Cooking Style and Specialty

"Momo-chan~ your sweets are really great~" Jun foolishly said after eating a couple of cuts of the cake.

Lou looked at her and miraculously ate all the dessert she ordered, he even thought that he would ask for help to finish all of it because of her bloated stomach.

"What are you looking at?! Have you ever seen a beautiful woman before?"

"Of course not, I'm just curious, how can you still eat after we eat before coming here?"

"Hmmp! You don't know that women always have a special space inside of our stomach for sweets." Jun proudly said.

"Really?" Lou tries to check her and discover what secret she is trying to tell.



Gourmet A+

Digestion A+

Compress A+


Based on this Ability, Lou is sure that this is her secret, well it's all about digesting nutrients from the food she eats.

And maybe she can truly digest everything from the food she eats. That's why she can maintain her youthful appearance even though she is already in her 30s.

"Special Rainbow Colored Cake."


"Only 8 stars? Why not give me 10?"

"Your dessert is delicious but i can tell you can still improve it, i can add more on an incoming day if you ever improve your dish even further."

"And also, change the tea you serve, it does not match the taste of the cake you sell, it's better if you make a parfait."

"Don't bother me!" Momo angrily pushed them out of her shop.

After that she ran toward the kitchen and started making colorful and delicious parfaits.

A couple of minutes later, she looked at her Special Rainbow Colored Cake and a colorful 5-mix fruit parfait and thought that this match is pretty good for her princess theme.

".... Maybe he is right….. Or not!"





"It's pretty plain, no originality, you didn't even think more or even innovate the dish but still the food is so delicious made from skillful hands," Lou said.

Nene is well versed in the art of making soba, having adopted the Kinokuni tradition of making their own legendary soba recipe that has been passed down many generations. Her skill in this alone helped her acquire the 6th seat of the Elite Ten Council.

But a plain Soba is always tasteless for Lou, he is trying to find a new or a brand new idea but she sticks to her tradition which is not that bad.

"If you want to improve, I think you first try to improve the Kinokuni tradition Legendary soba recipe, even though it's a Legendary Recipe, eating it as it is will only make the consumer feel sick and blant."

"What are your thoughts?"

"Simple, try to go out, eat different kinds of Soba, try to recreate your family secret recipe, by doing this, you are not only improving the recipe but also contributing to your own tradition."

Lou and Jun then left, leaving Nene in deep thought.


"Crocodile meat"

Crocodile meat is mild in flavor, with its firm and tender texture of succulent white meat.... But Lou never sees someone to cook it except in the wild maybe.

"What do you think?" Rindo excitedly said.

"Exotic Cooking? Pretty new, your knife skill is so good that you cut all the tendon on crocodile's meat, making its tender like chicken and juicy like beef,"

"Mao~ I don't need your compliment, I want to hear my score!"


"Only 8?"

"That's right, maybe you need more time to think about a good pair of herbs to complement to your dish, i think you can add Royal Jelly from King Bee's nest to make it more delicious, of course this is only my idea, the dish will only improve after you add more or even remove some unnecessary spice."

"... You're right, I will try to add Royal Jelly as you said and try it, come back again tomorrow, I want to see if you can give me 10 stars after improving my dish" Rindo said.

Lou feels surprised by Rindo's easy-going nature. She is like a student who is easy to teach, except her motivation comes from eating an exotic dish that is pretty weird for a girl.

After Lou and Jun left, Rindo pushed all her remaining customers and closed the door to find good ingredients for her dish. It seems that her motivation to improve is huge enough to ignore the overall ranking for today.


Over the course of an hour, Lou and Jun eat the dish of all Elite Ten and some random student who has good potential.

Overall, it's good, Eishi even got 9 from Lou while another Elite Ten got nothing from Lou.

"Hey Lou, can I ask you something?" Jun asked.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Why did you not give a star for the last dish we eat?"

"That last dish? Well, I don't like the taste of it, the only thing that enters my head is money and power so I can give a proper rank for it."

".... So it's you too."

"I don't really understand, why did he try to learn cooking if he is an expert in making money, his dish is so unpalatable that I only taste iron and paper money."

The person they are talking about is none-other than Eizan who only thinks about profit and money-making his dish unpalatable.


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