Wrong feeling


 Slowly the employees walked closer to Kevin's room because they heard the noise made by Monic who was now cursing Luna in a loud voice.

 "I and Kevin were fine all this time until you seduce him... And you should have realized that God has allowed you to return to being a good girl by making your memories disappear .." Monic started crying now, of course, this was her machinations so that she gets sympathy and Luna looks like a bad person now.

 "Monic what are you talking about?" Luna tried to calm the atmosphere, she realized that now she had become the subject of gossip.

 "I'm talking about you, you are a very bad woman.. aren't we both women? Why do you have the heart to do all this to me?" Monic was crying again now.

 "Please, Luna... I love Kevin so much, please don't seduce him anymore, let us live in peace." Monic was now kneeling in front of Luna, making Luna look even worse.