-11- Devils and Fluffs

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC


I landed to Tokyo airport and started going to Kyoto it appears the more friendly bunch of Yokai live there hopefully i could find someone willing to teach me and find someone to publish the Naruto i have been drawing it on my free time ever since i saw that grey haired kid, i finished drawing it just needs to be published.

As i was walking i felt my communication circle notify me of a call, i got inside an alley and answer it and it's a red headed figure with a ridiculously big pauldrons on his shoulder.

Sirzechs"Ahem good day Mr. Witcher i'm Sirzechs Luficer, our sources told us that you were coming to Japan so i was wondering if you could take a contract"

Jacob"What's the job"

Sirzechs"There has been a breakout in prison and a Ultimate rank devil criminal called Big Jones and yes he's massive, escaped and reached the Kuoh Town my men and Queen are protecting my sister and her friend so we are out gunned, i want you to take care of him"

I heard about him from Azazel he may be strong but he's a damned siscon, if you want to get me to meet your sister at least come up with something more believable and don't throw criminals like that dammit.

Jacob"What about the payment?"

Sirzechs"Do you need something or just money will suffice"

Jacob"Got anyone that could teach me Senjutsu?"

Sirzechs"I am afraid no but i can give my good word to Yasaka at Kyoto she may be able to help we got the territory from Shinto faction after all"

Jacob"Fine I'll take the job"

After that i went to find a bullet train to Kuoh.


Arriving i look at the clock it's 19 pm sun is down it's either going after the sisters but knowing that siscon i'm better off searching the town, setting my medallion to devils i move.

Walking around the town that's thanks to magic empty town(I put a mass Axii that kept everyone indors), i looked for my prey for 4 hours before i tracked it to an house which it's door was broken drawing my sword i listen there's only one heartbeat so owner of the house is already dead, i wait for it to come out due to it's size i'll be at a disadvantage indoor.

My target comes out a disgusting looking oversized devil (They can change their appearance wtf) after seeing me he attacks without waiting, i quickly try out my new spells now that i don't have to wave my hands and such i made a yrden on the ground and boosted myself to the side to cut off one of its limbs it's neck is too thick to cut off because of the fat, now that he got crippled he uses an fire magic attack using quen i got close and send a aard blast to it's open mouth to collapse his throat and it dies suffocating in his own blood, i cut up it's head now that he's not moving, putting in my storage i burned the body and made my way to school sister of Lucifer Rias Gremory should be an first year students there.


Coming to the school grounds i was greeted by a grey haired maid that i recognized as Grayfia since my little brother had a body pillow of her.(Yeahh)

Going up the stairs i meet the sisters of two devil kings they seem innocent, for devils.

Rias"So this is the Witcher my brother talked about when are we leaving i need that thing out of my territory"

I just took the head out of my storage

Jacob"I was told to kill it right away here you go, now my side is done"

Heh, now what little brat (We are both 16)

Rias"mouu oni-sama, why did he do such a thing"

Jacob"*Coughing* can i go now"


Jacob" Not interested in joining peerages, the whole getting orders thing rubs me the wrong way and i hate policits"

With that i left the room to see Grayfia holding a check, taking it i quickly teleported back to Tokyo can't be too careful with devils.


(In the school)

Rias"He didn't even listen my offer"

Sona"I don't think i would like such servant considering his attitude"

Rias"But everyone says he's the last Witcher and how strong they were before you know Sona i need strong pieces, we even arranged this whole thing with the convict just to meet him *pouts*"

Sona"I just can't believe Lucifer sama got this whole thing set up with the fake body and all"


Coming back to Tokyo i crashed in a hotel it was night time anyway, in the morning i got another call from Sirzechs informing of where to go in Kyoto, hopping on another train i made my way to Kyoto.

After a uncomfortable train ride due to stares i am getting from the both genders, i have arrived, looking around the station i quickly notice a shirine maiden calling me forward, might as well follow, after getting into some alleyways she stopped and turned around unfurling her ears and tail, a little fluff is never bad, she even has a name tag now i also toggled my eyes.

Hakame"Good day Witcher, Lady Yasaka asked me to greet you and escort you to the shirine now if you would follow me"

She didn't even wait for an answer i quickly followed her we walked in silence i kept sensing other yokai they seem to just smell me and move on to their way after 10 minutes of walk where they apparently checked me up, i mean there are teleportation why walk, anyway we have come to an classic Japanese Shirine only thing that's out of place is that a nine tailed fox sitting under a sakura tree drinking tea, although it's not the time for sakura blossoms we make our way to her i am going to assume she's Yasaka due to all of these shadow guards waiting around.

Hakame"Yasaka-sama i have brought the Witcher"

Yasaka"Thank you Hakame you may leave, Witcher i believe we have things to talk please take a seat"

After that Hakame left and i sat across Yasaka who didn't say anything until she prepared another pot of tea if i remember correctly they can sense if you lie thanks to senjutsu i guess i have to be mindful of what i speak.

Yasaka"Here, have some tea and well let's see i have heard from devils that you wanted to learn senjutsu may i ask why"

Jacob"I have unlocked my touki years ago and i didn't want to bother with senjutsu since finding someone to teach is hard but this learning need has been a order of Odin he said i will blow myself eventually"

Yasaka"Hmm you're working for Asgard"

Jacob"I am working for money"

Yasaka"and who is the lucky girl ?"

Ah magic circle of the law of suprise turned into an solid ring after Rose kissed me hehe can't turn it invisible now

Jacob"A certain Valkyrie that i got from law of surprise"

Yasaka"Congratulations then, now give me your hand"

I gave her my hand and feel some kind of energy probe inside me i didn't notice when Odin did this i guess i can't sense his divine power or i have grown sensitive after the time spell, Yasaka started talking after looking around my body

Yasaka"Yes i can see why you need to learn senjutsu but your life force seems to increase even when you don't do anything as if you're still a growing egg, you would take out a city if you blew it's a tiny chance but it's better to eliminate it, i shall teach you the basics and how to fine tune your touki and purifying fire since other techniques won't be useful for you since you don't use pure Ki, but i must have you sign a contract to never attack Shinto faction or take contracts against us"

Jacob"Very well i can sign it but i would like to point out i need my right for self defense and the conditions will be nullified if a another great war starts, it's important to write these parts otherwise things get messy"

Yasaka"Fair enough i just needed guarantee that you won't attack us for mutagens after getting what you need"

Jacob"By the way do you guys have any manga business i was looking to publish mine"

Yasaka"Well we'll look at it over diner i don't really read such stuff but my daughter does if she likes it we'll get it printed"

Jacob"Guess that's the best i can get"

She nodded and we did the contract, afterwards i was taken to my quarters this place will be my house for a while, after settling in i called Rose time to catch up.


(With Yasaka after Jacob left)

Yasaka"You can stop hiding Kunou"

Kunou"Sorry mother i got curious"

Yasaka"It's okay come sit on mothers lap"

Kunou"Who was that man mother he smelled bulls and snakes"

Yasaka"That man is the last known Witcher an ancient mercenary group, he needed training and i needed to make sure he won't take jobs against us, Witchers can be scary and there was a time they bought genetic materials from us it took us a long time before realizing that they can adapt to other races that two smell he has are poison naga and minotaur, fine choices"

Kunou"Is he that dangerous"

Yasaka"Yes but he sign the contract so he won't harm us unless we attack him first, let's go Kunou it's lunch time then you need to read that manga i trust your judgement."

Kunou"Yes mother!"