
Rank: S+

Gender: Female

Age: 211

Weight: Unknown

Class: Prüfer - Analyzation Units

Race: Ex-Machina

Affiliation: None


'System what is this?'

System,' Automatic Sigh, a simple Master Recognition Ability.'

'You mean she becomes mine?'

System,' That's right,'


Ding! You recessive a Sub-Quest: Nameless

Sub-Quest: All Ex-Machina is commonly nameless and prefers to call their product number code. Having changed to her master, she wants you to name her.

Requirement: Name

Duration: 1 Hour

Reward: Üc207Pr4f57t9 Summon Contract

Failed: Being spotted by Hades


Üc207Pr4f57t9," Name."

"I want you to give me a name."

"A new name for the beginning."


Looking at her, Lou can't help but pet her head making subconsciously showing a cat-like expression.

He helplessly sighed and said," Schwi…. What's your name."


"Schwi means Black One but i hope that opposite from your name, your heart stays as pure as white."

"Your name?"

"Lou, Lou Takasu."


"In that case, what do you wish? Whatever it is...…I will help you.... I will be right by your side and I will stay there until you understand your heart....."

"I shall keep watch over you to see what your heart truly desires."

"I wish to do whatever you wish to do, Lou."

Lou look at her and ask," Why?"

"You fulfill my wish, i hope i help yours too."

"Nothing right now but if i have in the future, i will call you so please help me okay, Schwi?"



Name: Üc207Pr4f57t9 - Schwi

Age: 221

Level: 0

Gender: Female

Job: Prüfer - Analyzation Units

Race: Ex-Machina

Strength: 99

Agility: 99

Endurance: Nil

Intelligent: 999

Luck: 99

Racial Ability:



Superior Physical Capabilities S+

Superior Senses S+


Collective Mind S+

Extreme Computing Power S+

Weapon Duplication & Creation S+

Alles-Lösen S+

Personality Emulation S+

Affiliation: Summon Being


Alles-Lösen: Known as a last-stand kind of move which unleashes all weapons in their arsenal and turns the unit into a mobile fortress.


Lou find that Schwi is not combating oriented build but her stats are more than enough to fight high level.

Much more than he discovers that she never levels up at all, and that means her stats are a natural born with her.

"Let's go."


"To find someone."

"Let me help you," Schwi wave her hand, and data and code appear in front of them.
