

The door of the room opens, and two unknown guy enter while talking.

"Are you sure that you found that unknown being in that forsaken place, Lord Rizevim?" The walking skeleton asked.

"Lord Hades, I'm sure from what we see, it's a unknown civilization with a blank identity, we gather all of the things that we can gather to uncover the true identity of these beings but we only got one experimental object from the ruins."

Rizevim Livan Lucifer and God of Realm of the Dead "Hades".

Rizevim has the appearance of a middle-aged man in his 40s with dark silver hair and hazel eyes. He looked much like his grandson, Vali, albeit with longer hair and a beard.

Rizevim possessed a bottomless and creepy aura around his body. He wore the same Maou Lucifer attire as Sirzechs, although colored in silver.

Hades has the appearance of a tall skeleton dressed in attire worn by high priests, giving off a creepy aura. Despite having no eyes, his eye sockets can glow to give the appearance of eyes.

Both of them are the overlord of the underworld and each holds the power to destroy everything.

But surprisingly, they did not notice Lou hiding inside of the room making Lou felt puzzled.

Systen.' Host, your Undead, the raze of you is hard to sense because of your racial ability, maybe if Hades tries hard, he can easily find you,'

'Isn't Hades is also Undead, its natural for him to sense me easily right?'

System,' That's right, every Undead from all over the place can easily be senes by Hades but except for you.'

Systen,' Host body is made by a different System, you can say that your race is the same as the undead but you are created by a much more powerful force so you can't really be categorized as undead of this world.'

'You mean I'm undead on name only?'

System,' That's right, the System called you 'Undead' because you have the characteristics of Undead, but if you watch closely, you have things undead don't have.'


System,' Holy Magic,'

'... Well, you're right,'

Back to Hades and Rizevim

"Amazing…. " Hades said after seeing the body of Üc207Pr4f57t9, he never see a strange being made from metals that can live without life force.

That's right without life force, anything that dont have life force consider undead and Ex-Machina is a race without life force that's why Hades fascinated when he first heard Rizevim's discovery.

"Lord Hades, can you awake her?" Rizevim asked.

"I will try." Hades said,

Hades take out staff and start using her power to try to wake up the unknown race but after a couple of minutes of trying, he stops.

"It's useless, i can't revive her using undead magic, even i transfer soul to her is also fruitless."

"I can't even feel the life force vain inside of her except for iron parts and wires that connected like veins inside of her."

"Is that so? It seems i need to find another solution." Rizevim helpelss said.

"Don't worry, i will also help you."

"Then thank you Lord Hades."

"It's fine, I'm just curious about this being, lets's go."

Hades and Rizevim then left after conducting a small experimental leaving the whole laboratory in darkness again.


After a couple of minutes, Lou finally come out after securing no one left.

'System, how can i wake her up?'

System,' Simple, you just need to recharge her battery.'

'Thats it?"

System,' Yes.'

"..... okay, how?'

System,' See those plug-like tails? You just need to grab it and discharge electricity to automatically charge her battery.'

Lou first take out Üc207Pr4f57t9 from the tank and place it on the surgical table, he then grab her plug-like tail and start using magic.

And just like System said, her body starts to shine, a futuristic appearance of her making Lou even more interesting for her.

..... 1%..

..... 2%....

... 20%.....




Ding! Charge complete, Üc207Pr4f57t9 officially awake.

Slowly, Üc207Pr4f57t9's eyes open, it's not like mechanical eyes like what Lou expected but she has a beautiful red eyes full of innocent and unknown.

She close and open her eyes until she finally look at Lou.

She asked with an emotionless tone," What year is now?"

"Year xxxx moth xxx date xxx."

"..... Year confirm, please, can you tell me your name?'

"Lou Takasu."

"Affirmative, Lou Takasu as Üc207Pr4f57t9 new Master."
