
Goliath was at the university with the other members. The same ones from the orientation. He was puzzled on what to do. He was given instructions on how to lure the girl but it wasn't to his liking it felt dirty. So he tried taking suggestions from other members.

"What do you think?"

One of the members was a young man in his early twenties. He had glasses so it seems like he would be somewhat intelligent or just have bad eyesight.

"That girl does not know how to properly draw the blade. You can use that to her advantage."

"Sounds good"

"Nah, you gotta ehhh...eckk and then you gotta hit em with woosouppp. Then when she on the ground do skkkrtstopppbeatdown and get the blade. Simple."

Everyone looked at him.

[This isn't even a joke no more. Fuck I don't even know how to write. Like in my head its the same dude just outta place makin retarded noises....shit. Dafuq, mans wrote this sequence like four times within six chapters this is just damn near getting repetitive.]

"How to lure girl?"

"We can do what Charlotte did and have someone try to befriend the girl."

"No work. Charlotte gone."

"Maybe if you can draw her attention by having her become a hero."

"Hero?? No good, explain"

"We can put other people in danger and have her try to save them. She will eventually have to spring into action because she wouldn't want anyone to die. Then while she is vulnerable you can crush her and take the blade, simple as that."

"Good, good. Goliath like smart plan. Me no like bad Master plan."

"That's good. I don't like him either."

He pushed his glasses up and put his hood back on.

"Come on you got work to do."

Goliath smirked and ran after the member with glasses.

In Mio's house she laid in her bed all depressed. For the past couple of days all she could think about is the blade taking over her body. She could feel this numbing pain that would overwhelm her as she fought. What scared her the most was the thugs. They transformed.

She remembered the three thugs that tried to murder her and retrieve the blade. They got upset and became a wild beast. They were disgusting creatures that resembled an animal.

She shook the thought from her mind. She got up from the bed and decided to go to the mirror. She saw the markings she had a thought of just ripping the marks from her body but then a voice sounded throughout her head.

The blade is bounded to your soul

I think she was smart enough not to mess what keeps her bounded to the earth.

She shook that thought from her head and went on her way out.

As she was walking she could sense people following her again. The same feeling that she had before.

"Not this again..."

She did not want to be in danger herself. She wanted to get rid of the curse as soon as possible. She saw what she could become and it did stop her from wanting to become that.

She walked through to school and tried to enjoy the subtle scenery of the transit for a while.

Not knowing that the world will collapse onto her.

When she was walking on her pathway to the university she sensed a couple of dangerous people the same feeling that she had when she fought the 3 thugs in the abandoned construction site. She held her breath for quick second to throw them off but then they disappeared. With a sigh of relief she arrived to the university with just enough time to make it to her classes.

While she was sitting in a desk at the university the thugs were up to something terrible.

In an alleyway across from the university were two goons carrying bags.

"Yo fam, you got the shit?"

"Yuh, fosho meng. I aint leavin nuthin behind."

The thug opened up a duffle bad filled with guns and explosives.

"Damn!!! That's a lot of guns we out here my dude."

He looked confused. He counted the amount of guns in the bag.

"1.....2, 3, 4....6. Hey, meng there is one extra."

"Yeah, that one's for the boss. He'll be here later."

"Heyyy that's pretty guuud."

"Did you get the masks? We need those to cover our faces."

He pulls out his backpack to reveal some crudely made masks. The other thug tried to put one on.

There was only one hole in the mask and it was the mouth hole.

"Bruh. I can't see shit. How the fook am I suppose to see?"

"Oh shoot. Thats the bad one. I forgot to take that out I'll look for another one."

"Oh ok."

He pulls out another one but this time it had cut strips of the mask in the front of his face. It was like a one of those bead curtains you see in those weird plant based people's houses who think that doors are a subject to a construct that allows gender deformity.

"Meng, really?? Really?? Really?"

He kept pulling out masks with messed up cuts for holes. Some had masks with one big hole in it, another that was a string taped together with other string.

