Younger sister of Ouroboros Dragon

Lou walk back to his group while Kanna follow him like a dog, wherever he goes Kanna follows him.

Goemon noticed a new girl following Lou, she asked," Lou-sama, who is she?"

"She is Kanna Kamui, a Young Lightning Dragon" Lou said.

Goemon was shocked, his lord just walked for a minute and when he went back a Young Lightning Dragon was following him.

Kanna walk in front of Goemon and politely bow her head," Nice to meet you, im Kanna, Lou-sama's servant"

Goemon bow and said," Im, Goemon a Ninja, im Lou-sama personal bodyguard-"

Kanna noticed that Goemon bit her tongue, she asked," Are you alright?"

Goemon embarrasses herself in front of her new comrades, while Lou smirk at her.

Lou suddenly noticed that their leader starting to command all of them to get on the position, Lou said," Goemon-chan, Kanna-chan, I want you guys to do something for me"

Both of the look at Lou and listen.

Lou said," I want you two to protect your mistress while I'm in the front line, can you guys do that?"

"Goemon-chan will going to protect Onodera whos in the back, standing with the Long Range Students"

Goemon nodded and ran to Onodera's location.

Lou looked at Kanna and said," For you Kanna-chan, I want you to protect Haruna, the girl that has blue hair and purple eyes, she also wears a red vertical hair clip on the left of her head."

Lou pointed his finger to Haruna who was talking with Origami in their so-called command post.

Kanna saw the girl that Lou described and nodded, she totter ran to Haruna to protect her.

While Lou walks back to his position and waits for their leader's command.


Meanwhile, in the Healer and the Buffer area, Onodera see Goemon who's standing beside her, she know that Goemon is Lou's bodyguard.

She confusedly asked," Goemon-chan, what are you doing here?"

Goemon said," Lou-sama order me to protect you mistress"

Onodera blush, she felt embarrassed when she said mistress, but she did not stop her, after all, she like Lou while Lou is also like her.

She asks," So where's Lou-kun?"

Goemon point her small finger to Lou's position, they see Lou talking to his classmate and to the three monkeys.

She said," But I'm safe here, it much better to you to protect Lou-kun, after all, she is in the front line"

Goemon said," Lou-sama is not weak, and his order is must, i need to protect mistress-"

Onodera giggles when she sees Goemin bite her tongue, Chika who's bored sitting in the back walk to Onodera.

She notices Goemon and asks," Onodera-chan, why is Goemon-chan here?"

Onodera said," Lou-kun ask her to protect us"

Chika stares at her, she feels envy for some reason, she did not expect that Lou is thoughtful that he even asks someone to protect her.

She sits beside them and asks," Hey Goemon-chan can you tell us what you know about Lou-senpai?"

Goemon then proudly tells all information about Lou, except for some private and classified information.


On Haruna's spot, she stare at the cute child in front of her, the child said that she came to protect her.

She asks," What is your name, girl?"

Kanna said," Im Kanna Kamui, Lou-sama new summon being!"

Haruna patted her head and said," And you are here to protect me right?"

Kanna nodded and said," Lou-sama said that I need to protect mistress"

Origami who heard Kanna ask," What about me? Did Lou-kun say that I'm his mistress too?"

Kanna stares at Origami who is expressionless but eager at the same time.

She said," Lou-sama said that I need to protect my mistress and ….."

Origami," And?"

Kanna tilted her head and said," I forgot the name of mistress but i remember that i need to protect her that's why i'm here"

Haruna said," Then if you want to protect mistress, then you need to follow us, after all, you don't know who is the mistress that Lou-kun talking"

Kanna nodded, she sis in the vacant chair and observes the surrounding.

Haruna take energy bar and give it to her," Take this Kanna-chan while you're waiting on us"

Kanna sniffed it first and then took it, she curiously bit it and then, just like a gag in anime, her eyes shine, saliva drips from her mouth and bit the energy bar again.

Haruna giggled and said," If you like more, I still have some energy bar left, you just need to ask me okay?"

Kanna happily nodded, and then Origami and Haruna resumed their planning.


Meanwhile, Seto-sensei who's leisurely eating some crackers suddenly feel Kanna's dragon aura.

He hurried look around to find the source and when he saw Kanna talking with Lou, his face became pale.

He thought,' Why is it that the younger sister of Ouroboros Dragon is here'

'Did that kid kidnap her from the Dimensional Gap?'

'No that is impossible, that kid is still weak, but I already feel some dragon aura coming from the kid, and that means that the younger sister of Ouroboros Dragon accept his as her master'

Seto-sensei's face becomes pale, he knows that big trouble is coming to Lou and he need to know whether or not a disaster will happen.