
She had a tall figure with grey hair tied in twin pigtails, her eyes were a deep emerald green, she was wearing a mini skirt along with a sleeveless shirt tucked inside her skirt, she had generous breasts, C Cups at the very least, along with an alluring figure. She had a tie wrapped around her left thigh

Ren had a nasty habit of changing her clothes during battle whenever her clothes were torn (even with the smallest tear). Despite her strong integrity as well as toughness, Ren had troubles with men due to her assumptions that men were perverse beings (she claims that all men are actively trying to flirt with her, which she considered being vulgar). As a result, she cannot even speak to boys face-to-face and turns away from them. This aversion was slowly turning into a misunderstanding towards all men, this was one of the reasons Meru was worried about her, but Ren was unaware of her concerns.

That was the basic info he had on her. Knowing this he didn't mind her behavior.

"Umm….. you're staring too much..." Ren fluster said while looking away from him.

"Ah…. sorry."

"Kukuku~ first impression, Lou seems love-struck seeing Ren's figure~ i am right ~ Mr. Pervert-san~" Meru teasingly said.

"N-no I'm not!"

"Shishishi~ you don't need to hide, you petrified seeing Ren's beauty, i see it clearly pertver-san~"

"Stop teasing Meru...." Ren finally looks at Lou, even though she looks serious, she can't hide the bright red on her face.

"Y-You must be… Lou Takasu."

"... Yeah…"

"I heard from you from Meru last night, it seems you came to help me with my problem."

"That's right…."


"Can you at least face me when you're talking, is there any problem on my face that you can't look at me at all?" Lou asked.

"N-NO! It's not that….. I'm just… nervous… that's all."

"Don't worry about him Onii-san, she is like this as always when she talk to the opposite sex, that's why we are here to try to cure it for her."


"What do you think about her?" Meru suddenly asks.

"Umm… She is pretty….. And stylish too."

"Ren is really stylish, she studied a lot about fashion to prepare for her Unversity Debut."

"Just like what i said to you last night, she is really not comfortable around guys, so she can't even look them in the eyes, because of that, she is starting to gain a reputation as a somewhat disappointing girl at home."

"No problem, that's why we are here to help here right? Don't worry, we will eventually help her to be cured."

Meru looks at Re+n who is looking away and asks,"So how is it?"


"How is Onii-san for you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Aaaaaaah~ I mean if Onii-san is good for you?"

"You know I'm not as good at dealing with men as you think I am , that's why we came here to cure it right?"

"I'm not asking your problem, I'm asking about your first impression of him?" Meru pointed Lou to her.

"He?" Ren slightly peek at Lou and hurry look away, she walks closer to Meru and whispers her answer.

"He looks pretty good, he looks clean and sunny, I feel comfortable without any discomfort when I'm close to him, not like the other men and he seems like a gentleman even says he has dozens of women outside and a huge lolicon."

Ren doubt asked, "Are you sure your information is accurate? I feel something amiss here and from him."

"I'm pretty sure, I did my research before I asked him to help us. This onii-san is a huge pervert dating multiple women at his school while having entangled with a bunch of little girls."

Rin doesn't feel Lou as a pervert or womanizer at all, she feels he is just a handsome man with a special unique aura making him comfortable around him.

"Well never mind, let's just continue our date, you're late so you need to treat me to lunch."

"No problem."

A few minutes later, the waiters arrived with the menu and the girls ordered as their heart's desired, that was Lou's insistence after all he don't want the girl the one who will pay, that is a date after all; as promised Lou once again assured them that he would be paying for their dishes, hence Meru didn't hold back in the slightest with their orders. Their reasonings however were vastly different.

At one side was Meru, who just wanted to empty Lou's wallet. Sadly it was impossible due to the most expensive dish here being only a few gold coins. Meru, in actuality, wanted to prank and tease Lou a bit, she however didn't quite understand why she wanted to do this to Lou. It was evident, she herself was unaware of her transitioning feelings towards him.

Meru had already decided that if Lou was unable to pay for it she would do so in his stead, although she would never let him forget about it and was planning to tease the hell out of him if said situation were to happen. Sadly for her, she was unaware of the fact that, in terms of individual capital, Lou can easily pay all of this with his current money.

Now rounding up to Ren, she, as expected, refused to accept his threat. He knows this girl is hard to deal with, he needs patience for him, not just a little but a huge one too.

After they had eaten their fill, they continued their date. Rin tries to join the two of them but it seems Meru is holding Lou alone while enjoying the date.

Thank goodness, Lou is smart enough to pull Rin with them to prevent her from being embarrassed on their first date.

Rin can easily notice it, she did not pull her hand back and let him pull her, she follows them and slowly she starts to join their small group.

The date continued on, they went from one attraction to another fleeting through them, enjoying their time together; it was obviously Meru's wish and earnest desire to experience everything this trip had to offer and they did. They were very satisfied by this dating event

While Rin seems to start to get used beingnear Lou, she even voluntarily grabs Lou while they are walking, making Meru sense the change from her girlfriend.

"It seems my decision is right, Lou can help Rin,' Meru inwardly thought.