"I'll just put on my hood."

"Alright, suit yourself."

He pulls out a perfectly good ski mask that covered his face.

"What the fuck?"

A car pulled up in front of the alleyway and the two goons hopped in the car.

They drove to an alleyway behind the National Bank. One goon dressed entirely in black went in with nothing but a pistol hidden in his jacket. The second goon carried a flash grenade and a flare in his back pocket.

"Aight boys its go time."

"You guys head inside first and we'll wait for boss' to come through. Wait till we give the signal so we draw that bitch's attention."

"Do not fuck this up you only have one flash to set up boss's plan."

The goon wasn't sure about the whole fuck up that they were talking about.

"Hey!! Don't look at me?? I haven't done anything completely wrong."

Everybody looked at each other and everybody said in unison, "Shut the fuck up and don't mess this up!"

The two goons put their rifles inside a duffle bag. It looked liked they carrying hockey equipment when they went inside.

One of the goons went around the bank and found a seat to chill so he could wait for the other goon. The other goon had to pretend like he was actually doing some banking so he stood in line.

On the outside the other three were still in the car waiting.

"Yo who we waiting for?"

"We waiting for the girl to arrive. Once she passes the bank we tell the two inside to start the 'heist'. We will unload on the inside causing some ruckus which will lure the girl."

"What if she doesn't take the bait?"

"Oh we got a plan specifically for her."

Inside a lecture hall at the university the class seems to be quite empty.

"Damn, this class sucks."

Something is wrong. It that time... When those thugs were after me. No...can it be???

"Alright. Next week we'll be teaching more on Chapter 7. Have a nice day."

As Mio was gathering her stuff she was then approached by a random girl.

"Hey. you have the notes from last week's class?? Would you?"

"Sorry. I wasn't here last week."

The last class she missed was when that incident happened with the thugs. She didn't think it was important but this random girl seemed to care.

"Oh ok. Thanks."

She reminded me of that time with Charlotte. The way she walked and the way she greeted me was almost the same.

As Mio left she saw the girl waiting. She didn't pay her no mind.

"....she's leaving the university. Will await further instructions."

"Follow her. When you get close to the target point, initiate contact and bring her there."

"Understood." She put her phone away and sighed.

"I can't believe Charlotte died because of that bitch."

She hit the lockers and went to follow her.

Mio was walking along her path to the subway when she realized she forgot her notebook at the university. She turned around and went back. She was looking at her phone as she was walking and immediately bumped into somebody.

"Ow!! Watch where your go-"

She looked up at the person and it was the girl from her class.

"Oh! It's you."


"Oh yeah, I saw you rushing out of class when you dropped this."

She pulled out Mio's notebook.

"You forgot something."

"Oh, ummm...thanks"

She pulled her notebook away.

"Can you give it back?"


Mio was confused.

"Your gonna answer some of my questions first."

"...ok. Sure. Ask away."

She pulled her notebook away from her.

"I know what you did. I know what happened at that orientation. You are going to pay!!!"

None of those were actual questions.

"So why??? Why did she have to die??? You, and that FUckin sword!! Bring Back CharloTTTE!!"

I can't answer any of those questions. It seems she's on her period or something

The girl starts charging at Mio. She can see the weapon in her hand from a mile away. She moves away and falls on the ground.

"Can you give me my notebook back?"


She throws the book at Mio, then she proceeded to breakdown and cry.

Mio felt kinda of bad about what happened to her. In her case it was in self-defence. She had to stop Charlotte from killing her.

As she was kneeling with the girl. The girl began to look up to Mio she gave a small smirk as she wiped her tears with her sleeve. She reached for the weapon on the ground and hit Mio across the face.

She fell to the ground. Her vision was blurry and she could feel the girl on top of her.

"You are coming with me."

With the vision that she still had Mio could see the girl still crying with a big smile on her face. A smile oh so familiar...