The mystery of the heart 2

Luna hugged him tightly, she held on tight as if she didn't want to let go. He told jokes that weren't funny but Luna laughed anyway.

 The wind blew against her face, instantly Luna realized that she was on a motorcycle with a man riding her who had been telling a joke that wasn't funny. Luna could feel the warmth of the body of the man she was currently hugging from behind even though he was wearing a leather jacket.

 Don't know why, but Luna felt so happy that she kept smiling.

 "Do you like it?"

 "I like it..."

 "We should often ride motorcycles together..."

 The voice sounded familiar but Luna couldn't remember who the voice belonged to, she saw in the rearview mirror the reflection of the man's face which was covered by a helmet so that she couldn't see his face other than the look in his eyes.