-12- Flowers and Birthdays

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC


Cold it's fucking cold if not for the Quen circle protecting me i would have became a popsicle, where are you, you ask well let me tell you i am in the depths of Cocytus even deeper than realm of hades actually i had to pass from his domain to get a permit to go in

who would have thought that god of death could be so jovial i would almost think that he was a good god if not for my medallion nearly bursting from bad intent dude didn't even hid it unlike Loki.

Anyway here i am looking for a certain flower Ajuka Beelzebub asked, an Ice Lily that only grows in the cold of Cocytus i took the job because i need another flower from here the Aqua Rose

this year i'm 18 and my relationship with Rose is went deeper and deeper i have been taking jobs on the side and Naruto have been selling like hot cake, i have been saving money while learning senjutsu for a special ring, well we already have rings but these rings can absorb another one and change shape so i was planning to buy an proper ring and get married to both solidify our relationship and protection against a certain perverted mc, he won't go for married woman right, i won't have to castrate him right? right!

Since the plot is coming i want to have a good memory of relaxation and yes i have checked Issei has started his first year of highschool this April i remember that story starts when he starts his second year, anyway there it is, i already got the Ice Lily and was looking for the Aqua Rose, It's standing tall in this wind, color of it is the same as her eyes it's perfect, taking the flower i opened a portal back to devil side of the underworld, i still can't connect two realms with my teleportation but i can teleport into anywhere i have been before in the same realm.

I usually use normal teleportation but that wouldn't work this deep in Cocytus but my teleportation works since i am opening a pathway myself, i don't want to see that fake bone daddy(OG bone daddy is Ainz).


Coming out of my portal and bringing the room temperature to minus 30 and also alerting every guard in vicinity i made my way to the delivery zone where Ajuka awaits me.

Ajuka"That's was some entrance"

Jacob"Well can't do this line of work without style"

Ajuka"haha yeah sure now let's see the flower"

I gave him the flower Ice Lilies are used like supercharged adderall even a devil would go without sleep for a month with this stuff, so he must be trying to find a solution to sleeping disease.

Ajuka"You're not wondering why i required this flower"

Jacob"Well it's not my job to ask but if i were to guess you're trying to make a medicine for the sleeping disease"

He just smiled this means i was right normally i don't run my mouth like this but Ajuka likes to get me talking so i play along

Ajuka"Here is your payment and ah i almost forgot to give you the newest deck this one is Shinto faction it seems your display of the game took their interest"

Yeah GWENT is popular and it's spreading like a disease at this point.

Jacob"Well with that our deal is done always a pleasure to make a deal with the devil"

Ajuka"*Sigh*You're not going to stop that joke will you"

Jacob"Nope now beam me up Ajuka"

Ajuka"Funny fact underworld sits on the human world now goodbye Witcher"

Wait really huh food for thought


Coming back up i made my way to Kyoto this two decks i have belong to Yasaka and Amaterasu, although i never met with the ever busy sun goddes, i have to give it to Yasaka, going in to the inner part of the building and catching the fluffy bullet named Kunou and seating her to much shoulders much to her amusement i made my way to Yasaka.

Kunou"What do you have in your hand onii-chan"

Jacob"Remember the card game i showed this is your mothers deck and i have another for Amaterasu-sama"

Kunou"hmm it looked boring to me"

Jacob"It's an acquired taste"

Coming in the door i see the women who taught me for the past years she has a mountain of work as usual.

Yasaka"Didn't think you'd come back i thought you had a girl to propose"

What's up with that spiteful tone, is she no no it must be my imagination.

Jacob"Well i came to give the Shinto Faction Gwent decks one for you and one for Amaterasu-sama"

Yasaka has stars in her eyes she was waiting for this but making the cards is not easy we had the use public knowledge and world ranking for the power system and the special abilities since not everyone like spreading their trump cards it has been a hard work.

Yasaka"Thanks for delivery are you staying for dinner or are you going to run to your Valkyrie"

Sayings that with that smile is terrifying, Yasaka have been more open with me for the past year and i gave her tips on how to manage the paperwork with my experience as a teacher who had dealt with exams, she got closer and closer, she even tried getting me drunk but all it did was getting herself drunk and i had the maidservants carry her to her room it's been awkward ever since, harems are accepted here but i don't really like the idea.

Jacob"Well i can stay for dinner i need to see Azazel tomorrow anyway"


Next day after giving a hug to reluctant looking Yasaka and head pats to Kunou, i made my way to Kuoh, apperantly Azazel lives here, in the same town with two sisters of the devil kings it's ingenious if you want to lay low although devils do not know and i have no reason to rat him out.

Coming to the mansion i see the man himself making BBQ on the lawn. I have no idea how's this counts as hiding and he's still not gotten found but it's not my problem.

Azazel"Hey kid want to join in"

Jacob"You and Odin are the only people that call me kid but sure i'm in"

Azazel"That's because we are older than others come on grab the onions"

Jacob"Sasuke the Grey is not around?"

Azazel"Haha, don't worry he's not around but he's still sore about that loss, started training"

Jacob"Damn battle maniacs"

After a nice BBQ we got to business

Azazel"Here's the ring i will even give you 5% discount and cold resistance vase on the side."

Here it is Mithril ring with pure white heart stone, ring itself made to boost magic power and the stone linked to each other so we could sense our heartbeats if we desire i spent more money on this than my gear and the vase is for the Aqua Rose

Azazel"Well that's the best you can get with magic boost, go get her"

I just gave him a fist bump he's really that mentor type probably on a redemption arc character let's hope he doesn't die.


Teleporting to Asgard using my flyer first thing i did was glare at Heimdall yes he has killed Idris Elba i mean he died in a mugging gone wrong but i know it was him and he knows that i know, most pure of them all my ass.

I walked to the house of Göndul since Rose is following around Odin to titty bar to the next, i won't run into her, my grandma in law is making the preparations, tomorrow is Rose's birthday and also that's the day i am going to propose marriage and i am nervous i have never done this before.

Göndul"Relax boy it's not like she would refuse"

Jacob"That's not really helping"

Göndul"Then stop being useless and help your grandma! ungrateful brat!"

Jacob"YES! MA'AM!"


Next day Rose left on a birthday leave and came to find me in her bed i was sleeping so i woke up after she jumped on me in joy

Rose"Thank you for coming coming Jack"

I have no idea how Jacob became Jack

Jacob"Well it's your birthday how could i miss let's go we have a long list"

With that i took her to Disney world for starters i have been planning this for months now, then we teleported to Egypt to see the pyramids since she likes history by night time we were at Paris i evacuated Eiffel with axii, is it abuse of power yes, do i regret it no, here i put up a table and we started eating while looking at the sunset, while she was looking at the sun i pulled the bouquet out of my inventory its a bouquet of red roses and the aqua rose at the top frosting the rest on the top of the aqua rose sits the ring

Jacob"Rose can you look here for a second"

I don't have to say anything i would butcher it anyway as i expected of her, she first took a picture of it so she could brag to her Co-Valkyries and jumped at me after a bit of kissing i synced our rings and the original has split between us.

Coming to the house we started the birthday party, even Odin was here wearing a tuxedo and half a month later we had our wedding in a private place she said she didn't want a public wedding. Coming to our bedroom that night i saw her in a purple lingerie i shit you not i had a anime style nosebleed this is going to be a long night, i have a castle to siege.