First Wave

After one hour the command center saw that the monster stampede starts to move to the student position.

Reine said," It starting Principal, we can now notify the student"

Nobuna who in her Commander Mode nodded," Notify them to get ready"

Reine nodded, she grab the mic and announces," To all student, the monster stampede is starting to move, get to your position, just like we plan"

"Each Class Building will go to defend one of the three gates of the Slime Town, you need to work and cooperate with each other to fend the incoming monster"

"The teacher will never intervene unless the student is in danger of being killed or the monster is too strong for you guys"

"And lastly good luck, The Real Survival Training Course is now officially started!!"

After the end of the announcement, Nobuan started to command the whole command center.

Nobuna said," Reine, use the drones to see if there's a dangerous monster mix with the stampede!"

Reine nodded," Roger that"

"Check if all the drones are running properly if you see some defect replace it fast!"

"Open more monitor and make our view clearly"

"Contact all personnel that can use Healing Ability, take them all in standby mode"

The Pervert Principal said," Medic personnel are already ready!"

"Is Seto-Sensai and Principal Natsuki already in their station?"

Reine said," They are already in standby mode. If something happens, they will go out fast!"

Nobuna nodded," Good, then let's watch how the student will going to fend the monster stumped"


In the field, Lou who is standing in the front line see the mountain and forest start to be filled with a different kind of Slime.

Shu said," The Slime is easy to eliminate, the only problem is that is if the Slime is to many for all of us"

Lou nodded," That's right if that happens we only going to weary as time pass"

Saru who was standing in the man-made tower said," Incoming!!"

Saruyma who's holding a giant flag starts to wave it and shout," Ready!!!"

All frontline Tankers raised their wooden shield and placed it in front of them to stop the wave of monsters that were coming.

The monster starts appearing in their view as if they see a sea of colorful slime jumping and bouncing at them.

Saruyama." Buffer starts to buff the tank!!"

'Power Up'

'Defence Up'

'Speed Up'

Saruyama." Tanker get ready to stop the monster charge"

Seeing that the student is only standing while holding their shield, Lou can't help but shout," LOWER YOUR STANCE AND BRACE YOURSELF FROM IMPACT!!!"

And just like Lou expected, some students did not listen to him. Because the Slime is rushing at them and the student did not even use a defense stance there the first line of defense is easily destroyed.

It's fine to just stand to defend but the problem is the monster is not only one or two, but the monster is also too much to hold.

Shu hurriedly shouted," Damage dealer, go push the slime out from our defense perimeter!!"

Some leaders start to shout and command but the students already become nervous and scared.

Lou helpless grab his Cross Spear and use his ability and skill to clean the mobs that inside of their defence perimeter.

< Strength Amplification X10 Strength 9 > 90 Agility 9 > 90 >

Phantom Step

Lou shouted," Anyone can buff me speed buff!!"

Chika shouted," Here!! < Symphony of Wind >

< Movement Speed + 50% >

Lou smiled and said," Thanks!


Lou suddenly appear in front of the open defense line and smash all the Slime that enter from it, he shout," Get up and fixe our line of defense"

The student who just fell in the ground nodded, he stood up and stood in the defense line to shut the opening.

Lou disappeared again, he ran in the whole defense perimeter and started to eliminate the Slime that came inside, after that he helped some who were already injured from the first monster impact.

After a few minutes the defense line formed again, this time the Tank learned their mistake and used a defense stance to hold the monster down.

While Lou's group is fine, the Lowes-Class is the most people who are injured, they don't have any students who have the ability to heal or even a defense perimeter to defend.

They just run around and kill all random Slime that they see, while Oga the leader of the group is happy running in the middle of the enemy killing any Slime he see.

He left Furuichi and the Red Tail Group in mess, there no coordination or any plan.

As if they just go and fight a random thug in the street. While their casualty is starting to pile up.

Lou walk at Shu and said," Hey Shu, go to Origami-san and tell her that we going to help Oha's team"

Shu asks," Why? Let's just watch them eaten by slime, after all, they are alL delinquent"

Lou said," Idiot! We can't let them eliminate here, if they gone we will going to face 2 waves of the enemy from front and from our side"

Shu nervous said," But we can't control them, after all they are all delinquent"

Lou said," Then tell Oga to beat all the one whose not going to agree"

Shu reluctant nodded and walked to Origami to tell Lou's request.