Nothing’s Wrong

Inside the bank. The goons are idly waiting for Golaith to make his entrance so they can start the heist.

One of the goons reaches for his cellphone in his pocket. It was an old Nokia flip phone, the indestructible ones. He then proceeds to dials a number.

In an alleyway a phone starts ringing. The person picks it up.


It seems like the person was out of breath.

"Kinda...busy here."

"You have the girl with you? If you do you better hurry up to the bank. Boss is waiting for the signal."

" there soon, probably 5 minutes or so."

The girl was carrying Mio on her shoulders and was walking towards the bank where a van was parked near the bank entrance. The goons were idly waiting inside the van.

She tapped on the window and the thugs rolled down the window.

"Here she is"

"You're late. Boss ain't gonna like that."

"She here ain't she?"

"Imma let the guys know"

A phone rings. A big hand picks up the phone. It looks like the person is in a truck.

"Boss, we have the girl."

"Good, tell the others to start phase 2. We will be at the rendezvous point."

He puts down the phone.

It seems that his plan to lure the girl worked... But it wasted a fair amount of time. Let's see if this pans out the way he hoped it would be.

Inside the bank. The two goons were reading a book in a corner when they received the signal to start the plan.

Three more goons came inside the bank each with a backpack. As soon as they came in they threw a smoke grenade inside the bank. The smoke filled the bank and it was not very visible from the outside. The goons took that opportunity to arm themselves and conceal their faces.

Before the smoke cleared the goons shot two guards that were guarding the entrance of the bank. With precision the goons positioned themselves to cover each corner of the bank.

The smoked cleared and and a goon raised his voice.


Then a large figure appeared through the door. He was about 7 feet tall and carried a briefcase which in comparison looked liked a cheap prop for dolls.

"Where girl?"

"Not here yet sir."

"She late. She very bad."

Outside the girl saw the smoke from the outside of the bank.

"I guess this is what he means by luring the girl. I have to hurry inside or else the boss will get angry."

Inside the bank Goliath looked at the chaos that ensued.

"Sacrifices. More Sacrifices!!"

"Boss, if we kill anymore people we might attract more attention then we need to."

Amongst the gunfire inside the bank there were still people face down on the floor fearing for their lives. The ones that were killed left a pool of blood behind.

A security guard who managed to hide amongst the smoke. Appeared right in front of the goons in a botched attempt at becoming a hero. He pulled his gun towards Goliath and shot him in the head.

"Don't worry folks Gerald the security guard is here to help."

The bullet from the security guard's gun was ineffective, it ricocheted off his head and fell to the floor.

"I felt a scratch on forehead."

"Huh? I thought i done smacked you with a Gerald special."

He reloaded his pistol and started to empty his clip into the 7 foot giant.

"Take that! And that! Gerald shoot! Gerald bang! Gerald Bang times 2!!"

The bullets fell to the floor. Goliath walked towards him and as he ran out of bullets. He saw what seems to be a beast of a human. He lifted the security guard off the floor and snarled.

"Me Angry!! Where is Sword!!"

"Uhmm...don't worry citizens Gerald is gonna save you somehow??"

He struggled to get out of Goliath's grasp but it was no use. In an instant Goliath ripped the security guard in half. And threw his body in the corner.

"Where is girl? She late. She need to give me sword."

The goons haven't been able to witness his power so they were stunned at what he could become. A beast, a wild animal hunting for its prey. A humanoid monstrosity that walked and talked like a human.

The girl walked in with Mio to find the remains of a security guard on the floor with a pool of left behind.

She was greeted by the rest of the goons that were with Goliath. She could hear angry snarling in the background. When she checked what the noise was she could see Goliath ripping apart some of the bankers. She covered her mouth and kept a distance away from him.

She laid Mio against a pillar. She calmed down and called for Goliath.

"Boss I have the girl."

Goliath sensed the blade. He charged right at the girl and stopped in an instant.

"Girl waste time. Me kill many people for blade."

"She is here ain't she?"

He saw the girl. He remembered what happened a couple months back with Charlotte. He knew she was the one to awaken the blade before Charlotte had to.

"No excuse."

He slapped her across the face and fell to the ground. She got up and covered her now bruised face. Goliath grabbed her by her hair and pulled her in a direction that put her facing towards him.

"Charlotte should not have saved you..."

He threw her again on the floor. This time she struggled to get up. She was silently sobbing as she stood only on her knees.

She didn't know what to do. Face with this abuse she heard a click and then a henchman appeared to put a gun at her forehead. She was trembling now shock with fear and sorrow she questioned his actions.

"Why?? I did what I asked. Why??"

He shrugged, "Boss' orders. Sorry and Goodnight"
