I felt my cheeks getting red as I blushed. I think the medicine the nurse gave him made him drowsy because he fell asleep for around twenty minutes as I was driving even through all the bumpy roads.

I called my parents while I was five minutes away "Hey…", I spoke

"Yes, Lior what is it?", Father asked.

"I need to talk to you about a lot going on", I spoke.

"Okay, how far are you from home?", he asked.

"About five minutes away", I responded.

"Okay, talk to me in five minutes then, love you."

"Love you too, father."

He hung up, I sighed. I always had a feeling deep down that he would never consider me his son. I felt like he only said "Love you" to make mother happy. I pulled up to the driveway and gently woke Caden up. He muttered and batted his eyes "Oh shit we're here already", he sounded tired. I unbuckled myself as I turned off the car. I braced myself as I stepped out the car. I stared at Caden, "Don't be nervous", he smiled.

I nodded as we walked side by side to the front door. Caden looked up "You're house is really nice."

I tried not to chuckle finding it funny he finally noticed. I rang the doorbell and stood in anticipation. I was shaking a bit, I then felt Caden hold my hand and by instinct I pulled my hand away. He gave me a look before Father answered the door. Father looked at me "Come in", I saw him glance over at Caden. "Where's mom", I asked as I walked into the mansion. "She's out and about, getting things for your sister."

"Oh", I responded.

Father squinted with the bangs underneath his eyes "Are you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"Uh, yeah, sure", I became flustered.

"Dad, Caden… Caden Dad", I pointed in both their directions.

Caden shook my father's hand "Uh, Nice to me ya sir."

My father nodded "Would you excuse us Caden, I have to talk to Lior in private."

Caden nodded "Not a problem ."

Father signaled me to follow him to his home office. He closed the door behind him and sat in his office chair "Sit down", he spoke as he took off his reading glasses. I took a deep breath and sat in the chair across from him, I looked down at my shoes.

He rubbed his eyes "Well, what is it?"

I took another deep breath staring down at my red converses "I got Penelope pregnant ."

Father stood up and clenched his fists, he then sighed "I specifically told you to be careful numerous times."

"I know, father", I muttered.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you Lior!", he finally lost his cool.

I slowly looked up at him "So now, we'll have to deal with Seneator Buck, next time keep your dick in your pants!"

"She's doesn't even know if it's mine yet, father!", I placed my face in my cupped hands.

"Well…we'll know in nine months, till then I don't want you talking to her at all", he sat back down.

"I don't believe that's fair, father", I tried not to cry.

"It's all up to your mother now", he spoke.

I looked back down at my shoes. "Everything I do Lior, I do for you and I do for Lucas and your mother", he sighed.

"It never feels like it", I wiped my tears.

I though he was about to strike but but he got up and embraced me with a hug. I started to cry, and stood up with him. "Father?", I asked. "Yeah", he answered. "I think I'm gay", I sounded muffled. But, father heard me perfectly fine. He looked amazed " For… Caden?", he asked. "Yeah", I answered. "That's my boy!", he jumped up and down from joy. It was surprising how his so serious demeanor had changed to being ecstatic. "How do you know for sure, father? I've never felt this way before about another man ever. I get so flustered when he tries to kiss me or…or…uh… nevermind."

Father smiled "Before your mother, your father and I were married for a reason. Tell me anything, I don't mind helping you out."

I was in my father's office for almost an hour, I felt more of a bond with him now than I had felt my whole life. We left his study laughing, I saw Caden talking to my mom in the most respectful way possible. He called her "Ma'am" and "Mrs.Mayes."

My father gave me a partial hug, and smiled. He then told me to upstairs with Caden "I'm taking your mom out to tell her the news, have fun with Caden", he patted me on the back. My father stole my mother away from Caden then he shook his hand "Nice to meet you Caden!"

"You too, sir!", he shook his hand back. As soon as father left I made up my mind right then and there. "How did the talk go?", Caden asked.

"I'll tell you after this", I gave him a blank stare.

"After what? I don't understand you're confusing me, Lior-"

I pressed my lips against his then pulled away "Don't stop this time, no matter what."

He kissed me back , he then pushed me so hard I fell onto the couch. He then climbed on top of me and smiled "I'm your boyfriend, no ands ,if's , or buts about it. He shut me up by kissing me once again then with kissing my neck. He stopped for a second to wipe the sweat off his forehead. I panted, staring at those cold emerald colored eyes. He took his shirt off "Take your shirt off."

I took my shirt off, I watched him kiss my chest as he went all the way down until he reached my midriff.

As he tried to pull my shorts down, he glanced over at the door. The door had opened and I saw father standing there "I forgot my keys", he looked flustered. He quickly grabbed them and before he left he said "Don't forget to use a condom."

He then left. Caden started to laugh as I blushed. I looked away for a minute and felt Caden's touch on the shaft of my penis. I groaned a bit… but then I felt his mouth. I tilted my head back, I felt an orgasm coming after five minutes of Caden giving me head. "I'm going to-"

I let out a deep grunt then panted "Sorry."

Caden swallowed then wiped his mouth "No need to be sorry.

He kissed me again, the kisses got deeper and deeper. I had this radiating feeling of love and lust along with relief. I turned away from Caden "Let's go upstairs, it should be more comfortable, ya think?" Caden nodded. He threw me on his shoulder as if I were a sack of potatoes. He practically ran up the stairs. "Is it this one?", he asked pointing to my room. "Yeah", he immediately opened the door and threw me on the bed. I braced myself, as he took of his boxers. I glanced at him seeing he was aroused. He approached me slowly, he made sure I watched him. I stayed still, "It might hurt without lube, depends on your pain tolerance", Caden gently climbed on top of me. "I'll be fine, I swear."

"If you say so", he smiled. Shortly after that I felt him put it in, I let out a tiny grunt. "That's just the tip", he smiled before I felt the whole thing. He grunted "I'm going to keep still for a second then slowly thrust..okay?"

"Yeah", I felt nauseous.

"Okay, here I go", he sounded gentle. I quivered a bit before grabbing the sheets tightly. The faster he thrusted the more nauseous I felt. I've never felt such intense pain in my life. I bit my lip so hard I tasted the blood as it dripped into my mouth. Caden kissed me, so bittersweet. He wiped his mouth "Does it hurt that bad?", he asked.

"It's okay, I promise you it is", I grunted. He smiled "I've never heard a man with such a manly grunt", he chuckled a bit. It started to feel a little better but the feeling of being nauseous had returned. He thrusted faster and faster until he came. He let out a few grunts, as I felt a bit of a mini orgasm. I then started to gag, I covered my mouth and grabbed a pair of extra shorts off the floor. I practically fell off the bed before I vomited into the toilet. "Ugh, I swear it's not you, Caden", I looked at him after I vomited. Caden leaned against the doorway of the bathroom. "I know, happened to me my first time, but you felt amazing."

I brushed my teeth as Caden smiled "You can't stall any longer, it's time for me to go to rehab."