Kaido's Strangeness

"Thunderclap Eight Trigrams"

"Motionless Sand Cloud Bomb"

Both attack the target at same time, Kaido's gigantic club hit Lo's head while Lou's fist hit Kaido's chest.


Kaido's giant bus suddenly steps back a couple of times, blood gushes out from his body while he is holding his chest where Lou fist hi.

"Shocked wave attack? This is going to be interesting."

Kaido disappears as Lou follows him, a couple of seconds later explosions start to explode everywhere.

Countless houses and properties are destroyed from their attack while both of them are not stopping even though they both get hit by each other.

Slowly Lou starts to notice something, Kaido's hit starts to hurt, he doesn't know when but he starts to feel his attack all over his body.

Another exchange attack, but this time he clearly hit Kaido's chest while he got hit on the left cheek by the club.

Kaido patted his chest as if nothing happened while Lou felt his cheek sting.

Kaido laughed wildly." Strong but not strong, you're still young to fight me in my own battle!"

Even though it seems they are both equal to each other, the experience and each one's specialty start to show up.

Kaido is not just a simple pirate but a stronger one too, with beastlike defense, vitality and raw strength, and plenty of experience making Lou's strength useless.

Kaido knows that even if he doesn't defeat Lou with his raw strength, his unimaginable vitality will last and eventually wear off Lou as they fight.

Defeat Lou, in Kaido's eyes, is only a matter of time.

He doesn't care if it takes three or four days, he surely wins this fight.

While Kaido has already foreseen his winning path, Lo ustart to organize his own thoughts.

He knows that a normal attack will not hurt this beast, what he needs is an attack that can penetrate his dragon-like defense, dodges every attack and drains his beast-like vitality to win.

Lou doesn't need to see Kaido's stats because he knows he is already on a peak in his own league, with bug-like passive ability to add for.




They both think while fighting each other, adjusting their own way of the fight while calculating each other's movement.

Everyone thought Kaido is a brute who only knows how to fight but he is also smart, he is not a captain of a thousand people with just his strength, of course, he is also smart when it comes to fighting someone.

A crashing collision, an island-like collision, an unparalleled air wave, set off from the depths of the battlefield

Everything within a few hundred meters was hammered away.

The ground kept sinking.

The earth cracked and boulders danced in the sky.

Their attack formed an invisible wall, dividing the battlefield, colliding wildly, and cracks spread in the air.

Red and gold crackling thunder flying everywhere each time they hit each other.

Pneumatic keep expanding, soaring into the sky

"Isn't that possible?" Kaido planted his feet in the ground and was pushed slowly backward.

He's pretty sure he has already seen his win in this fight but the air around starts to change again, and this time his attack keeps missing and missing.

Even his six sense is not working at all, as if he is hitting something soft while sometimes he gets hit by a vibrating attack.

Kaido couldn't believe it, he was slowly getting pushed by his opponent, it was slow as he did to him but this time he couldn't see any openings at all.

He realizes that this Youngman he is fighting is not a hot-blooded one but a smart one, he seems to experience but he is using his brain to find a solution and that is making Kaido's position harder.

Kaido doesn't have time to hold back now, he needs to finish the fight if he doesn't want to lose to an unknown man.

Kaido, who roared, changed his form quickly, showing the strongest human-beast form.

His Human-Beast Form, while not as colossal, is still very large and, in shape, comes closer to his Human Form, with scales on his arms, outer torso, back, and legs as well as six horns on his head, claws on the hands and feet, and a long tail.

Taking a jar out of nowhere and starting drinking, then a strong smell of alcohol starts to spread around the air while Kaido\s face starts to change in various emotions.

"Shuron Hakke"

"Why are you drinking?"

"Why? Because I'm having fun, u only drink if ever i see something fun."

"Wo ro ro ro ro ro!"

"Warai Jogo"

Kaido attacked as fast as lightning and hummed Lou using his club but his attack did not hit at all, his face suddenly changed to an angry one.

"Okori Jogo"

He opened his mouth and fired a dragon breath point-blank, Lou unhurried erected an ice wall and cast Time Magic to prevent him from melting the ice but something different happened.

A series of high-speed swings towards the wall of ice break it in peace, almost hitting Lou who is unprepared.

But Lou was smart enough to deploy "Seikūken" before the club even hit him.

Kaido's strange swing of emotion made Lou wonder if he is using Drunken Master Art.

His mood keeps swinging in different motions making it hard for his opponent to read his own rhythm in a fight.