Worrying heart

Kevin cleared Luna's teacup and looked around the room.

 He closed his eyes, searching for the memory he had missed but he couldn't find an answer no matter how hard he tried.

 Kevin took a deep breath now, should he give up and only focus on his project with Hotel Kings so that it can be completed quickly so that he can be separated from Monic.

 If at this time he can't find his love for Luna again then he can make Luna fall in love with him again right?

 Kevin was very sure of the relationship between himself and Luna.

 Kevin opened the door, he decided to go home to look for any clues he might get.

 "Hi, uncle..." Greeted a man who owned this apartment before but Kevin couldn't recognize him.

 Kevin looked at the man from head to toe. Who is the man who looks like a thug and why does he call Kevin uncle.

 "Do I know you?" Kevin asked curiously.