Kaido vs Lou

'System, why did you choose Kaido?' Lou cant help but to ask.

System,' Kaido is the only Titan left in this world, he has the blood of a Titan but at same time fails to awaken his own Blood Heritage.'

System,' At the same time, his strength is so weak, he can only get the title strongest Titan because he is the only Titan who left with his daughter that he hid from the outside world.'

'He is really that weak?'

System.' Yes.'

But i read from books that Titan is Godly being with hGodly Strength,'

System,' You are right, Titan is strong, they not only have strength that can punch a hole on the earth, the height that can easily carry moon on their back,'


System,' hats why i told you Kaido is the weakest of the last remaining Titan in this world, if ever he awake his bloodline, he can casually conquer the whole world with his pure strength,'

System,' Right now, except small amount of benefits a Titan Blood can give him, his overall talent is already dry up, he will never improve again except a miracle happens and his Titan Blood awake,'

'But still, you can't deny that he is strong on his own, i don't know if the Hair on the anime i watch is same Kaido on thai world,'

System,' You will see.'


System,' He is here, he senses your presence, get ready host,'

Up in the air, dark clouds start to gather, then a massive dragon head picks from it looking from something.

When those beady eyes gaze up at everyone, they petrified in place, they want to run but their feet fail to do it, they can only helplessly look at the beach up in the sky while looking at them like a bug.

"Is it you kid? Is it you who is calling my inner instinct?"

Lou looks around to see who he is calling, Tama hurries to pull him," He is talking to you."


Tama nervously nodded.

"Kid, where did you come from? How can you have a presence the same as those so-called gods in the past? And what are you doing on my territory?"

"I'm coming to hunt a dragon, and it seems you finally come so let's start."

"I like someone as fearless as you to fight, but the aura you are giving is making me sick, why not die with these pitiful bugs."

"Bolo Breath"

Kaidou unleashed a fire blast from his mouth, a conical blast towards them as if he was trying to erase the whole city with Xin.

"Aniki!!" Tama scared shouted.

"Stay calm."

"Ice Wall!"

A gigantic ice wall appears up in the sky, creating a huge barrier to protect the whole city.

"Fool, my dragon breath can easily melt ice"

"And who said you can melt it?"

"Time Stop!"

Lou then uses a time stop to stop the melting process of the ice successfully blocking Kaido's fire breath.

"A mage? Never fight a mage, i heard they are people with a weak body,"

Kaidou spins his serpentine body into a coil to summon several tornadoes around him. Because of their wind speed, these tornadoes can pull people away from the ground.

Not only people, trees, houses, and even Jack whose crew is benignly blown upward.


"I don't want to die!"

"Someone help me!"

"Damn Kaido, I will never let you down if I die here!"


Meanwhile Lou is not affected at all, he is standing while holding Tama in his arms to prevent her from being stuck upward.

"Not even move at all? Then try eating my attack again."

"Tatsumaki Kaifu"

Hundreds of wind blades start to condense everywhere, crescent wind blades that can easily cut through solid stone as well as human bodies.

"Aniki, help them!!" Tama shouts seeing those crescent blades easily cut rocks like tofu, she doesn't want to see the people she knows die in front of her eyes so she can only ask for Lou's help even though she doesn't know how strong he really is.


Green energy starts to come out from Lou's body, with the wave of his hand, he pulls every single being that is benign pull upward.

He then pushes sideways, pushing all of them using his telekinesis towards outside of the city to prevent them from getting hurt by the fight.

"You also need to go," Lou then encloses Tama with an invisible barrier and pushes her away from a safe place.

"Big Brother Lou!!"

With one gesture, he pulls Kaido's huge body downward.


Kaido's huge body slammed into the ground creating a massive earthquake in the whole country.

Dust and rubble flying everywhere, the massive dragon start to shrink until Kaido's original body show up

Kaido slowly stood up, holding his mace whole, looking at Lou," That's a pretty good trick, let's do it again."

"Thunderclap Eight Trigrams"

"Motionless Sand Cloud Bomb"