
After a few minutes Shu went back with Furuichi, Furuichi ran and hugged Lou's legs and cried and beg," Lou-Kun, I can't take it anymore, please help us!!"

"That damn Oga is stupid, he did not plan anything, after seeing that huge wave of slime, he ran in the middle of the monster stampede and run amok"

"The other did not even listen to me and do anything they want, while i'm being bullied by the Red Tail Gang!"

Lou patted him and said," That's why I'm here right?!"

"Go and bring Oga here, tell him that i have something to tell him and this is going to be fun ~"

Furuichi nervously said," You know that I can't bring him here even if I wanted to!"

Lou said," Go to Origami's position you will see a cute child there with them, ask her to assist you to bring Oga here, just say to her that I want her to bring that guy"

Furuichi said," Can a child even help me?"

Lou said,' Just go, you will know later why i want you to bring him with you"

Furuichi reluctantly nodded and walked to Origami to ask Kanna assistance.

Lou ask Shu," Shu can you ask the current leader of Red Tail to come here, I want to talk to her"

Shu nodded after a few minutes later he brought Nene Omori, the acting leader of the Red Tail, while their leader is absent.

Nene walks in front of Lou and aggressively asks," What do you want, pretty boy?"

Shu walk back to avoid getting beaten by the group of girls, while Lou smile brightly at them like the boy next door, he said," Can we make a coalition, as you can see if you guys remain idiot, you will going to get wipe in the floor by the bouncing jelly ace"

She walked and grabbed Lou's collar and said in a threatening voice," Who do you think you are kid?"

Lou smile and said," Im Lou nice to meet you"

Chiaki politely bow," Nice to meet you we are from Red Tails"

Lou happy said," You have a good member of your team, cool and cute at the same time-"

Chiaki walks and shoves a gun in Lou's mouth, she asks," What do you say?"

Lou said," …..nothing…"

Lou stared at Nene and said," I want to form an alliance between Lowes-Class and Middle-Class, and..... can you take your hands-off?"

Nene releases him and asks," And what do you want us to do?"

Lou adjust his collar and said," I want to make the defense perimeter by combining the delinquent student and my classmate's defense circle"

"By doing that, we can make sure that everyone is safe to any harm while getting magic core easy"

Nene asks," And how can you convince us to join you guys?"

Lou said," Healing Ability, Buff Ability, and Smart Leader. Is that enough?"

Nene stare at him and said," I will try to ask the others, but don't hope that they will accept your offer"

Lou nodded," Don't worry, i already plan for the guys who want to reject my offer"

Nene stares at Lou and then walks back to ask her classmate about the alliance that Lou is taking.


Meanwhile, Furuichi is running to where Oga is, following close to him is a child named Kanna.

He doesn't know why Lou asks him to bring this child with him, he can only see her as a cute and obedient child.

In the distance Furuichi sees Oga punching all the slime that he see, the ground already filled with dead slime.

Furuichi shout," Oga, Lou ask you to come back ~"

Oga reply," Later, I still want to do something here"

Furuichi said," But we need to regroup first!"

Oga an angry reply," Shut up Furuichi, I said I need to do something first, if you don't shut up I will beat your ass!"

Furuichi said," Kanna-chan can you bring him back to Lou?"

Kanna nodded, she suddenly disappeared in front of Furuichi and appeared beside Oga.

Oga was shocked, a child suddenly appeared in front of him. He thought that she was a monster so he unctuously attacked her.

Furuichi shouted," Damn you Oga stop that!!"

But it's too late, the punch is too close to Kanna and it was about to hit her, Furuichi closes his eyes and he can't stop seeing a child getting beaten.

He wait and wait but he did not hear the voice of the child, he thought,' Did that bastard Oga accidentally kill Kanna-chan?'

Furuichi opened his eyes to see what happened, and he was shocked that Kanna stopped Oga's attack using a single finger.

Then Kanna grabs his fist, rotates Oga round and throw Lou standing.

She then calmly grab Furuichi like a chicken and throw him back too like Oga.


Meanwhile, Lou who's about to talk to Nene suddenly hears something fast coming to him, he looks up and sees Oga who looks like a meteor going to hit him.

Seeing Oga who is about to hit the ground, Lou calmly catches him and rotates where he is standing to neutralize the force of the throw.

After 12 rotates, Lou feels that the force is already neutralized and then he releases Oga freely.

Oga who's shocked staring at his hand thinking things happen just now.

Lou thought that was the end, but it was not, he saw Furuichi who was about to hit him too.

And just like Oga, he catch Furuichi rotate 12 times to neutralize the force and released him afterward.

And just like Oga, Furuichi's face is so pale and look super scared. As if he has been shaken by what happened just now.

Lou then looked at Nene's group and classmates said," So what is the decision of your classmates?"

Nene where shocked while the other famous delinquent hurry to agree to his request. They are not idiots, seeing the shocked face and how he catches Oga easily, they know that he is much stronger than them.